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    The internet has
    become a very angry
    place and “rage bait”
    influencers are in large
    part to blame. More
    clicks means more
    money and the more
    enraged you can make
    people, the more they will click. If you’re not
    familiar, “rage-baiting” is described as posting
    “a video specifically designed to make you mad
    so that you interact more with the video.”
    Social media platforms design algorithms that
    prey on the temptation towards rage and then
    draw people into rage loops that continuously
    present anger-inducing material (and keep
    users engaged with their platforms). Research
    shows that people are far more likely to share
    or echo angry sentiments than content that
    elicits any other emotion, including joy. Some
    suggest our generation is addicted to rage
    manifesting itself on our roads, in our
    relationships, and in our mental and physical
    Since October 7, if you love Israel and the
    Jewish people, you don’t need an internet
    connection or access to social media to be filled
    with rage. It isn’t manufactured or manipulated
    or ‘baited”; it is quite merited. Indeed, over the
    last seven months, there have been so many
    rage-inducing comments, people, events, and
    things it is hard to know which is worst.

    For example, consider the last ten days alone:
    • The UN held a moment of silence for the
    Butcher of Tehran.
    • The US Senate Chaplain offered prayers
    for Iran for the same loss.
    • The US State Department also sent
    condolences to Tehran.
    • The ICC equated evil Hamas leader
    Yahya Sinwar with Prime Minister Bibi
    • Germany, the country that perpetrated a
    genocide and the greatest atrocity in
    history, said they would issue an arrest
    warrant for Prime Minister Bibi
    • The IJC ordered Israel to stop its Rafah
    • Nobel laureate Maria Ressa delivered
    Harvard’s commencement speech filled
    with vile, explicit antisemitic tropes.
    • New, horrific video was released of
    female IDF soldiers being taken by
    Hamas on Oct. 7.
    • Bodies of hostages who were killed on
    October 7th were recovered.
    • Israel continues to be accused of causing
    a famine in Gaza despite a new study that
    found food supply to Gaza is more than
    sufficient for the population’s needs and
    only 54 percent of the pallets transferred
    into Gaza were dispatched by UN and
    humanitarian agencies operating in

    • Ireland, Spain and Norway said they will
    recognize a Palestinian state.
    • Israel was falsely accused of intentionally
    targeting civilians in a refugee camp in
    Rafah even though they struck two
    senior Hamas in the Tel Sultan area of
    western Rafah which is outside of the
    “humanitarian zone.” Moreover, the
    IDF released an intercepted phone call
    between two Gaza residents in which
    they suggest that shrapnel from an Israeli
    airstrike caused the detonation of Hamas
    munitions hidden inside or near the
    refugee camp.
    Sadly, there is no shortage of things to be
    enraged over. But here is the thing – rage isn’t
    productive, rage is never the solution. Rage is
    forwarding videos and ranting at the Shabbos
    table. It may make you feel better (it likely
    won’t), but it surely won’t actually change
    Don’t feel rage. Instead, get outraged. What
    is the difference? Rage destroys, it consumes, it
    obliterates. Outrage is constructive, it produces,
    it repairs. Rage is a lower brain reaction, it is a
    pure emotion with no intellectual or cognitive
    driver. Outrage is a healthy reaction to an
    outrageous event or outrageous behavior that
    calls for a response, for action. Rage demolishes
    and outrage builds. Rage is part of the problem.
    Outrage leads to the solution.
    Don’t indulge the emotion of rage. Channel
    your outrage into taking action, into being
    part of the response. You don’t need to pick
    up a weapon and enter Gaza or walk through
    a Hamas homeless shelter at Harvard to be
    doing something. For example, write letters.
    This matters. We recently hosted
    Congressman Ritchie Torres on Behind the
    Bima and he shared how important writing,
    even to our friends and allies, is:
    Look, members of Congress are human. You
    know, we have morale and we need
    motivation. You know, we’re flooded with
    hateful calls because of our support for Israel.
    And so I feel like those of us in the pro-Israel
    community have to be as visibly and vocally
    pro-Israel as the other side is anti-Israel.
    We have to match the intensity of the other
    side because in politics, intensity is often
    destiny. And so I would encourage people to
    engage with their members of congress.
    Lobby their members of congress and attempt
    to persuade them if they’re wavering or if
    they’re on the wrong side of the issue and
    then provide moral support to to your allies.
    You know were it not for the moral support
    that I’ve gotten from the Jewish community,
    this moment would be an emotional struggle
    for me because I paid a heavy political and
    personal price.
    There is a wonderful WhatsApp group
    called Letters and Emails that posts sample
    texts, links or email addresses of whom we
    should thank each day for standing with the
    Jewish community and Israel and whom we
    should protest. You can shoot off letters and
    emails while waiting at carpool, over your
    lunch break, on the checkout line at the

    supermarket. It is easy and organized and there
    is no excuse not to be part of the movement that
    is making a real difference. Join it here.
    Two examples just from the last week:
    Ms. Rachel, a popular YouTuber and social
    media personality with 10 million subscribers,
    put out a video last week announcing she would
    be sending money to help the poor children of
    Gaza without any mention of Israel, Oct 7, or
    the hostages. She was bombarded with letters
    and a few days later put out a new video praying
    for all children and innocent people, including
    in Israel and including the hostages.
    The Mayor of Doral, Christi Fraga, proposed
    a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. She
    got a deluge of letters and online attention,
    much of it organized by a BRS member. Soon
    after she held a press conference to correct the
    resolution and now stands with Israel. Her
    turnaround earned headlines like, “Florida
    mayor praised for ‘courage, character’ after
    apology for supporting permanent ceasefire.”
    These are but a few examples of how channeling
    outrage into advocacy and outspokenness can
    make a difference.
    In the introduction to Chovos HaTalmidim,
    the Piascentzner Rebbe, Hy”d writes to parents
    and educators about how qualities and
    characteristics aren’t inherently good or bad
    but rather need to be directed positively. He
    pleads with them not to extinguish or eliminate
    the fire inside young people but to channel it
    Are the principal and teacher able to imagine
    the great benefit they can bring out from the
    bad temper of the angry child when they delve
    inside him and draw him near, so that his heart
    and soul burn with self-sacrifice for God? His
    anger will turn into holy fire – every act of
    service will burn like glowing coals; all of his
    words spoken for God, in Torah study and
    prayer, will be with a voice that thunders and
    draws out fiery flames. And see the explanation
    of the Alter Rebbe, R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi
    in his Siddur on Kegavna – and these are his
    words: The passion of anger that spins off from
    the passion in the heart, and any man that is
    angry by nature, are prone to be enthused with
    the glowing fire of fervor for God’s service.
    No matter what is happening in the world, no
    matter who or what tries to bait you, always
    remember, rage is not all the rage. Take that
    fire in your belly and instead of indulging the
    feeling of rage, channel it into outrage and
    action. Be enthused with the glowing fire of
    fervor to fight for the Jewish people, to stand
    with Israel and to proudly practice and promote
    Hashem and His Torah.
    Write letters, make phone calls, donate money.
    If we refuse to be indifferent or apathetic, if we
    find our voices and our influence, if we are on
    fire, we can dispel much of the darkness and
    light up the world together.