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    I recently drove on my
    own from Brooklyn to
    Monsey for a wedding.
    I wanted to listen to 10
    minute mini-shiurim but
    because I was driving
    alone, I would not be
    able to manipulate my
    phone to switch from one
    shiur to the next. Thanks to the new TorahApp,

    I had no problem. This new app is an all-in-
    one Torah tool that automatically moves from

    one shiur to the next so you can binge listen to
    shiurim. While the app has many more features
    than this, binge listening was its origin.
    Josh Herzberg, a software engineer in Big
    Tech who helped build Sefaria’s first app while
    in college, realized while commuting that he
    could not binge listen to shiurim. Finding no
    readily available solution, he decided to build
    his own app to do that. Given his background
    with Sefaria, he took their massive text library
    of Hebrew and English sefarim – which they
    offer for free to developers – and added onto
    it audio and video files from OU Torah and
    YU Torah (all with permission). He built into
    the app the feature to binge listen as well as
    additional features, such as multiple tabs for
    many sefarim. Since he had texts for siddurim,
    he built a smart feature so it automatically
    opens the correct texts for the day, such as
    which Tachanun to say based on the day or
    whether to say Ya’aleh VeYavo. He added a tab

    for a host of daily learning schedules, so the
    user can easily find out the day’s Daf, Mishna,
    Rambam, Yerushalmi, etc. Most importantly,
    he designed TorahApp to be intuitive and easy
    to navigate, both as an app and as a website
    (TheTorahApp.org). He did this all on his own
    time, with no funding or donations. In fact, he
    recommends that people who want to support
    the app donate money to the content providers,
    not to him or his app.
    In December, Josh reached out to me. He wants
    this app to be widely accepted and used by a
    broad spectrum of Torah students. As a matter
    of personal and communal responsibility, how
    can he ensure that he only includes sefarim
    and translations that are accepted in the
    Orthodox community? Sefaria is a wonderful
    organization that serves the entire Jewish
    community. However, many in the Orthodox

    community have reservations about its non-
    Orthodox texts and translations. How can he

    create an app that serves those who are not
    comfortable with this mixed denominational
    library? In effect, he is trying to enable Sefaria
    to reach an audience that it otherwise cannot.
    So in late December, I sat down with him
    to get comfortable with his approach. We
    discussed possible ways to ensure the app
    maintains standards that are acceptable in
    the mainstream Orthodox community. He
    developed a system so that the app is a closed
    environment and he controls the content in
    the library. I went through the entire library

    and gave him specific notes and instructions.
    He enthusiastically agreed to our process and
    asked me to be named a Rabbinic Advisor
    of TorahApp, to which I agreed. Hopefully
    additional rabbinic advisors join from multiple
    communities so everyone feels comfortable
    with the app.
    Additionally, after discussing this with the
    leadership of the Rabbinical Alliance of
    America, where I serve as the director of the
    Halacha Commission, I wrote a formal haskama
    for TorahApp on RAA stationery that can be
    seen from a link in the app’s Settings tab. I do
    not know if this is the first time that a national
    rabbinic organization has formally approved
    of an app but it seems significant to me. Let
    me add that this does not imply endorsement
    of the internet and smartphones. That is a local
    matter that everyone should discuss with their
    rabbi. This is to help those who engage with
    this type of technology to use it for learning and
    to do so in an Orthodox environment in which
    they feel most comfortable. I know of roshei
    yeshiva who recognize that their students and
    alumni use smartphones and offer guidance on
    how to do so in the spirit of Torah and mussar.
    They have strongly discouraged use of Sefaria.
    I hope that TorahApp meets their approval.
    I already met with one senior rosh yeshiva,
    active in this area, and he very much liked the
    app. We are also preparing a version for the
    kosher smartphone market that we hope will
    assist people in their Torah learning.

    We live in an age of great technological
    opportunities that also pose great spiritual
    risks. Every community is struggling with
    this in their own way. I hope that TorahApp
    helps people improve their Torah learning
    while finding their way through the maze of
    technology in a religiously uplifting manner.
    In the past, I have noted how a smartphone
    puts an entire library in your hands. With
    TorahApp’s mix of audio, video and text, it
    puts an entire yeshiva in your hands. In this
    age of easy distraction, easy access to Torah
    may be the necessary antidote.
    The app is called TorahApp (no spaces) and
    the website is TheTorahApp.org. You can reach
    Josh Herzberg with comments, suggestions, or
    feature requests at thetorahapp.org@gmail.
    com. You can reach me at Igud.Halacha@