The Home A first
grade melamed was
confronted with a
problem; one of the
students of his class
was stealing. He
first realized that
there was a
problem when the children of his classroom
began complaining that their snacks, which
they brought from home, were missing.
Then, the melamed noticed that several
classroom items were also missing – such as
books, pens and toys. He began coming to
the classroom when the children were out for
recess and he discovered the child who was
responsible for the thefts. It was a sweet boy,
Yochanan. From all children, the melamed
would never suspect Yochanan. This
six-year-old boy had exceptionally good
middos, he behaved well in class, and as far
as anyone could see, he was brought up in a
very warm, loving, G-d fearing home. The
melamed called Yochanan’s parents and told
them what he discovered. “We can’t just let
these episodes pass,” he pointed out to the
parents. “We must stop the trend, before it
becomes a habit.” The parents said that they
also suspected that there was a problem.
They also saw that items of their home
(including money) were disappearing, and
they promised that they would speak with
their son Yochanan. After speaking with
Yochanan, the parents discovered the root
of the problem. The mother’s elderly
mother lived with them and she slept in
Yochanan’s room. She wasn’t permitted to
eat sugar, but because of her old-age and
failing mind, she didn’t totally realize her
situation. At nighttime, when no one was
around, she would sneak into the kitchen,
steal some sweets and conceal them into her
drawer. Later each morning, when the
elderly grandmother wasn’t watching, the
mother would secretively open up her
drawers, and steal the snacks
back.Yochanan would watch this
happening. He saw his grandmother
stealing, he saw his mother stealing, and
this is how he acquired this bad habit. This
story reminds us that children learn from
what they see. Parents should therefore be
cautious that children see good middos and
yiras shamayim in the home, and then, they
will copy these traits. Parents send their
sons to cheder, their girls to school, and
they think that with that, they’ve completed
their obligation of chinuch. They’ve
forgotten just how influential the home is.
Before Mattan Torah, Hashem said,
– – –
(Shmos 19). The women are called
(see Rashi). Some ask, if are
the men, shouldn’t the women be called
? Why are they called
? We can answer this question with the
following mashal: Someone had a lot of
phlegm in his throat; he couldn’t even
speak. Doctors told him that there were two
remedies to his problem. One method is to
take medicines, which will clean his throat.
The other method is to be in a heated room
with many spices and incense. The
smell of the spices and incense, together
with the heat of the room, will clear up
his throat. These are the two paths that
people can use to conquer the yetzer
hara. One path is to take medicine, and
that medicine is Torah study, as Chazal
say, “I created the yetzer hara, [and] I
created Torah as its remedy” (Kidushin
30). When one studies Torah, he is
cured from the influences of the yetzer
hara. Chazal therefore say, “If you are
confronted with this disgusting [yetzer
hara] draw him into the beis medrash. If
the yetzer hara is hard like a stone, it
will melt. If it is like iron, it will
shatter…” (Sucah 52). Torah is always
the first and strongest remedy people
should use to overcome the yetzer hara.
But what should women do? They don’t
study Torah. They can’t take this
medicine. They should use the second
remedy: They need to be in a warm
house, where good smelling incenses
and spices permeate the atmosphere. Or
in other words, girls should be raised in
a warm and loving home permeated
with the scents of Torah and yiras
shamayim. They should experience in
their home the warmth of Yiddishkeit.
When they do, the yetzer hara will
automatically leave them. The yetzer
hara, and all its inducements, cannot
compete with the wonderful atmosphere
of a Jewish home. All enticements of
the yetzer hara will be ignored, because
she has experienced far better. We now
understand why the Torah refers to
women as the house of
Yaakov, because it is the house, filled
with Torah and yiras shamayim that is
so essential for women. This is their
remedy against the yetzer hara. 8 The
Gemara (Succah 56) says, “A story
happened with
Miriam the
daughter of Bilgah
who was an
apostate and
married a Greek
official. When the
Greeks came into
the heichel of the
Beis HaMikdash
(to defile it, in the
days of the
Chashmona’im) she kicked the mizbeiach
with her sandal and said, ‘Lukos! Lukos!
(Fox in Greek, referring to the mizbeiach).
For how long will you devour the money of
the Jewish people…?’ When the
chachamim heard about [how she disgraced
the mizbeiach, they punished her entire
family].” The Gemara asks, why should the
entire family suffer if one member sinned?
The Gemara replies, “A child speaks in the
marketplace what she hears from her father
or mother.” The chachamim understood
that if Miriam bas Bilgah was kicking and
disgracing the mizbeiach, she must have
acquired this attitude from her parents. Her
parents never kicked the mizbeiach, as
Miriam bas Bilgah did, however, Miriam
bas Bilgah’s behavior implied that her
parents didn’t value the avodah of the Beis
HaMikdash. Her father was a cohen; he
served in the Beis HaMikdash, but his
negative view influenced his family, and
this resulted with Miriam’s disrespectful
deed. Her parents therefore deserved to be
punished together with her. A father was
trying to teach Mishnayos-baal-peh (by
heart) to his son, but the child would
immediately forget everything he learnt.
Apparently, he was born with poor
memory, the father decided. One day, he
was with his son in the market where an
Arab was selling fruits and vegetables. To
attract people’s attention, he was calling out
his wares: “Watermelons, sweet like honey!
Delicious pineapples! Largest selection of
dried fruits! Come here for the best
prices…!” Later that day, the father
overheard his son mimicking the Arab
merchant. He repeated each and every word
that the merchant said, without missing a
syllable. So he does have a good memory,
after-all. The father said to his rav, “I am
afraid that there is something wrong with
my son. He can’t remember Torah. I
thought he has a bad memory. But I
discovered that he has an excellent memory
when it comes to worldly matters. Only
when it comes to Torah, he doesn’t
remember anything.” The rav told him,
“Nothing is the matter. Your son is fine. If
you will learn Mishnayos with your son
with the same fervor the merchant sells his
wares, your son will remember every word
of the Mishnayos as well.” Children pick up
on what is important for the parents. If
emunah, Torah, and yiras shamayim is
important to the parents, the children will
realize it and acquire it.