The days became weeks. The weeks became
months. October, November, December,
January, February, and now we are
approaching the end of March.
Who would have believed that what began on
Simchas Torah, October 7, would drag on as
we approach Purim, with only HaShem
knowing when it will all end. Hostages are
still being held, the Tehillim list of injured
soldiers keeps on growing, and the count of
lives of lives lost in battle gets higher and
What happened on October 7 was nothing
less than a pogrom. Israel was brutally
attacked. Over 1200 massacred, women
violated in indescribable ways, children and
babies murdered in cold blood, homes set on
fire while their residents were still inside, and
so much more. All with a vow from the
terrorists that they will, return to finish the
job. HaShem yishmor – may HaShem protect
The world around us is suffering from an
amnesia of sorts. How quickly those who
came to the defense of Am Yisroel and its
homeland in the immediate aftermath of this
brutality have turned against us. Some
moderately, others unabashedly publicly.
Sadly, counted among them are even so-
called Jewish leaders and public officials.
On the Shabbos preceding Purim we read
Parshas Zachor – we are commanded “Zachor
– Remember”.
“Zachor, Remember what Amalek did to you
when you were leaving Egypt. That he
happened upon you on the way, and he cut off
the weak ones at your rear, when you were
faint and exhausted, and he did not fear
HaShem… you shall not forget.” (Devarim
25: 17-19). A two-part commandment. To
remember and not to forget.
Following the Exodus, Amalek staged an
unprovoked attack upon the Jewish nation,
targeting the women and children, the weak
and weary, the elderly and infirm, those who
were lagging behind. Amalek exhibited its
brazenness by attacking the most vulnerable.
Generations later, Haman, a descendent of
Amalek, continued on with the evil of his
ancestors. He had his own Final Solution,
issuing an edict “l’hashmid, la’harog,
u’l’abed, to destroy, to kill and to exterminate”
the Jewish nation living in the many provinces
of Achashverosh’s empire. (Megillas Esther
The pasuk states “asher osoh l’cho
Amalek, what Amalek did to you. We
can perhaps take homiletic liberty and
read these words as “asher oseh l’cho
Amalek, what Amalek is doing to you”
Unfortunately, there will always be an
Amalek and Hamans in the world. The
names and faces change, but the wicked
continue to exist. In modern times, we
experienced Hitler’s Holocaust, and
today, we are confronting yet another
face of Amalek – Hamas, Islamic Jihad,
Hezbollah, and yes – the hateful regime
of Iran that funds so much of this. And,
once again attacking the women,
children, and elderly.
Come Purim, through the reading of the
Megillah, we not only remember the evil
conspiracy of Haman, but also the strength of
Esther HaMalkah. The Midrash tells us that
Esther made a request from the sages,
“kisvuni l’doros, please, write my story for
future generations.” Esther, who saved her
people from Haman’s plan of genocide, knew
that there would come a time when the world
would not only forget, but deny the events
that actually took place.
Esther pleaded, write my story, not for my
personal honor, but to give hope and faith to
Am Yisroel. It is a story “l’doros”, a legacy
for generations. A story that transcends
time and speaks to us with a lesson of
“Vatilokach Esther, And Esther was taken”.
(Megillas Esther 2:8) Imagine the worry
and fear in her heart. Esther pleads with
HaShem, “Keli, Keli, lamah azavtani,
HaShem, HaShem, why have You forsaken
me. (Tehillim 22:2) Esther asked that her
story be recorded, because she knew there
will be a time when others will be “taken”.
A time when her story will give hope and
faith to so many.
Alone in the palace, from where did Esther
derive her strength? The Megillah tells us
that she was “bas Avichayil”, a message to
us, to find strength by placing one’s trust in
Avi, my Father, HaShem – our Father in
shomayim. A Father who is a “chayil”, a
Guardian, a Protector. “Hinei lo yonum,
v’lo yishan, Shomer Yisroel, Behold, He
neither slumbers nor sleeps – the Guardian
of Israel.” (Tehillim 121:4)
Esther was an orphan, having lost both her
father and mother. She turned to Avi-
Chayil, the Father of all orphans. A message
for us. There may be times when we feel
like orphans, abandoned, alone. But, we
should know that Avinu She’bashomayim,
our Father in Heaven is watching over us,
and never abandons His children. (Esther
Rabbah 6:7)
Today, our nation has many malkas, many
queens. Many amazing women, who like
their ancestor, Queen Esther, are fortified by
their emunah and bitachon. One such woman
is Einav Danino, mother of 24-year-old
hostage, Ori Danino. She was recently
speaking in the New York area, sharing her
story, giving chizuk to all her listeners.
Ori was at the Nova music festival on October
7. When the Hamas terrorists infiltrated, he
and his friends were able to make a quick
getaway. But Ori’s neshama did not let him
rest. He dropped off his friends and returned
to help others escape. It was then that he was
taken captive, not to be heard from since.
Einav said that she wakes up every morning
with a new appreciation for life. A simple
hello, how are you, a hug, a smile shared, all
take on new meaning, as she longs to see,
speak to, and hug her son. She thanks HaShem
for each and every day, and is waiting for the
day when she can thank Him for her son’s
safe return. She truly believes that if HaShem
deemed him to be taken captive, HaShem
could surely bring him home.
Einav shared a beautiful story about her
10-year-old daughter. Einav’s friends took the
young girl out to eat, hoping to lift her spirits.
To top off the dinner, as a special treat, they
ordered her a cake with candles. “But it’s not
my birthday” she mused.
“Make a wish” they told her, “Wish for Ori to
come home.” The little girl smiled and said,
“I will make a wish. A wish for Moshiach to
come. That way, all the hostages will return.
The war will come to an end, and we will
have shalom in our land.”
Beautiful words from a little girl. Wishing not
just for herself, but for all of Am Yisroel. To
bring peace, to bring Moshiach.
Purim is known as a day of tefilla. To ask
HaShem for whatever we need. Zachor.
Remember, and truly feel the pain of our
people when davening.
With so much power in our tefilla, there’s no
limit to what we can accomplish. Klal Yisroel
is facing unprecedented challenges and
turmoil. Our tefillos can alleviate the suffering
and pain of so many. Ask as Einav’s daughter
asked. Ask for shalom, ask for Moshiach.
And, b’ezras HaShem, our prayers will be