Reb Shimshon Pinkus zt’l related that he knew two men, both earned more or less the same amount of money. Both had large families and were in the stage of marrying off their children. But just as similar as were their life situations, so were their dispositions different. One of them was always happy and made everyone around him happy. The other one was bitter and nervous.
Reb Pinkus said, “I asked the happy person, ‘Why are you happy? Aren’t you worried about the chasunah expenses?’ “He replied, ‘My wealthy דוד) uncle) is paying for the wedding, up to the last penny.” “I responded, ‘I didn’t know you have a wealthy דוד.‘ “He replied, ‘I was referring to (Shir HaShirim Hakadosh, הזו†ידוד†הז†16:5( יער†Baruch Hu is called ידוד†.He has all the money in the world, and He will pay for all my expenses.’”
Reb Shimshon Pinkus approached the other man, the sad, bitter one, and asked him why he was so worried. He barked, “Why shouldn’t I be worried? Do you have any idea how expensive a chasunah is? I do not know how I will come up with the money.” I told him, “I don’t have an answer. You are asking a good question but let me tell you a story: “A business consultant advised Shimon to build an apartment building on the beach. Shimon asked, ‘How can I do that? The building will sink in the sand!’ The advisor replied, ‘Good question. I don’t know the answer but take a look around you. Don’t you see that many people are building on the seashore? Apparently, it can be done.’” Reb Shimshon Pinkus concluded, “I don’t know how you can get the money, but there are many people who earn the same amount as you do, are in the same financial situation as you are in, and somehow they manage to marry off their children. It can be done. Hashem helps. So why are you so worried?”
The Beis Yaakov (Vayeira אריו†ד”ה†(written by a student of Rebbe Bunim of Pshischa zt’l writes, “The counsel for everything is to be happy, always. Happiness brings salvation. My Rebbe (Reb Bunim zt’l) told me this explicitly, when I told him that my son was dangerously ill. He said that he doesn’t have any advice for me other than to be happy. So I followed his counsel and gave money to chasidim so we can eat and drink together with ahavas chaveirim, and my son was immediately healed, with Hashem’s help.”
A fool was once very sad. “Why are you sad?” his friends asked. “I just lost a lot of money.” “What happened?” “I went to the bank and asked for ten million dollars. The cashier refused to give me the cash. I had grand plans on how I was going to spend the money, and now all is lost.” Obviously, he didn’t lose anything because it was never his. Similarly, people are upset when they try to earn money and fail, but there is no reason to be upset because they didn’t lose anything. That money wasn’t meant for them.
And even if you had money and lost it, that’s also not a reason to be upset because that money was never yours to keep. Hashem gave it to you to hold on to, like a mashkon, and now He took it back from you. You didn’t lose anything.