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    After the horrific
    terrorist attacks of
    October 7, there was a
    sudden burst of interest
    in tzitzis. So many
    people, particularly
    soldiers, wanted to start
    wearing tzitzis that there
    was a severe shortage. Based on the sudden
    demand, the IDF Rabbinate needed 60,000
    garments with tzitzis fringes. Volunteers
    joined together to wrap and tie tzitzis for
    soldiers on special khaki garments. This
    became such a phenomenon that the media
    reported on it at the time and it was even
    recently mentioned by the Christian editor of
    First Things magazine. However, there is a
    question whether soldiers should wear tzitzis.
    On very hot days, the additional tzitzis
    garment may add to the stress of the heat.
    When a soldier engages in a physically
    challenging exercise or even battle, he may
    sweat profusely on the tzitzis garment (also
    known as a tallis katan). Perhaps that is
    disrespectful to the tzitzis. More importantly,
    perhaps the additional clothing will harm
    the soldier’s health or reduce his ability to
    function. Is it proper for a soldier in such a
    circumstance to refrain from wearing a tzitzis
    I. The Importance of Tzitzis
    On the one hand, the Torah obligation is

    for a man to wear tzitzis on four-cornered
    garments. A garment with more, fewer or no
    corners is not obligated in tzitzis (Shulchan
    Aruch, Orach Chaim 10:1). Nowadays, we do
    not regularly wear four cornered garments. In
    order to fulfill the mitzvah, men wear tzitzis
    garments (usually under our shirts) with four
    corners, in addition to a large tallis during
    morning prayers. Technically, we are not
    obligated to wear a tzitzis garment. If so, it
    should be totally optional and a soldier should
    be free to refrain from wearing one when it is
    uncomfortable or potentially harmful.
    However, the Gemara (Menachos 41a) says
    that Rav Katina was wearing a cloak that was
    exempt from tzitzis. An angel warned him
    that he would be punished for failing to wear
    a cloak with tzitzis. Rav Katina objected that
    he was not obligated in tzitzis. How can he
    be punished for failing to fulfill a mitzvah
    in which he was not obligated? The angel
    replied that at a time of divine anger, people
    are punished for failing to take the initiative
    and fulfill a positive mitzvah. This Gemara
    implies that we are required to find ways to
    obligate ourselves in a mitzvah and fulfill it.
    Otherwise, we risk punishment at a bad time.
    Similarly, the Gemara (Pesachim 113b)
    says that seven people are excommunicated
    from Heaven. One of these seven is someone
    who does not wear tzitzis on his clothing.
    Tosafos (ad loc., s.v. ve-ein) say that this
    refers to someone who has a tzitzis garment

    and doesn’t wear it. Or perhaps it means
    that you must even go out and buy such a
    garment in order to wear it. If a man refrains
    from obligating himself in this mitzvah, he is
    judged harshly.
    Presumably the reason for the expectation of
    wearing a tzitzis garment is that the mitzvah
    is said to be considered equivalent to all the
    other mitzvos combined (Menachos 43b).
    Whether or not that is meant literally, it
    clearly means that this mitzvah is important.
    Generally speaking, it is so easy to fulfill,
    failing to wear tzitzis is a conscious choice
    not to do a mitzvah. The Gemara (Shabbos
    118b) says that Rav Nachman was careful to
    never walk four amos without wearing tzitzis
    (see Rashi, ad loc.). Particularly relevant for
    soldiers, Rav Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (20th
    cen.) writes that tzitzis serves as protection
    for the one who wears it, as it says (Ps. 17:8)
    “hide me under the shade of your corners”
    (Ben Ish Chai, year 1, Noach, intro.).
    II. Tzitzis and Ball Playing
    There is an ongoing debate among halachic
    authorities whether it is ever appropriate to
    wear a tzitzis garment directly on your skin.
    On the one hand the mitzvah is to wear tzitzis
    strings on a garment. Rav Shlomo Zalman
    Auerbach (20th cen., Israel) says that since
    it is normal to wear a shirt directly on your
    skin, there is nothing wrong with wearing
    a tzitzis garment on your skin (Halichos
    Shlomo, Tefillah 3:11). Rav Yisroel Belsky
    (21st cen., US) says that since the garment
    is intended for a mitzvah, we should treat
    it respectfully and wear it on top of an
    undershirt (Piskei Halachah of HaRav
    Yisroel Belsky on Orach Chaim and Yoreh
    De’ah [March 2012], p. 28). Rav Shmuel
    Katz (cont., Israel) published a halachic
    guide to tzeni’us for Religious Zionist
    youth that was popular when I was young
    in the 1980s. He writes that he asked both
    Rav Ovadiah Yosef and Rav Mordechai
    Eliyahu whether it is proper to wear a tzitzis
    garment directly on your skin on a very hot
    day. Rav Yosef told him that it is allowed
    when necessary. Rav Eliyahu told him
    that you always have to wear it on top of
    an undershirt (Kedoshim Tihyu [expanded
    edition], p. 104 nn. 67-68). Rav Ephraim
    Greenblatt (21st cen., US) quotes this book
    and adds that presumably Rav Eliyahu was
    concerned about treating a tzitzis garment
    disgracefully (Rivevos Ephraim, vol. 4,
    no. 14 part 1). Rav Greenblatt adds that in
    the back of Kedoshim Tihyu (p. 252), the
    author includes a letter from Rav Binyamin
    Zilber (20th cen., Israel) who says that you
    may occasionally wear a tzitzis garment on
    your skin but should not do it on a regular
    Rav Shmuel Katz also says that while
    playing ball, you should not remove your
    tzitzis garment if you are sweating a bit
    (Kedoshim Tihyu, p. 105). It is better to
    wear a light tzitzis garment and sweat into
    it than to wear none. Similarly, Rav Belsky
    (ibid.) says that when playing ball, it is

    better to wear a tzitzis garment on your skin
    rather than not wear it at all. Rav Binyamin
    Zilber (Az Nidberu, vol. 2, no. 55) writes
    that someone who removes a tzitzis garment
    because it interferes with his ball game is
    insulting a mitzvah (tucking tzitzis in is fine).
    If you need to wear tzitzis while praying
    and learning Torah in order to remember the
    mitzvos, you are required even more to wear
    tzitzis during leisure activities.
    III. A Soldier and Tzitzis
    Based on the above, it would seem that a
    soldier should wear a tzitzis garment on top
    of an undershirt. If the heat is too much, he
    may wear a light (i.e. cotton) tzitzis garment,
    even if he sweats. However, Rav Shlomo
    Aviner (cont., Israel) was told that some
    commanders insist that a soldier to wear any
    extra clothing on a difficult training exercise
    or military engagement. When every ounce
    being worn or carried for long distances
    matters, an extra piece of clothing is an
    extra burden (Hilchos Madei Tzahal, p. 32).
    Rav Aviner says that a soldier is allowed to
    refrain from wear a tzitzis garment for limited
    amounts of time if he feels it is necessary.
    Of course, he should not refuse orders or
    fight with his commander. But, Rav Aviner
    adds, it is hard to understand how a tzitzis
    garment adds meaningful weight to a soldier.
    Additionally, it is best to wear a tzitzis
    garment while fighting. Bar Kochba’s army
    fought while wearing tefillin! In our time, we
    can at least wear tzitzis while fighting.
    A 1971 halachah guide for Israeli soldiers,
    Dinei Tzava U-Milchamah by Rav Shlomo
    Min HaHar and others, also strongly
    encourages soldiers to wear tzitzis. However,
    a soldier is allowed to use his discretion
    whether to remove his tzitzis garment or just
    his undershirt (p. 36). Similarly, Rav Asher
    Weiss (cont., Israel) allows for leniency in
    certain cases (Responsa Minchas Asher, vol.
    3, no. 47). The concern here is not violating
    a prohibition or even failing to fulfill a
    commandment. The issue is denigrating
    a mitzvah by failing to chase after an
    opportunity to fulfill it. In a case of significant
    need during difficult exercises on extremely
    hot days, a soldier may refrain from wearing
    a tzitzis garment.
    Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon (cont., Israel) writes
    that it is true that, when necessary, a soldier
    may refrain from wearing a tzitzis garment.
    However, he adds, it is not worth it to act
    leniently because the mitzvah is so important
    (Halachah Mi-Mkorah, Tzava, vol. 1, p. 53).
    The mitzvah adds divine protection to the
    soldier and tzitzis serves as a reminder of the
    obligation to observe all the Torah’s laws,
    which is particularly important in the social
    atmosphere of the army.