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    Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser is a prominent Torah personality, syndicated columnist, daily radio commentator, and acclaimed
    speaker, known for his exceptional ability to captivate and inspire audiences worldwide. His lectures are accessed around
    the globe by thousands of people through select media outlets.
    Rabbi Goldwasser has traveled extensively, including numerous trips to Eastern Europe, connecting with individuals from
    every background and greatly impacting their communities.
    Rabbi Goldwasser serves on the faculty of Touro College.
    A popular author of thirteen books, Rabbi Goldwasser is a recognized expert in the field of mental health. Topics include:
    inspirational stories of faith and encouragement, Torah insights on various topics, addictions and eating disorders.
    With a perceptive understanding of and sensitivity for each individual, Rav Goldwasser is frequently consulted on numerous
    issues. He spends countless hours counseling students, couples and families who seek guidance and direction in life.
    Rabbi Goldwasser has received the Agudath Israel of America Communal Service Award, Award for Outstanding Service to
    the Jewish Community from the Board of Jewish Education, Distinguished Rabbinic Leadership Award from the Jerusalem
    Reclamation Project, the Humanitarian Award from Beth Torah Organization of the Deaf, and the Special Achievement
    Award from the HEED Prevention Program for Young Adults.
    Rabbi Goldwasser serves on the advisory board of Big Brother/Big Sister, HEED Prevention Program for Young Adults, Shalom Task Force, and the Mentoring
    Program of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office. He is a member of the faculty of The University Without Walls, and serves on the rabbinical board of:
    ChesedNet, Misaskim, Project SPARK, and MASK (Mothers and Fathers Aligned Saving Children).
    Recently Ari Hirsch from The Country Vues had the honor to sit down with Rabbi Goldwasser to discuss many different topics.

    As we begin the Nine Days, how does
    someone deal with all the sadness &
    tragedies that exist in the world today?
    We realize that much of what is happening
    in the world is because we are living in
    the ikvesa d’meshicha – the footsteps of
    Moshiach. Hagaon R’ Elchanan Wasserman
    published a sefer dealing just with the birth
    pains of Moshiach. No doubt that is what
    we are going through today. The only thing
    that we can possibly do is to look for sources
    of chizuk, inspiration and encouragement.
    Rav Shach often said Lulei sorascha
    sha’ashu’oy az avadti b’anyi– were the
    Torah not my greatest joy I would have long
    ago perished in my affliction.”
    The greatest way to happiness is to know the
    potential that we have inside. Maybe right
    now I’m not feeling great. Maybe I didn’t
    accomplish what I wanted; maybe I didn’t
    see that something would happen, but now I
    know I have the potential inside to change.
    If Rabbi Akiva could change at forty, we can

    change too.
    Sara Schenirer, the head
    of the girls Bais Yaakov
    movement, was a seamstress
    in Krakow originally. Girls
    today are learning because of
    her. Rabbi Yisroel Salanter
    started the mussar movement,
    Rabbi Yosef Rosenberger,
    Zecher tzadik livracha, came
    to America and saw that
    shatnez had been forgotten and
    renewed the mitzvah in this
    world. There are many people
    that had so much potential
    in them, but started later in life. They
    discovered that they had something inside
    of them and that should give chizzuk to all
    of us. We can do tremendous things. There
    are so many incredible organizations now.
    For example, Dirshu promotes learning
    throughout the world. There are so many
    chesed organizations: Hatzalah, Misaskim,
    Misameach, and Chaverim to name only
    a few. Misameach is building a center for
    children and adults who would, up until
    now, sit at home and stare at the walls. It’s

    an unbelievable thing!
    When I think of the potential that
    we have, I get excited. I can say:
    You know what? Even me, even
    Goldwasser, can do something
    now. There is tremendous
    simcha knowing that Hashem
    gave me the koach inside to do
    more. I can do something for
    the olam. Maybe there are a lot
    of bad things that happen, but
    there is good to come. Think
    about Taanis Esther; those of
    us that don’t like to fast too
    much can always remember that
    tomorrow will be Purim.
    The fact that the Country Vues has been in
    publication for 40 years and is mechazek
    Klal Yisroel with beautifully written articles,
    inspiration fun sections, and questions that
    make people smile, it shows me that great
    things can happen.
    The beauty is that we all can accomplish
    great things in life. Each one of us has
    kochos ne’elamim – hidden powers.
    The Klausenberger Rebbe lost his entire
    family in the Holocaust. He was beaten,

    tortured and starved. He survived the
    concentration camps and established a
    network of Bais Yaakovs and yeshivos,
    even in the DP camps. In Eretz Yisroel he
    fulfilled his dream in Kiryat Sanz, where

    he established Laniado Hospital, a state-of-
    the-art medical facility open to all. He also

    established another Sanz community in the
    United States in Union City and afterwards
    divided his time between the two.
    When I see the potential that everyone has, I
    believe we all have to be B’Simcha!
    How does a Rav manage to go from one
    extreme to the next and actually feel it?
    How does a busy Rav go from a levaya
    to a vort to a bris back to something sad?
    It’s a very difficult question. The great Rav
    Yosef Eliyahu Henkin was in the Lower East
    Side and the head of Ezras Torah. People
    would come from all over with their tzaros.
    He said it was a neis min hashamayim that
    every day he didn’t have a heart attack.
    The truth is, for me personally, it’s a lot of
    siyata dishmaya to keep my head above the
    water. When you go from a sad occasion to
    a simcha you have to be able to switch and
    change your mindset. The halacha warrants
    this on Shabbos; even though I might be
    very sad on Erev Shabbos, I have to dry
    my tears by candle lighting, put on a smile,
    and try to find the simcha in Shabbos. I can
    go back to the sadness Motzai Shabbos,
    but Hashem tells us, you have to control
    your emotions, and I have to be, as they
    say, moshel. If I can be the ruler over my
    emotions, then I will have shalom, and then
    I will have peace. I have to realize that I’m
    here for the community, I’m not here for
    myself. My personal feelings can’t get in
    the way. If I have a lousy day and I’m upset

    when somebody comes over to me on the
    street, if I don’t give them a smile, then I’m
    robbing them of what they deserve. Just
    because I’m upset doesn’t mean everyone
    else has to be.
    They say that the Chazon Ish was collecting
    money at the levaya of someone in his
    family. People came over to him and asked
    how he could collect money for others when
    he was suffering so greatly. He answered
    that just because he was suffering, it didn’t
    mean that the poor had to suffer, as well.

    The Rav has mentioned in many of his
    lectures that the greatest chesed a person
    can do is making a shidduch. What is the
    secret to making a good shidduch?
    The Chasam Sofer was once asked during
    the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah what a person
    could do to for a zechus during these
    days so that he would merit a favorable
    judgment. The Chasam Sofer answered
    succinctly: Be osek in shidduchim. Make
    a shidduch.
    A person should take it seriously. They
    should keep a small notebook or a list

    on their phone of people they meet, and
    should try to keep their phone numbers.
    We should seriously daven to Hashem to
    be zoche to help Hashem in His work to
    make shidduchim. Take an individual that
    comes in and adopt them, adopt a shidduch,
    adopt a young man, adopt a young woman
    or an older man or woman and don’t stop
    until you have done something concrete for
    them. Whether you make a call for them or
    just keep them in mind. Get information.
    The sincerity in making a shidduch, is what
    makes it work. When a person is serious
    about it and puts their kavanah in, it will
    help them succeed.. They will do it. A lot of
    times you’ll see a person make a shidduch
    who is not a shadchan at all. He is just
    driven to make a shidduch and it works.
    Everybody can do it! Everybody has to try!
    Rav Schach once said that there should be
    no shame in going over to a random person
    and asking them about a shidduch. If you
    have an idea in your head, act on it. Don’t
    leave an act in your head. Act on it!
    One time somebody walked into the Beis
    Medrash and I suddenly had a crazy idea

    that they might be a good shidduch for
    somebody that I knew. I walked over to
    the person, I really didn’t know them well,
    and I said, “By the way are you going out?”
    The person was there with his father and
    he said yes. I said, “Can I be so bold as
    to ask maybe what you’re looking for?”
    It took how long? I was there with him
    for 20-25 minutes. I said “I’ll tell you the
    reason I came over; I have a crazy idea that
    maybe there’s a young woman that might
    be good for you.” They said, “Normally
    if someone would come over like this we
    wouldn’t do it, but when the Rav comes
    over, we’re going to listen.” I gave them
    the name, they researched it, and by the
    end of the week, the couple went out and
    eventually got married. I had to be bold, I
    had to suggest it.
    There are a lot of people in today’s world;
    it’s like we’re fighting against the klippah.
    There’s a klippah that is holding back some
    people. I think we have to fight it and we
    have to take extraordinary measures that
    maybe in previous generations they didn’t
    need to do. We have to realize that every

    person has to tackle this. Every person has
    to take achrayus, responsibility, for those
    people that are in-need. If we say all the
    time “Aniye Ircha,” you have to worry
    about the poor of your city, how about the
    people in shidduchim? How about all the
    people that need to have a life partner, who
    are looking for a life partner? Are they not
    as deserving as the poor of the city? We
    have to watch out for them, too.

    The Rabbi has a lot of experience dealing
    with children at risk. Today there are
    more temptations with technology than
    any other time in history. Assimilation is
    at an all time high. How does a parent
    raise their child the proper way? What
    can they do to try to get their children on
    the proper derech?
    A couple of ways. Before the child is born,
    daven for the child for everything to be
    good. Daven that they should grow up in
    the correct way and have good influences.
    A person has to daven from the beginning.
    Every woman has the chance to daven,
    especially at the time of hadlakas neiros, at
    candle lighting. Everyone has the chance to
    daven, especially during birchas haTorah
    when we talk about the children and the
    children’s children and before Shema. We
    have to give each child great love, warmth,
    and hold them close. We have to make sure

    that the chinuch for each child is tailor-
    made. We need to take into consideration

    the techunas hanefesh of each child, their
    character, and their strengths. We need
    to ensure that every child gets what they
    need “al pi darcho.” How do we send them
    into the best learning situation for them
    and how do we give them encouragement
    and inspiration so that they will love their
    learning and they’ll see beauty in it? We
    cannot force a child to do anything; we
    shouldn’t pressure them, but rather help
    them grow with ahavah, with great love.

    The children should see that the parents
    are on fire. The parents should be strong
    in their Yiddishkeit, with no inconsistency;
    parents shouldn’t say one
    thing and do something else.
    The children will see that the
    parents have great love for
    Torah and mitzvos and will
    follow in that way.
    The parent that is enthusiastic,
    the parent that has hislahavus,
    the parent that sings and
    dances, the parent that knows
    that the children need to see
    the simcha and the ahava and
    the joy in Yiddishkeit, those
    are the parents who will be successful.
    Their children will grow up inspired. And
    even with all of that, it takes a lot of tefillah,
    it takes a lot of prayer. That’s really what
    a person has to keep in mind. Each child
    may be a little different and you should
    never compare children, never show one
    child favoritism. “Oh look, your brother,
    he’s unbelievable in learning” -or- “Your
    sister, she’s so good and she’s so frum in
    every area.” It doesn’t matter; they’re two
    different nefashos, two different neshamos.
    What’s good for one is not necessarily good
    for the other, and they may have sensitivities
    that are completely different.

    The Rav mentioned that the most
    popular sefer that he has written was
    his most recent, “The Promise of The
    Zera Shimshon.’’ Why do you think so
    many people are interested in the Zereh
    It’s the segulah, the promise of the Zera
    Shimshon that anybody who learns it,
    anybody who is involved in the Zera
    Shimshon will see yeshuos, brachos, refuos
    and so forth. I have to tell you the truth; a
    lot of people are learning it for that reason,
    at least initially. Afterwards, they discover
    the beauty, the depth, the lamdus of the Zera

    Shimshon and then they can’t get away from
    it, from all corners, from all backgrounds,
    from all segments of the community. I didn’t
    know that much about the Zera
    Shimshon. An individual asked
    me to give a shiur for single men
    and women, which I was happy to
    do, but I told him that I’d have to
    study up on it first and learn the
    seforim. The first shiur that I gave
    was amazing. People wanted to
    be involved on all levels. They
    had it in a hall and someone
    wanted to sponsor dinner for
    everybody, a smorgasbord, and
    two things happened: The hall
    filled up and they didn’t have enough space
    and then they ran out of food. They had to
    get some local restaurants to actually send
    over food, and they gladly donated it. That’s
    when I began to see the power of the Zera
    Shimshon. After that, we started a daily
    program, where people can listen for five
    minutes a day. There’s a conference that
    goes out every day at 4:00, and it has grown
    beyond expectations, bli eiyin hara. A lot
    of people have been in contact with me for
    shidduchim, for parnassah, etc. People learn
    it for a zechus, for a refuah shelaima, for
    shalom bayis, etc. and there is something
    very powerful about it, and I have seen that
    it has helped. It’s the koach of Torah; it’s
    not a mystical magic, but rather learning
    and believing. It’s tzavaah and the will and
    the promise that was left over by the Zera
    Shimshon. So, I think that it just caught on
    across the world.
    There are so many different types of people
    from all different backgrounds who show
    up to the yahrzeit seuda. It’s such a nice
    thing that has united people in Eretz Yisroel
    and here. Some of the most sincere people
    are involved in the Zera Shimshon and the
    national organization. I believe that because
    of the sincerity of all these people, it really
    has affected a lot of people. It has grown so

    much; it’s something
    that’s contagious.

    Over the years, I’ve
    seen the Rav at many
    political events,
    whether it was with
    Dov Hikind, with
    Noach Dear, or the
    different Mayors of
    New York city etc.
    What is the reason
    that the Rav gets
    involved with local
    My mother was an
    isha chachama. She
    had great wisdom and said to me, “Listen.
    I know that you get involved, but I give
    you a little warning- don’t get involved
    with everything.” Over the years, people
    from different backgrounds and political
    endeavors have reached out to me. I
    don’t always get involved, but if I could
    be of service to them because of their
    involvement or affiliation, they may do
    something for the Jewish community, for
    the Torah community, or for Eretz Yisroel,
    I have been willing to get involved in that
    case when someone reaches out to me.
    There are people in the political arena that
    are openly anti-Semitic, openly anti-Israel,
    openly anti-morals and ethics. I have joined
    together with different leaders from various
    communities to forge a bond and to create
    peace. I think we have to support those who
    will help, those who want to be a friend to
    the Jewish people and a friend to Israel. I
    think that we have to do whatever we can
    and let them know that we support them. If
    we don’t, they might think that we’re not
    with them or maybe they’ll think that our
    cause is not so important. There are a lot of
    good friends that I’ve seen over the years,
    a lot of people have done a tremendous
    amount for our community and for Eretz

    Yisroel. We have to be there to help, to
    educate, to show, to have a presence. I think
    that it’s just part of what we do.

    Is there something that we did not discuss
    that you would like to mention to the
    Jewish Vues readership?
    There are a lot of things I would like
    to mention, but the biggest thing that I
    could say is that in our generation people
    need chizuk, they need encouragement.
    Everybody’s trying, people are under a
    lot of pressure and find that there are a
    lot of challenges today, challenges in the
    world, challenges in technology. A lot
    of people are down. It’s our job to give
    chizuk to each person, but most of all to
    the children. The children today have a
    lot of various pressures; pressure to learn,
    pressure to read faster, pressure to do
    this, pressure to do that. Teenagers have
    pressure to get into high school, to get
    accepted to a seminaryI think that we have
    to be mechazek everyone, no matter what
    they do. Whatever they can shteig in, we
    should support them and encourage them.
    We should not pay attention too much
    to the grades; All of the students are “A
    students” because they’re reaching their
    potential, and doing whatever they can do.
    Maybe there’s one student that was born a
    genius, who’s an A student without even
    trying so hard. But maybe there’s also a
    student that doesn’t have that intellectual
    capability, but they try and they study all
    night, doing the best that they can. Maybe
    the one that studied all night that got a C
    deserves an A? The children need bigger
    chizuk! Children need friends and when
    they go to school, they shouldn’t have to
    worry when they get on the bus that they
    won’t have someone to sit next to. They
    shouldn’t have to worry when they go to
    school that they’re going to be judged by
    this or that. We have to make sure that the
    teachers don’t have favorites in the class.
    Every student should be a favorite. Maybe
    one child is not as smart as the other.
    Maybe one child is a little boisterous
    or doesn’t come from the best home,
    but maybe they could still be a favorite.
    Children need chizuk like adults do. They
    have to feel that we are behind them and
    not that they are a shvach student if they
    need a little extra help.
    I would like to wish all your readers
    worldwide and all of Klal Yisrael a
    meaninful fast and a wonderful summer!!