07 Oct Simcha on Sukkos
There is a special mitzvah of simcha on Sukkos. Chazal teach us in Sukka (51a) that a person who never witnessed the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva never witnessed true simcha in his life. The gemara describes in great detail the view that was seen in Yerushalayim and the great juggling acts that took place at the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva. The Yerushalmi in Sukka (5:a) says that the reason why it is called Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva is because people would draw Ruach HaKodesh from the simcha at the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva. Yona became a Navi because he was oleh regel and therefore was zocheh to Ruach HaKodesh due to the simcha he experienced.
There are a few reasons for the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva. Rashi in Sukkah (42a) says that the reason was because on Sukkos they poured water on the Mizbeach. The Maharsha in Sukkah (50b) explains that is was because water was created during the Sheishes Yemei bB’reishis and since the world’s water supply is judged on Sukkos, Hashem commanded us to pour water on the Mizbeach so there should be plenty of rain.
Another reason is brought down in Tosfos in Shabbos (21a). Tosfos asks, how were the wicks for the candles of Simchas Beis Hasho’eva allowed to be made from the clothing of the Kohanim? Why wasn’t this considered me’ilah (using hekdesh improperly)? The Riy answers that since the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva was in honor of the Korban Tamid, and it was actually part and parcel of the korban, me’ilah does not apply. The only problem with this answer is that the Tamid was brought during the day, whereas the Simcha of Bais Hasho’eiva was done at night. Since they prepared the water from the night before and they needed to have light to do so, this preparation was also part of the korban and therefore there was no me’ilah involved. That is why the gemara in Sukka (53a) quotes Reb Yehoshua ben Chananyeh saying that during the time of Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva nobody had time to sleep. The whole process was one big simcha to bring the water together with the Korban Tamid.
The Rambam in Sefer HaMitzvos Asseh(4) says the simcha at the Simchas Bais Hasho’eiva was a result of simchas hachag. The Chinuch agrees with this position and says there is a special mitzvah to have simcha on Yom Tov, whether it is eating meat or drinking wine etc. The question arises; why is there a Simchas Bais Hasho’eva only on Sukkos? The Yalkut Shimoni explains that since our grain is judged on Pesach and a person does not know how his crop will grow, it does not say simcha. On Shavuos it only says simcha one time because the grains are already ripe. The fruit trees, which are judged on Shavuos, are still hanging in balance, we don’t know whether or not it will be a good year. On Sukkos we have the word simcha three times; for the crops, the fruit trees and for kaparas avonos on Yom Kippur.
The Rashbam in Vayikra (23:39) says the reason we are be’simcha on Sukkos is because when we are in the time of harvest we see the greatness of Hashem in how He filled our houses with great food and wealth. For that we thank Hashem and are be’simcha. It is also a time for the Baalei Teshuva to be thankful. This really includes all of us since it is after kapporas avonos on Yom Kippur. That is why the gemara describes the various types of Yidden and how they thanked Hashem. The Chassidim and Anshei Ma’aseh said, “Praised is our youth that did not embarrass us after we aged.” The Baalei Teshuva said, “Praised is our old age that it was mechaper for our young age.”
Sukkos is a Yom Tov and a happy time for everyone alike. May we all be zocheh to experience true simcha.