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    During many eras in
    Jewish history, Jews
    converted to other
    religions, whether due
    to physical, financial
    or social pressure
    or otherwise. Many
    of these wayward
    Jews returned to the Jewish community,
    sometimes after escaping the country.
    While a Jew who sins remains Jewish
    (Sanhedrin 44a), he might still have to
    undergo a return ritual in order to become
    a community member in good standing.
    I. Return Rituals
    We find three or four views on the
    1) Rav Shlomo Ben Shimon Duran
    (Rashbash, 15th cen., Algeria; Responsa,
    no. 89) says that not only apostates who
    grew up Jewish but even their descendants
    who are halachically Jewish may return to
    the Jewish community without any ritual.
    2) Rav Yosef Ibn Chaviva (15th cen.,
    Spain; Nimukei Yosef, to Rif on Yevamos
    47b, s.v. kiddushav) says that while
    technically a returnee does not have to

    do any ritual, he should immerse in a
    mikveh like a freed slave. A freed slave
    immerses as a rabbinic requirement so the
    returnee similarly immerses as a rabbinic
    requirement, at most. Nimukei Yosef
    isn’t entirely clear and may mean that
    this is merely a proper practice and not
    a rabbinic obligation. Based on this, Rav
    Avraham Gombiner (17th cen., Poland;
    Magen Avraham 326:8) permits a returnee
    to immerse in a mikveh on Shabbos. If the
    immersion would change his status, he
    would not be allowed to do so on Shabbos.
    However, since it is merely a custom, it
    does not change his status and therefore is
    allowed on Shabbos.
    3) Rav Dov Ber Travis (18th cen.,

    Lithuania; Revid Ha-Zahav, Be-
    ha’alosecha, s.v. ve-he’eviru) says that

    it is a biblical obligation to immerse in
    a mikveh after worshipping idolatry.
    He points to Ya’akov’s command to his
    family while fleeing Lavan, “Put away
    the strange gods that are among you,
    and purify yourselves” (Gen. 35:2). If
    they have to purify themselves after just
    carrying idols, someone who worships the
    idols must certainly do likewise. Based on

    this, Rav Travis disagrees with the Magen
    Avraham quoted above and forbids a
    returnee from immersing in a mikveh on
    Shabbos in order to join the community.
    4) Rav Yisrael Isserlein (15th cen.,
    Austria; Terumas Ha-Deshen 1:86)
    describes an Ashkenazic practice that a
    returned apostate must shave all his hair
    and then immerse in a mikveh before
    returning to the community. He compares
    such a person to the Levites in the desert,
    who were inaugurated into their position
    with shaving all hair (Num. 8:7). Rashi
    (ad loc.) quotes Rav Moshe Ha-Darshan
    who explains that the Levites served
    as an atonement for the firstborns who
    worshipped the Golden Calf. Since this
    returnee worshipped idolatry, he must
    go through a similar process of shaving
    all his hair. Rav Isserlein goes so far as
    to permit the shaving on Chol Ha-Mo’ed,
    when shaving and cutting hair is usually
    forbidden. Rav David Ha-Levi Segal (Taz,
    17th cen., Poland) mentions this custom
    twice in his Taz commentary to Shulchan
    Aruch (Orach Chaim 531:7 as the custom
    in some places; Yoreh De’ah 267:5).
    II. Shaving Peyos
    Rav Ya’akov Reischer (18th cen.,
    Germany; Shevus Ya’akov 3:90) was
    asked how far we take this comparison.
    A metzora and Levite were shaved with
    a razor, despite the general prohibition
    against shaving a man’s beard and
    the corners of his head (peyos) with
    a razor. Should a ba’al teshuvah,
    someone had become a worshipping
    Christian and then returned to Judaism,
    completely shave off even his beard
    and peyos? Rav Reischer responds in
    puzzlement. How could anyone think
    that a Jew returning to observance
    should have to sin, by shaving with a
    razor his beard and peyos? The Torah
    commanded a metzora and — at that
    one point in history — the Levites.
    Absent that command, shaving with a
    razor is forbidden. Rather, this practice
    is a custom and cannot be done with
    a razor or in any way that violates a
    Rav Chaim Yosef David Azulai
    (Chida, 18th cen., Israel; Yosef Ometz
    45) was asked the same question. Chida
    responds in frustration about people
    who take homiletic explanations
    overly literally and end up violating
    prohibitions. Those who require a
    returnee from idolatry to shave all his
    hair, due to the comparison to a metzora,

    intend this as a custom. No one claims
    that this is a Torah obligation. Therefore,
    it cannot override the prohibitions related
    to shaving.
    In the course of his discussion, Chida
    quotes an interesting comment of Rav
    Avraham Ibn Ezra (12th cen., Spain). Ibn
    Ezra (Num. 8:7) quotes the Sages as saying
    that the Levites did not shave their peyos.
    There is no existing Gemara or midrash
    that records such a view. Chida suggests
    that there must be some text where Ibn
    Ezra saw this opinion. If that is the case,
    then certainly a returnee should not shave
    his peyos. However, even without Ibn
    Ezra, even if the Levites did shave their
    peyos, a returnee would not be allowed to
    do so. Rabbenu Bachya Ben Asher (14th
    cen., Spain; commentary to Num. 8:7),
    in the texts we have available today, says
    explicitly that the Levites shaved their
    peyos. Similarly, Revid Ha-Zahav (ibid.)
    quotes this Ibn Ezra and disputes his
    I believe that common custom today
    follows the second view above. A Jew who
    returns from worshipping another religion
    immerses in a mikveh, as a custom. He
    remains fully Jewish both during his
    apostasy and after his return. However, he
    sheds the mistakes of his past and rejoins
    the Jewish community by immersing in
    the mikveh and emerging on a new path.