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    They told me this morning
    at the Daf that Super Bowl
    Sunday is the busiest pizza
    day of the year. And 1.33
    billion chicken wings
    will be consumed! As
    everyone gets ready for
    a gastronomic infusion, I
    would also like to weigh-in
    with some thoughts. At the
    outset, I would like to make a very un-American
    confession: I really don’t like football. I just don’t
    relish the idea of watching people hitting another
    human being down to the ground. However, as
    I realize that millions of people do not share my
    feelings, but are rather glued to this sport, I would
    like to share some thoughts on this very American
    The Chofetz Chaim, Zt”l, Zy”a, used to say that
    we could learn something vital from everything
    that goes on around us. He would say that, from
    the telegraph, we learn that every word counts.
    From the radio, we are taught that something said
    on one side of the world can make an impact even
    on people on the other side of the world. From
    trains we learn that being even one minute late
    can make all the difference in the world. I would
    like to suggest that from the sport of football we
    could also learn many vital fundamentals of life.

    One of the basics of the game is that you have
    four tries to get to a first down. Many strategies
    and machinations are employed to reach that
    objective of a first down – and a whole new start.
    This is a very important Jewish philosophy for
    life. The Torah Jew is always trying to make a
    fresh start. In Ashrei, which we say three times a
    day, we conclude with the statement, “Va’anachnu
    n’vareich Kah, mei’atah v’ad olam, Hallelu-Kah
    -And we will bless G-d, from now and forever, we
    will praise him.” The word mei’atah, from now, is
    extremely puzzling. After all, this is not the first
    time we are saying Ashrei. Many of us have been
    saying Ashrei three times a day, every day, for
    many decades. Yet, each time we say ‘from now!’
    The reason we do so is that we are emphasizing
    that each time our praise is new, it’s fresh, it’s
    a new start – and, from now on, it will be more
    meaningful, more heartfelt. We say this every time
    because each time we’re going for a first down.
    The smart person is always trying to make a new
    start in his or her Torah studies. He doesn’t make
    the mistake of looking back and crying over all of
    the wasted years. He doesn’t sigh about what he
    could have known by now -for this is the road to
    yiush- hopelessness, despair, and giving up. Rather,
    he looks to make a new start. For example, he looks
    to start the DafYomi cycle this coming March.
    This is why the Jewish People are always

    compared to the moon – for it constantly renews
    itself. We, too, try not to become stale in our
    marriages but rather attempt to always make a
    fresh start, a new approach to our relationship
    with our life’s mate. Indeed, the laws of Taharas
    HaMishpochah are explained in Masechtas
    Niddah to achieve the ideal that a wife should
    always be to her husband like a kallah, a new bride.
    The objective of football is to score a touchdown.
    This too is a very important lesson. In life, we need
    to focus on goals. Too many people live aimlessly
    and routinely without defined ambitions and goals.
    In order to succeed in the “game” of life, we need
    to establish a set of goals for ourselves. Such
    goals might include spending a certain amount of
    time per week with each of our children; it might
    embrace giving a certain amount of our income
    to tzedakah; it might include ambitions of Torah
    study such as being ma’aver sedra, reviewing
    the weekly parsha each and every week with the
    goal of finally finishing Chumash and Rashi from
    cover to cover; it might be a halachic ambition to
    get an overall knowledge of the Mishnah Bernrah
    or the Kitzur Shulchan Orech; it might be the
    aim of finally learning the meaning of all of our
    daily prayers including the Shir shel Yorn, the
    Daily Psalm. Our goals might also include plans
    to finally learn Tanach – something many of us
    were unable to ‘tackle’ during our yeshiva days.
    Of course, there are many other goals such as
    giving parents nachas, helping one’s spouse
    fulfill a dream, acquiring a good friend, doing
    something for your community, visiting Eretz
    Yisroel, and many others.
    We will find that when we set goals for
    ourselves, our life will take on a much more
    purposeful and meaningful existence. And with
    the fulfillment of our goals, comes the joys and
    thrills of scoring touchdowns.
    Then, there’s the field goal. Sometimes, when
    a team is at the 4th down and the objective
    of scoring a touchdown in the conventional
    manner is bleak, the coach will opt for a second
    best – to kick – with the hope of scoring a field
    goal. While it’s only 3 points instead of 6 or
    7, it’s far better than nothing at all. This too
    is a very great lesson. Sometimes, our goals
    are too grandiose and, when we attempt to
    do too much, we fall on our faces and end up
    accomplishing nothing. This is why so many
    of our new year’s resolutions are left behind in
    the dust – since, when we made our kabolos,
    our commitments, we tried to do too much.
    A classic example of this problem is when
    someone is motivated to pray with more
    kavanah, more concentration. He or she
    attempts to go cold turkey from no kavanah
    at all, all the way to concentrating on every
    single word. This is setting oneself up for
    almost certain failure and disappointment. It
    behooves us to think about the words of the
    Orchos Chaim L’HaRosh who says that we
    should aim to have kavanah in the first bracha
    of Shemone Esrei and the first chapter of Krias
    Shema. Likewise, if we see that we can’t find
    time to be with our children every day, let’s at
    least go for a field goal and find ample time for
    them over the weekend instead of giving up
    entirely. This concept can be applied to most
    areas of life.

    Finally, when the receiver catches the football, he
    runs and employs evasive maneuvers with one sole
    aim – not to get tackled. He never turns around
    and puts up a fight. Our Yeitzer Hara, the evil
    inclination, is likewise constantly attempting to
    tackle and derail us from our spiritual mission. The
    wise person learns to employ evasive maneuvers
    in order not to come head-to-head with the Yeitzer
    Hara. Indeed, the Gemora teaches us, in Masechtas
    Avodah Zarah, that if one has the choice of two
    roads to take, and one of those paths passes by
    women while they are bathing, if he chooses to
    take that path (figuring that he will turn away when
    he comes to that area) he is considered a rasha.
    Such is the condemnation for one who opts for
    open confrontation with the Yeitzer Hara!
    Therefore, when we are in Shul, we should not
    choose to sit at the table (which is generally
    located in the back) where people are talking.
    Similarly, if we know that a group of people is
    talking Shul politics, neighborhood politics, school
    politics, bungalow politics, or office politics, we
    should head for the hills rather than pa1ticipate in
    such potentially spiritually lethal conversations.
    Remember, the name of the “game” is to avoid
    being tacked at all costs. Exposing our children to
    unfiltered or unsupervised Internet is like standing
    in the middle of the football field and proclaiming,
    “Come! Hit me!” Similarly, hanging around with
    the wrong crowd can be detrimental to married life
    and, of course, to yeshiva boys and girls as well.
    May it be the will of Hashem that we can follow
    these “rules” improving our lives, and earning the
    blessings of Hashem for a long life, good health,
    and everything wonderful.