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    Dear Editor:

    In regard to last week’s letter, maybe those who daven Mincha-Maariv without hat and jacket feel it warranted and fits Aruch Hashulchan’s criteria, Oh Hachaim 91; 2, for such behavior.

    David Lererer

    Editor’s Note: It’s nice that they rely on the Aruch Hashulchan for a kulah, but I wonder if they following the rulings of the Aruch Hashulchan when it comes to chumros as well.


    Dear Editor:

    Hi. In regard to the letter in today’s Vues ‘press conference bumble’ I think it is horribly disgusting to talk negatively about a Jew in such a public forum. Lashon Hora applies even in writing. FYI – he was the one who brought up the whole topic about the spreading of anti-semitism in the U.S. I hope you censor your letters before you print them.

    S. Schwartz

    Editor’s Note: If a person goes into a public forum and makes himself look bad. It is incumbent upon all of us to protect our name and reputation. People are entitled to their opinion that he brought up a good point about anti-semitism, but facts show that there were more acts of anti-semitism after his question than before. For example, in Philadelphia 150 headstones were toppled in a Jewish cemetery.


    Dear Editor:

    I saw the following posted on The Yeshiva World and I had to share it.

    From every situation we can learn a lesson, especially when the story had worldwide attention. Many in our community were quick to ridicule and criticize Turx how he had the audacity to show up in front of the president with a silly yarmulke and how he looked disheveled and not look respectable in front of the leader of the free world. To these people I ask a very simple question. Are you outraged when people talk during davening or on their phones during davening? Do you get outraged when people show up to shul wearing their work clothes or scrubs or with short and T-shirts? Why is it OK to show limited respect to the King of all Kings on a daily basis and yet when one individual embarrasses your sense of pride in front of the world, that warrants an outrage?

    The lesson is obviously clear. People should put their priorities in perspective.

    Learned my lesson

    Editor’s Note: Great point. True, we need to learn this lesson of showing respect for davening and the Bais Haknesses.


    Dear Editor:

    I was just made aware of the fact that a very useful conference line was recently shut down because there were teenagers using the line in a questionably inappropriate way. It’s such a pity that such a wonderful medium is now unavailable. I am aware of many families and groups of friends who used the conference line to connect and learn together. Many teachers have their students call in to a conference line so they can teach them lessons that they may have missed. Those who shut the conference line down must have done so after much thought, but it’s a real pity that all the good that was accomplished with it is not available anymore.

    Mimi S.

    Kew Gardens

    Editor’s Note: This is a question for the rabbanim to answer; whether the concept of “lifnei eever” trumps all the good that it can do.


    Dear Editor: 

    Is it right for a shadchan to take money up front without offering to refund money if they don’t come through with a shidduch?

    Sara Sandberg

    Editor’s Note: I guess the Shidduchim market is driven by supply and demand. If one is so desperate they would pay for it.


    Dear Editor:

    At a recent visit to a friend’s house I saw that their dolls had some part of their faces defaced. Can you shed any light on this phenomenon? Are these people looking to deface things?

    Editor’s Note: There is a halacha that one may not make a pesel of a living being therefore some are makpid to deface a doll so that it should not be considered a pesel.


    Dear Editor:

    I feel like we are overloaded with kiruv Shabbatonim. I feel that we just need to take time and be mekarev our own krovim! I feel that is the reason we have so many kids at risk.

    Rivky R.

    Editor’s Note: You are right Chessed begins at home but the biggest display of chinuch is teaching one’s children to live and help others.


    Dear Editor:

    With Purim around the corner, I want to remind everyone that if you drink, do not drive! Drunk driving kills people!

    Boruch B.

    Editor’s Note: Do you work for NYPD? I see them advertising this yearly and rightly so.