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    The Rayatz of
    Lubavitch zt’l says,
    “People think that all
    they need to do is wait
    for Moshiach, but they
    forget that in
    Mitzrayim, they needed
    tefillah, too, and only
    then they were saved.”
    This is perhaps
    surprising. Hashem
    promised Avraham that
    he would take the
    Jewish nation out of
    Mitzrayim. The time
    had arrived, but they
    required tefillos.
    Without tefilla, the
    Yidden wouldn’t leave Mitzrayim. Everything
    is attained through tefillah.
    It states (2:23-24) “And Bnei Yisrael sighed
    from the labor, they cried out, and their cry
    ascended to Hashem from the labor.” “And
    Hashem heard their cry, and Hashem
    remembered His covenant,” and Hashem
    remembered his promise to the Avos that he
    will take the Yidden out of Mitzrayim.
    The Rabbeinu b’Chayei writes, “The time for
    redemption had arrived, but they didn’t
    deserve to be saved. They davened a lot to

    Hashem, and Hashem accepted their tefillos.
    This teaches us that the future redemption
    depends on teshuvah and tefillah. To be
    redeemed from Mitzrayim, they needed
    teshuvah and tefillah”, and also, to be
    redeemed from our present galus, we need
    Hashem performed many miracles by Yetzias
    Mitzrayim, but one miracle didn’t occur, the
    healing of Moshe Rabbeinu’s speech
    impediment. Moshe said to Hashem (4:10) “I
    am heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue.” The
    Ramban writes, “Moshe said, ‘Don’t
    command me to go to Pharaoh because it isn’t
    proper that the Master of all should send a
    messenger with a speech impediment to speak
    to a king of a country.”
    The solution was that Hashem heals Moshe.
    The Ramban writes, “Hakadosh Baruch Hu
    didn’t heal Moshe because Moshe didn’t
    daven for it.” Nothing happens without
    Think about a person who has permission to
    take whatever he wants from the king’s
    treasury. He arrives at the treasury but doesn’t
    have the key! He can’t get inside! He can’t
    take anything! This is what happens to a
    person who doesn’t daven. Hashem wants to
    give us so much, but we must open His
    treasury. We open it with tefillah.

    The Chofetz Chaim zt’l gives a mashal of a
    wealthy person who says to a poor man,
    “Come to my office, and I will give you
    money.” The poor man never came, so he
    never received. Hashem wants to give us
    wealth, shidduchim, health, and more, but
    sometimes, the only way to get it is with
    tefillah. If you don’t ask, you don’t get it.
    Rebbe Dovid’l, the Tolna Rebbe zt’l arrived at
    the inn of a Jewish couple, and he asked them
    to give him a lot of money. The amount he
    asked for was their entire savings. The couple
    debated it among themselves until they
    decided to give what the Rebbe requested.
    The Rebbe went outside the inn, pointed to the
    left, and said to his gabbai, “It would be good
    if a large inn is built over there.” Then, he
    pointed to the right and said, “and a large
    stable over there,” and he spoke about other
    renovations that would benefit the grounds.
    There was a misnaged in the inn at the same
    time, and he was upset that the Rebbe asked
    the innkeepers to give away all their savings
    to him. Moreover, he found it strange that the
    Rebbe spoke about an imaginary, large inn
    and a stable.
    But years later, he returned to the inn and saw
    that everything Rebbe Dovid’l said occurred.
    There was a large inn where the Rebbe had
    suggested and a large barn. Everything was

    exactly as the Rebbe had said. The couple who
    owned the inn was now very wealthy.
    He immediately traveled to Tolna and said to
    the Rebbe, “Everything you said occurred.
    Now I know that you are a holy man. But
    please explain to me why you took away from
    the couple their savings?”
    The Rebbe replied that it was destined from
    heaven that this couple becomes rich, but
    without tefillah, it wouldn’t happen. They
    weren’t davening because they never felt the
    need to daven for their parnassah. So, I took
    away their financial security, they poured out
    their hearts to Hashem, and they received the
    financial blessings that were due to them.”
    We don’t know what Hashem has in store for
    us. Perhaps wealth, children talmidei
    chachamim, or other beautiful blessings. But
    Tefillah is the key to attaining it.