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    Brother’s Keeper
    One day the
    zookeeper noticed
    that the orangutan
    was reading two
    books, the Bible and
    Darwin’s Origin of

    Surprised, he asked the ape, “Why are you
    reading both those books?”
    “Well,” said the orangutan, “I just wanted
    to know if I was my brother’s keeper, or my
    keeper’s brother.”
    The Contrast
    Sometimes, the contrast is too conspicuous
    to ignore. In both stories, the Torah employs
    the same term: “Ish,” which means, a man.
    (The term is already used in Bereishis, to
    describe the first man, Adam.) In two
    consecutive parshiot, Vayishlach and
    Vayeishev, the same term is used. Yet
    Rashi, based on the tradition of our sages,
    changes his commentary from one extreme
    to the other.
    In parshat Vayishlach, we find the term
    “ish,” a man.

    And Yaakov was left alone, and a man
    wrestled with him until the break of dawn.
    Rashi explains that this “man” was the
    spiritual angel of Esav. In other words, this
    battle in the middle of the night between
    Yaakov and this mysterious “man,” was
    part of the ongoing struggle between
    Yaakov and his brother Esav.
    Yet, in Vayeishev, we have the same exact
    term used. But there everything changes.
    Yosef was sent by his father Yaakov, to go
    visit his brothers and seek their welfare.
    Despite his brothers loathing him, Yosef
    embarked on the journey and he got lost on
    the way. The Torah tells us:
    Then a man found him, and behold, he was
    straying in the field, and the man asked
    him, “What are you looking for?”
    And he said, “I am looking for my brothers.
    Tell me now, where are they pasturing?”
    Who was this mysterious man, “ish,” who
    encountered Yosef at that vulnerable
    Rashi says it was Malach Gavriel, who we
    see is defined elsewhere in Scriptures as
    Strange. In
    Vayishlach it says
    that Yaakov
    remained alone,
    and a man
    wrestled with
    him. In Vayeishev,
    Yosef is alone,
    lost in the field,
    and, again, a man
    encounters him
    and asks him what
    he is searching
    for. The same
    exact word is used in both cases to describe
    this person: Ish. Yet in Vayeishev, Rashi
    sees him as Malach Gavriel, and in
    Vayishlach as Esav’s angel?
    A Tale of Two Men
    The Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum
    (1887-1979), shared the following
    explanation in the name of Rabbi Chaim
    Halberstam, the Divrei Chaim of Tzanz
    Context is always the key. The word may
    be the same, “ish,” but the question is
    what does this “ish,” this man, do?
    In both stories, there is a person who is
    vulnerable. In Vayishlach, “Yaakov
    remains alone,” in the middle of the night.
    He has been away from home for 34

    years, and has been dealing with a world-
    class crook. In Vayeishev, Yosef, a young

    17-year-old lad, is also lost and vulnerable.
    He has left his father, he was an orphan
    from his mother, and how he was on the
    way to brothers who despised him. He
    does not know it, but this journey would
    take him to slavery, prison, and complete
    alienation from his family.
    In both stories, two people are deeply
    vulnerable. Father and son. Yaakov and
    Yosef. Both of them meet a stranger. A
    man who appears out of the blue.
    The question is what does this “ish,” this
    man, do?
    Here is the difference. In Yaakov’s case,
    the man sees a lonely man in the middle
    of the night and pounces on him. There is
    lonely Yaakov in the middle of the night?
    Let me attack him.
    What about in the second story? Here too
    Yosef is alone. And a man encounters
    him. But what does the man say and do?
    “Then a man found him, and behold, he
    was straying in the field, and the man
    asked him, saying, “What are you looking

    Do you see the difference? He does not
    pounce on Yaakov. He does not exploit his
    vulnerability, manipulate his moment of
    weakness toward his own goals. Instead, he
    sees it as an opportunity to help. He asks
    the young lad: What are you looking for?
    You are a dreamer. I see you are searching
    for something. What is it that you seek?
    How can I help you?
    And Yosef tells him: “I am searching for
    my brothers!”
    I want a relationship. I am searching for
    love. For belonging. For understanding.
    For comradery. For attachment.
    So Rashi is simply mirroring the context of
    the narrative. When a man, encountering a
    vulnerable person, seizes the opportunity to
    attack him, that man, Rashi says, is an angel
    of Esav. But when a man, encountering a
    vulnerable person, seizes the opportunity to
    offer a loving hand, a guiding heart, to see
    how he can be here for you in your search
    for love and family, this person, Rashi says,
    must be Malach Gavriel!
    The Lesson
    We all encounter a person, a child, a teen,
    an adult, who is “alone,” vulnerable, lonely,
    lost, confused, bewildered, pained.
    We see them in their vulnerability. And we
    make a choice.
    Some of us seize the opportunity to use
    exploit them. Some people even utilize the
    opportunity to use them in immoral ways,
    to abuse them, to pounce on them, to attack
    them, to hurt them, willingly or unwillingly.
    Even just to judge them.
    But some of us encounter the same
    vulnerable people. And our response is: My
    dear boy, my dear girl, my dear friend, tell
    me what are you looking for? Let me find
    out what you are searching for, what you
    yearn for.
    We each have to make a choice about what
    type of “man” we will be. I can either
    become a force of Esav, or I can become
    Malach Gavriel.