27 Nov Spending Shabbos With Our Bubbies and Zaidies
An estimated fifty thousand people came to Chevron for Shabbos last week, in honor of Parshas Chaya Sarah. They came from all areas of Eretz Yisroel and from all around the world, some flying in just for this occasion. They slept in Yeshiva dorms, in tents, in cars (with the battery disconnected), and even on mattresses in the streets under the stars. They endured some minor inconveniences to be sure. But it was well worth it because they were all there for one purpose — to spend Shabbos with our Bubbies and Zaidies.
The weekend starts well before Shabbos of course, with planning and organizing ongoing for months. A major highlight occurs early on Friday morning with toys distributed by members of the Flatbush community to the children of Chevron in the Talmud Torahs and the gans, even as they were coming off the buses. Some 500 toys and games are given out in a tradition that’s been ongoing for over twenty years. “The kids look forward to all year long,” one participant explains “They are so brave to be living here, we just want to do something special for them.”
The sun shines brightly all day on Erev Shabbos as well as on Shabbos and one feels the sense of anticipation all day long as hundreds pitch tents all over the lawn while others pull up their cars and RV’s and disconnect the batteries so they could sleep inside. Every type of Jew of all ages is represented, many of them sleeping and eating their seudahs in a variety of innovative ways. They are one big happy family, filled with tremendous achdus and unity that prevails over the festivities all weekend long.
A sense of peace and serenity pervades as Shabbos is ushered in by 50,000 fellow Jews. It’s difficult to describe the size of the crowds, the flow of humanity coming in and out of the Me’arah all weekend long. A huge debt of gratitude is due to the security forces, both the IDF and the mishtarah, who are a constant presence and keep a watchful eye on the proceedings all day and night. Of course, a tremendous siyata dishmaya hovers over this area and allows everything to happen.
As the sun descends upon Chevron on Leil Shabbos, there are several minyanim organized both in the Me’arah as well as on the front lawn. Among the largest is a Carlebach style davening led by Flatbush’s very own Sruly Hersh and joined by thousands. One could feel the kedusha everywhere on that enchanted evening.
Shabbos seudos are celebrated in many different venues. Members of the Chevron and Kiryat Arba communities open their homes to dozens of guests, in true Avrohom Avinu style. On this Shabbos there are no strangers among klal yisroel
Makeshift Shabbos seudos are set up in random nooks and crannies all over the streets of the city, with folding tables and plastic chairs . The largest seudos are hosted by Chabad of Chevron, and sponsored by an anonymous benefactor. Some 3500 guests share these seudos in several massive tents that are beautifully appointed with dozens of hanging chandeliers, floral bouquets on each of 500 tables, and lavish and generous portions. It is arguably the world’s biggest Shabbos seudah ever.
It may be an early Shabbos, but nobody is ready to go to sleep early, not with so much activity in the streets of Chevron. On this crisp November evening, most guests are enjoying the meaningful conversations, the walking tours, and the various Oneg Shabbos celebrations held in the shuls and in the homes of some of Chevron’s heroes. Thousands walk through their living rooms, lounge on their mirpesets, and sample their chulents, but they don’t blink. Hachnosas orchim is in their genes.
Shabbos morning minyanim are held in various locations, starting with netz at the Me’arah and continuing throughout the morning. It’s difficult to describe the special thrill of standing in the Ohel of Yitzchok and Rivka while listening to the ba’al koreh read the parsha that tells us how Avraham Avinu purchased this very land from Efron. The parsha continues with the story of the shidduch of Yitzchok and Rivka, and the significance of being at their Ohel, which is rarely open to the Jewish community, isn’t lost on anyone.
A public Kiddush sponsored by Hachnosas Orchim of Chevron is held on the main street in from of the Me’arah featuring a variety of drinks, kugels, and rugelach. Despite the size of the crowd, there’s somehow room for everyone. There’s 50,000 guests at this Kiddush, sponsored in memory of Esther Bromberg and Jerry Pasternak, but somehow they don’t run out of cake, chulent, drinks, and kugel. Two tons of cake was ordered just for this occasion.
Sleep is out of the question this Shabbos. Not with so much going on. A full schedule of tours, lectures in both Ivrit and English, farbrengens, and presentations are keeping everyone busy. Members of the Chevron community describe what it’s like to live there, and their stories are a tremendous inspiration.
Thousands take advantage of the opportunity to visit the kever of Osniel ben Knas, the first shofet of klal yisroel, which is located in the H1 area of Chevron, currently controlled by the Palestinian Authority. Dozens of chayalim in full gear somehow keep the peace even while some Palestinian youth are watching from the rooftops. Police barricades keep the local population at a distance, but it’s eerie to see them staring at the massive crowds of Jews strolling in the area. And it reinforces an appreciation of the tremendous courage of the families who live in this area all year long.
The Hebron Fund organization brought about 80 American supporters to join the festivities and to witness the miracle firsthand. They, along with hundreds of other overseas guests, make the trip each year despite the inconvenience and expense, to show solidarity and offer chizuk to this community. Yeshivat Shavei Chevron brought 250 guests of their own.
Musical havdallah ceremonies are held at various locations, and while many begin to pack up their tents the party is far from over. Young people continue to dance in the streets for hours to festive music. A hakoras hatov barbecue is prepared for the chayalim who do an outstanding job. The me’arah is open late so many visit again to say goodnight to their bubbies and zaydies. And the cleanup crew is out in full force, sweeping up after the masses.
By the wee hours of Sunday morning, there is a stillness in the air and the streets of the city are quiet. By and large, the guests have packed up and gone back to their regular routines, the experience of this awesome Shabbos a cherished memory in their hearts.
The ninety one families who live in Chevron will also return to their daily routines. Only their every move is imbued with a higher purpose. Their very presence in this volatile area makes a huge statement.
Despite everything, they’re not worried. Members of these families are invariably happy, smiling, warm, welcoming, and at peace with the world. They live their lives with a powerful emunah and sense of purpose that most of us cannot even fathom. Spending Shabbos among them together with so many members of klal yisroel, is an honor and privilege. And spending Shabbos with the Avos and Imahos of our nation is an awesome and unforgettable experience.