17 Mar Tips For When You Are Stuck At Home With Your Kids
Its official, no more schools until after Pesach…
Friends reached out for advice on how to deal with the situation. Here are some tips for when you are stuck with your kids at home.
1. Morning routine – so important to have a set morning routine, for you and the children. Have wake up at a set time even if its much later than normal school and have a clear morning schedule for the kids.
2. Morning davening or meditation- teach your children to have a spiritual connection, a time set to appreciate what we have, to say thank you, and to pray for good times and for those in need.
3. Learning schedule – prepare a unique schedule for each child – this is the chance for them to learn something new and your chance to teach them and connect.
4. Do for others – set time in the day when your children are helping others, either younger siblings or calling up someone to check in on them. They need to feel needed and important. When they are helping others, it will help them as well.
5. Spring cleaning – great time to have the whole family work together and get ready for Pesach, lets get real, for the first time in forever you are making your own Pesach and it’s a great opportunity to teach your children how to do it.
Just remember to enjoy this time, make the most of it and come out as a better person and a stronger family when its all behind us.