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    The Mitzvah
    One is obligated to
    send mishloach manos
    on Purim to his friend
    etc. This mitzvah was
    introduced during the
    time of Mordechai and
    Esther and is considered
    a divrei kabbalah
    mitzvah and not a
    d’oraisa. There are two
    basic reasons for this mitzvah; The Terumas
    Hadeshen says the reason is in order that
    everyone should have food for the seuda. The
    opinion of the Manos Ha’Levi is in order to
    promote friendship on Purim one should give
    gifts to one another. The obligation is to send
    two items (which items will be discussed) to
    one person. However, the poskim encourage
    that the more mishloach manos one sends
    the more fortunate he is.When one sends
    mishloach manos he should fulfill the mitzvah
    and satisfy both reasons.For example, one
    who sends clothing has not satisfied both
    reasons, since he cannot use it for the meal
    (refer below). The poskim offer different
    reasons as to why there is no beracha recited
    on the mitzvah of mishloach manos (see
    Eating Before Sending Mishloach Manos
    There are some poskim that say one should
    not eat (a substantial amount of food, tasting
    is permitted) before performing the mitzvah
    of mishloach manos However, most poskim
    say that one is permitted to eat before the
    mitzvah is performed. The reason for this
    leniency is because one will not forget to
    send the mishloach manos, since most of the
    day people are busy sending him mishloach
    manos, therefore, he will remember to give
    as well.
    Mishloach Manos First Or Matanos
    Many say that one should give matanos
    l’evyonim before giving mishloach manos.
    Others maintain that mishloach manos should
    be given before matanos l’evyonim since
    mishloach manos is stated first in the posuk.
    Women’s Obligation
    Some poskim maintain that women are not
    obligated in this mitzvah, however, most
    poskim say that women are obligated to
    send mishloach manos. Women should be
    careful and only send to women and not to
    men.Some poskim maintain that a woman
    who is sending mishloach manos may send
    clothing.Many women are busy preparing
    the mishloach manos, and the men do not
    get involved. However, the men should have
    a role in the mishloach manos as well.Some
    say it is sufficient for a husband and wife to
    send mishloach manos together, thereby the
    mishloach manos is coming from both of

    them A woman who is working for a frum-
    male boss should say that her mishloach

    manos is from my husband.

    Young Children Participating In the
    It is good chinuch for one to train his young
    children in the mitzvah of mishloach manos.
    Some say this can be accomplished by
    appointing your child as your mishloach
    manos deliverer. Others say one should give
    mishloach manos or money to the child to
    buy mishloach manos so that they can fulfill
    this mitzvah. Some poskim hold that children
    over 13 even those who are being supported
    by their parents are obligated, while other
    poskim maintain that they are exempt, and
    are included with their parents.
    The Correct Time
    The correct time to send mishloach manos
    is on the day of Purim, and not the night of
    the Megilla reading.If one sent his mishloach
    manos at night he was not yotzei his
    obligation and he must fulfill his obligation of
    mishloach manos by day. (However, one must
    keep in mind this is only the first one that one
    is sending. The mishloach manos that he will
    be sending to other people may be given at
    What to Send?
    Some say that one may send the same type of
    food as long as it is two separate pieces,for
    example, one may send two of the same
    type of fruits. Most poskim maintain that
    it has to be two separate tasting foods.For
    example, one may send a piece of meat and a
    cracker, etc. One is not yotzei two minim with
    sending an ice cream sandwich. The reason is
    because sending one min with two berachos
    is considered one min.Two different berachos
    are not required to be considered two different
    manos according to any opinion. One does
    not have to only send food items; a drink is
    considered a food item as well, therefore, one
    may send one drink item and one food item.
    Many poskim maintain that one may not send
    raw food as mishloach manos. Others say that
    raw food is permitted since one can cook the
    food if he wishes. One may send a frozen
    food since it is possible that one may defrost
    it. One may send packaged food even though
    it is not fit to eat “as is,” since he has to open
    the package prior to eating the food. Sending
    breadwith a tavshil is considered two minim.
    Some send candies or chocolate as mishloach
    manos. One should send food that can be
    eaten by the seuda to at least one person.
    Non-Food Items
    One who sends non-food items as mishloach
    manos was not yotzei his obligation of
    mishloach manos. A person may not send a
    sefer as mishloach manos. Money may not
    be sent either. Some poskim say that one may
    send non-food items, however, this does not
    seem to be the custom.
    The Shiur
    There is a certain amount of uncertainty as to
    exactly what the shiur of mishloach manos
    is. Some say that the food sent should consist
    of 6-7 oz. of food,while others maintain one
    should send the amount of food he would

    serve his own guest. The poskim stress that
    an important size (daver chashuv) should be
    given. One may send a candy tray since it is
    different minim. The minhag seems to be to
    send cake and chocolate as mishloach manos.
    Sending a Item without a Good Hechsher
    One who sends food to someone who does
    not trust that specific hechsher was still yotzei
    his mitzvah of mishloach manos. The same
    holds true for someone who sends a certain
    item to his friend who is on a diet, and does
    not eat that specific food.
    Giving It on One Plate At One Time
    The custom is that the two manos may be
    given in one utensil and it is still considered
    giving two manos. Initially, one should give
    both manos at the same time; others maintain
    that if one gave them one after the other it is
    Do You Need a Messenger?
    Some poskim maintain that one should only
    send the mishloach manos with a shliach–
    messenger. Most poskim maintain that one
    does not have to send it with a shliach, and
    one may deliver it by himself. Nonetheless,
    one should send at least one set of mishloach
    manos with a messenger to go in accordance
    with all opinions. One may send the
    mishloach manos through a young child or a
    goy. Some say the reason why the mishloach
    manos recipient gives money to the young
    child when he delivers the mishloach manos
    is because this way the sender is assured that
    the child accomplished his shlichos.
    Who to Send It To?
    One should send the mishloach manos to
    his friends since the posuk says “r’eyhu.”
    Some poskim maintain that one should not
    send the mishloach manos to someone that
    he does not get along with since he is not his
    r’eyhu.Others maintain sending mishloach
    manos to someone you do not get along with
    is encouraged, since it will hopefully bring
    r’eyhus. One’s Rebbe is considered a friend,
    and therefore, one may send mishloach
    manos to his Rebbe.A person may send
    mishloach manos to his in-laws. There is a
    discussion in the poskim whether if one sends
    mishloach manos to his parents is he yotzei
    the mitzvah. It would seem that sending
    mishloach manos to them is a fulfillment of
    the mitzvah. Many poskim maintain that one
    is not yotzei mishloach manos when sending
    to a child under bar-mitzvah. A person’s wife
    is considered his friend and therefore one may
    send mishloach manos to her.
    A Morner- A mourner has an obligation
    to send mishloach manos on Purim like
    everyone else. A mourner who is within the
    year for his or her parents or a mourner who
    is within the shloshim of other relatives may
    not receive mishloach manos. One may send
    mishloach manos to a mourner’s wife. A Rav
    who is a mourner may still accept money on
    Purim which is usually given to him as an
    expression of hakaras hatov. Some poskim
    maintain that the Rav should not be given

    food. If one’s parent is a mourner, one may
    send them mishloach manos anyway.
    Being Yotzei Through A Seuda Etc.
    One that hosts the seduas Purim for his
    family/friends may be yotzei the mitzvah of
    mishloach manos through this meal.When
    one accepts mishloach manos it becomes his
    own personal property, and he can whatever
    he likes with it. For example; he may send
    what he received to someone else, and it is
    still considered as if he bought the mishloach
    manos. Once the sender sent mishloach
    manos, it does not make a difference if the
    recipient used it at his meal, the sender was
    still yotzei his obligation.
    Arranging Mishloach Manos through a
    Store or Company
    If one is unable to prepare his own mishlaoch
    manos and he arranges for an organization to
    prepare and send it for him, he was yotzei his
    Different Scenarios
    Sent It But Got Lost Or Stolen – if one sent
    mishloach manos and it was lost or stolen one
    was not yotzei and he must send it again. It
    Was Sent Before Purim– according to some
    poskim if one sent mishloach manos before
    Purim and it was received on Purim one has
    fulfilled his obligation,[ while others maintain
    that one was not yotzei. The Recipient Is
    Mochel– if for some reason the recipient says
    he does not want the mishloach manos, the
    sender was not yotzei in his obligation. Sent
    It Without A Name– if one sends mishloach
    manos and his name was not written on the
    package he was not yotzei his obligation. Left
    It By The Door– it is very common for people
    to leave mishloach manos at the door when
    none is home. In this situation if the recipient
    plans on coming home before nightfall, the
    sender has fulfilled his obligation. If One’s
    Wife Accepted The Mishloach Manos– in
    a situation where one’s wife accepted the
    mishloach manos on behalf of her husband
    the sender is only yotzei if the wife tells her
    husband that he received mishloach manos
    from this and this person. (In all the above
    situations we are discussing if one is only