25 Apr
Dear Editor:
I am extremely worried about North Korea. Is there a WWIII brewing? It is scary when we are dealing with such volatile leaders like Kim Jung and Donald Trump you never know what to expect.
S. Mandelbaum
Editor’s Note: I guess we have to daven for Moshiach.
Dear Editor:
We need to daven for the health of Rav Shteinman who was re-admitted to the intensive care unit.
Moshe R.
Editor’s Note: You are so right. We need every tzaddik available to help protect our generation!
Dear Editor:
Why do we in the Dispora need to celebrate Yom Hashoa? It was established by the Israelis. We need to celebrate Yom Hashoa when we say Yizkor.
I think too much credence is given to these Zionistic Holidays.
Yoily Schwartz
Editor’s Note: Extremism is not good. Everything should be in the proper place and proper time.
Dear Editor:
I am excited to let people know that J-root radio is back on the air on 94.1 FM. We missed it and it is important that our youth have a religious station so that they don’t go elsewhere for entertainment.
Editor’s Note: I felt the lack when J-Root was off the air. Hopefully it will be able to continue broadcasting to the Jewish community.
Dear Editor:
I would love to see some more Torah articles in your booklet. I run every Wednesday to pick up a copy. Thanks for publishing.
Zev F.
Editor’s Note: We are looking for more contributors. You may e-mail your articles in to The Vues and we will see if we can publish it.
Dear Editor:
I wanted to share a quote with you.
What is a moderate interpretation of the text? Halfway between what it really means and what you’d like it to mean?
-Antonin Scalia
It is true in every facet. We need to know that whatever we do has to be with conviction and no half-baked things.
Reuven S
Editor’s Note: How wise of a quote this is! There is a lot of depth and breadth to it.