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    Dear Editor:

    As far as Zionism being “against the Torah according to our gedolim”……. In this week’s parsha, Toldot- Chazal teach us that when it says “אברהם הוליד את יצחק” the cynical leytzanim of that dor said that Yitzchak is not really the son of Avraham, but of someone else. Hashem had to intervene directly in this to convince the cynical fools that they are completely wrong. The face of Yitzchak came out identical to that of his father, Avraham ,therefore shedding any shadow of a doubt of who the real father was. HaRav Yerucham Liebowitz, the reknown mashgiach of Yeshivat Mir in a famous drash taught that the torah is as straight as a person perceives it but there will always be those who will choose to interpret it and the lessons from it in a way of la-ag and pessimism. The Torah and Hashem’s ratzon for his people is as clear as day- Can there a clearer partzuf- face of Hashem- than the place, Eretz Yisrael, Hashem’s heart and home filling up with all the remnants that were scattered all over the world for thousands of years, of grapevines shooting out of rocks, of dirt that was grey turned green, of His language being kindled out of the ashes of the holocaust and brought to life, of an army of Tzaddikim protecting and guarding Klal Yisrael beEretz HaKodesh- as all of this says in the neviim about acharit hayamim (the end of days). Not recognizing something so chashoove, so important is not new to us. We will also be learning about soon  the story of Yosef HaTzaddik when his brothers failed to do so, and not only did they perceive him as wrong and bad but they actually threw him in a pit and cast him out. Those that throw Israel figuratively in the pit will in the come to beg for their bread as in this important story and lesson. But Yosef collects them and sustains them. We have no hard feelings!!!!The dwelling place below in Israel is as holy as the dwelling place above and Lo BaShamayim Hee! Please let us rectify the sin of the spies who said the Land is too overwhelming and we can’t go up to it. They were the rosh shvatim- the gedoley haDor but only TWO said “כי הארץ טובה מאד מאד”. The Land of Israel is good- very good. Let us pray your eyes and heart are opened up as soon as possible.

    Leah Goldsmith

    Itamar Israel

    Editor’s Note: You are expressing one angle of perspective. There are others. Some say that since we are in exile we were sworn not to conquer the land of Eretz Yisroel hereby declaring the State of Israel’s occupation of the land illegal.



    Dear Editor:

    Are you for real ?

    What Torah do you have that Zionism is against the Torah? Our first Zionist was Avraham Avinu, followed by his son Yitzchok. Did you ever hear of them? Did you ever hear the promise Hashem gave them? Moshe Rabeinu longed to go to Israel.

    For thousands of years we have davened to return to Israel.

    We say at the end of every chupah; Im eshkachech Yershalayim, Tishkach Yemini.

    In every parsha in Bereshit we read about Hashem promising Our forefathers Eretz Yisroel for all times.

    I just returned from a trip to Eretz Yisroel. I would like to report that Torah is flourishing throughout the country; a true proof that Torah and Eretz Yisroel continue to grow together. Never has Torah learning flourished as much as it is today and only because we have our homeland back.

    When one goes to the hotel to daven, no-one checks what chassidic sect you are from or whether you are Ashkenazi or Sefardi, Yeshvish or Litvish. We are all one minyan davening to one G-d in our home that Hashem gave to us.

    As far as referring to Rabbi Kahane and Rabbi Carlebach as leaders, I can think of no greater leaders in my lifetime.

    You might find as Michael suggests greater Gedolim in Torah, but to suggest that Rav Shach (with all due respect) was a leader outside his Yeshivah and outside the Yeshivish world is talking with blinders.

    Walk down the streets of New York and ask everyone to name a modern Jewish leader you will be surprised to hear that Rabbi Kahane was known throughout the Jewish world and not just the Torah world.

    And for those who really know Torah and have read the Torah works of Rabbi Kahane you would stand up out of respect to him and apologize.

    Read some of his writings. See how everything he did was not only Torah inspired but justified as well. Most of his teachings have in fact become realities now. Please don’t rebut me on this unless you have actually read his Torah writings.  Very few could stand up to his Torah knowledge and teachings. He led in the streets and he led in the books, you might not have agreed with him, but you cannot say he was not a leader.

    As for for not mentioning certain yahrzeits, we are not a yahrzeit publication. We do not have to mention every yahrzeit every week.

    We mention the yahrzeits that have our readership’s interest and yes more people will relate to a question about Rabbi Carlebach and Rabbi Kahane than some of the great gedolim that lead in their world.

    Please continue reading our paper and we will continue to write what interests you, our readers.

    Alan Hirsch



    Dear Editor:

    My son claims he is bored now that the news cycle of elections is over. Trump is not yet in office and he says he has nothing to do in his free time. Any advice?

    Esther H.

    Editor’s Note: How about doing some homework?



    Dear Editor:

    I don’t understand why we start V’sen tal umatar in December. Why are we different that the Jews in Israel? Would you be able to explain this?

    Boruch T.

    Editor’s Note: This is a complicated question. We start saying v’sen tal umatar when the rain season started in Bavel. Bavel was once the center of the Diaspora.



    Dear Editor:

    My einikel in Lakewood has been rejected from three school and he is barely 3 and a half years old. What am I to do? I am extremely worried that this rejection will cause him and his parents scars they will never heal from. Is there an answer to this problem?

    Breindy W.

    Editor’s Note: It sounds like they need more schools in that area with such a dense Jewish population.