03 Dec What is CBD and Does it Need a Hechsher?
What is CBD and what are the benefits?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound derived from the cannabis plant that is believed to be nonintoxicating. It has proliferated in drinks, cosmetics, foods and many other consumer products, even in states where marijuana is not recreationally or medically legal, including being sold in major retail chains such as CVS Health Corp, Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., and Rite Aid Corp.
A recent industry study predicted the global cannabidiol (CBD) market will grow from $311.7 million this year to a staggering $1.25 billion by 2024. Hemp farming quadrupled in 2019 as the crop, which was legalized in the 2018 farm bill, was seen as a huge new growth opportunity for beleaguered American farmers. More than 1,000 CBD-infused products are now available online.
Why is CBD Oil Popular?
CBD is one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant. Science is just beginning to uncover the many medicinal benefits of CBD. Over the last few years, CBD or cannabidiol has become so popular that it is now being extracted, produced and manufactured into a wide range of products. These products include edibles, CBD oils, and even creams.
What Are CBD’s Benefits?
While studies are still trying to get to the heart of the matter, it does appear as some of the best CBD oils and other CBD products could have a plethora of medical benefits. Unlike most supplements, it can be used for a broad range of issues such as lowering high blood pressure to providing relief for the side-effects associated with cancer treatments. However, one of the least understood benefits of CBD oil is its possible effectiveness in treating some symptoms associated with alcohol and drug addiction.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties
As a society, we are developing an over-reliance on pain medication to deal with issues such as inflammation. According to a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, CBD reduced the levels of chronic inflammation in rats and mice. CBD has also been known to help with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis.
Mental Health Disorders
A study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design suggested that CBD had a similar effect to certain antipsychotic drugs. Further studies showed that CBD could have a positive impact when used on people with neurological disorders. It also has potential anti-seizure properties and is used by individuals with epilepsy.
The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology posted a study which suggests that CBD can block cancer cells from invading an area or spreading around the body. In summation, it could suppress cancer cell growth and possibly assist in the killing of these harmful cells.
Compelling scientific evidence has revealed that CBD oil may be an effective method for treating some substance abuse related symptoms. … Because CBD is not addictive and non-psychoactive, it may serve as the panacea for reducing the cravings and anxiety experienced by individuals suffering from addiction.
Since numerous CBD products contain varying levels of THC, the matter is slightly complicated when asking whether it’s addictive.
CBD with higher levels of THC shouldn’t be avoided when available, though. The cannabinoid combination induces what’s known as the entourage effect.
While all signs suggest that CBD is not addictive, it’s possible that someone who takes large amounts of CBD on a daily basis could experience side effects when stopping.
CBD oil could help thwart addiction to other dangerous substances, such as tobacco or opioids.
Last week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to 15 companies for illegally selling products containing CBD, saying they had violated the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. At the same time, the FDA published a revised Consumer Update detailing broad safety concerns about CBD products.
Bottom line: The federal government has not concluded that CBD is “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) for use in human or animal food. Thus, CBD in food and drink is still illegal.“As we work quickly to further clarify our regulatory approach for products containing cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds like CBD, we’ll continue to monitor the marketplace and take action as needed against companies that violate the law,” the FDA said in a statement last week. “We remain concerned that some people wrongly think that the myriad of CBD products on the market, many of which are illegal, have been evaluated by the FDA and determined to be safe, or that trying CBD ‘can’t hurt.’
Right now, there’s no FDA oversight of CBD products. That means there’s no guarantee what’d on the label is what you’re getting. In addition, there are other risks associated with consuming CBD like pesticides, metals, and molds getting during the production process. Before consumption, you should ask yourself if you trust the brand behind the product.
Tauriga Sciences Inc. (OTCQB: TAUG) is a diversified life sciences company, focused on building its Tauri-Gum brand — its proprietary CBD Infused Chewing Gum. Tauri- Gum currently is sold in 3 distinct flavors: Mint, Blood Orange, and Pomegranate. Tauri-Gum is Kosher Certified as well as Vegan and has been formulated to be compliant with all prevailing federal laws and regulations (pursuant to December 20, 2018 Farm Bill). The Company implements stringent quality control protocols during its Manufacturing process and each production batch of Tauri-Gum is laboratory tested with a distinct corresponding Certificate of Analysis (“C of A”). The Company has secured a $5,000,000 products liability insurance policy and currently sells its CBD Gum in a variety of different retail locations across the United States. During March 2019, the Company launched its E-Commerce website (www.taurigum.com) and has established a strong fulfillment infrastructure capable of ramping up quickly.
Our oils are hand crafted from Organically-Cultivated Hemp rich in naturally occurring cannabanoids, terpenes and flavanoids giving you the benefit of a complete spectrum oil. Terpenes and flavanoids are the naturally occurring oils responsible for the taste, flavor and smell of hemp, historically attributed with medicinal characteristics. Extracted with TNA’s proprietary methods, we’ve managed to preserve the natural terpenes, flavanoids, and cannabinoid profiles making each of our products clean tasting, flavorful, effective and enjoyable. All batches are screened for potency, terpenes, heavy metals, pesticides, solvents and bacteria, to provide independent, third-party verification of contents and purity. We never use isolates, distillates and our products are always free of heavy metals and pesticides. When you purchase TNA Hemp products you are receiving only the highest caliber of hemp products for everyday health and wellness. Our mission is simple…Help people with the power of hemp.
Information taken from Kosherfest website. What is CBD & does it need a hechsher? There are two substances that people confuse, Marijuana and CBD. Marijuana, in most states, is illegal for recre-ational use. In some states it’s legal for medi-cal use and in some states for recreational use. Th e OU does not certify Marijuana; it is a substance that is correctly considered a drug by the federal government. Th ere-fore, just as the OU wouldn’t certify cigarettes, so too, we would not certify Marijuana that’s sold for recreational use. Th e only Marijuana we would cer-tify is Marijuana used for medical purposes only! CBD, on the other hand, has been identifi ed by the government as not dangerous and therefore, the OU does certify products that contain CBD. CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is the second most prevalent of the active ingredients of cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijua-na, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. While CBD is a component of marijuana (one of hundreds), by itself it does not cause a “high.” Yes, CBD needs a Hechsher. Typically, people don’t take CBD on its own. Th ey take it as part of a cake or drink and certainly, all food and drink need a Hechser. So the product that the CBD is in is going to need a Hechsher. But even more so, the actual CBD is a processed oil. I don’t know if there’s a product available that’s “pure CBD,” but if there is, you should only have it with a Hashgacha. Can one take CBD on Shabbos? Th e issue is a complicated issue, not so much because of the CBDs, the issue is an issue of refuah on Shabbos. Th e issue of taking medi-cine on Shabbos is not simple. You’re not allowed to just take medi-cine on Shabbos unless you’re a Choleh. Th e real question is, if you have a cake or drink with CBD oil, are you allowed to eat and drink it on Shabbos? Why are you eating or drinking the food or drink item with CBD in it? Are you taking it because it’s a food? If you’re taking it as a food, it’s no diff erent then any other food. If you’re tak-ing it as a medicine, than all the Halachos of medi-cine start to kick in. Rabbi Moshe Elefant Rabbi Moshe Elefant is Chief Operating Offi cer of OU Kosher and the maggid shiur of the Orthodox Union’s Daf Yomi web-cast (whose 1,800 learners a day around the globe make his lectures one of the most popular Daf in the world).