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    Letters to the Editor


    Dear Editor: 

    Baruch Hashem, the mountains are hopping this year. There are even a few new stores around, and it seems like plenty of people in them, ken’hora.   But I notice some of the new places are pretty fancy, and even some of the old places are getting fixed up.   When I was growing up, the country represented a “simpler”, heimishe place. Tell me, should we all have to start acting like fancy big shots, in order to come up to the mountains?  

    Meyer Daniel 
    Editor’s Note: How times have changed! I guess this generation needs more and isn’t happy with old time simplicity. They don’t know what they’re missing.



    Dear Editor:

    I live in the country all year and I saw in The Vues last week that someone wrote that a guy was screaming at him. I think I understand why they don’t like it when people come up to the country for the summer. It’s because these summer residents drive like it’s Brooklyn. I see this myself when I go biking. We’re used to quiet roads and these people come and drive like maniacs.

    Dovid Rosenblum


     Editor’s Note: I hope you drive your bike better than those car drivers. However, I’ve seen many bikers who drive extremely recklessly and are unaware of the danger they put themselves in.



    Dear Editor:
    In last week’s issue you wrote in “Speak your vues” that as long as you’re not in a straight-jacket we’re good. Do you mean to say that yidden who do aren’t?

    Editors Note: I apologize for offending a segment in society. The term was meant in jest. More care will be used in choosing words in the future.



    Dear Editor:

    As you enter the pool area and take in the sparkling water, enticing pool chairs, and warm sunshine, your eyes pass right over us as if we are just a part of the scenery. We spend hours in the hot sun, guarding the lives of you and your children to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Rarely do you offer us a greeting or a smile, or a mere “thank you” as you depart. When you take a break for ice cream, lunch, or a barbeque dinner, do you ever think to bring us something to sustain us through the long hours? To you, it’s an hour or two at the pool. To us, it’s an entire day. To you, it’s one ice cream, one hot dog, or one cold drink. To us, it’s a lifesaver J

    The person behind the sunglasses

    Editor’s Note: Thanks for writing in! Very often we take for granted those people who work so hard to keep us safe. Hakaras Hatov should be expressed to all Rebbeim, counselors, and waiters as well as those hard working lifeguards. Even though some camps cancelled Visiting Day this summer, that does not take away the obligation to give the appropriate tips.



    Dear Editor:

    I just want to tell you that my family loves your fun question of the week. We discussed it at the Friday night Shabbos table who is everyone’s favorite person in Tanach. Please keep up the good work.

    Shmuel S.

    Editor’s Note: We are so glad to be part of your Shabbos table. We hope to continue to be a source of your enjoyment.



    Dear Editor:
    You should really ask the people that submit their answers to the fun question of the week why they gave the answer they gave. I’m curious to know why Rabbi Leibowitz picked Chizkiyahu.


    Editor’s Note: Maybe Rabbi Leibowitz will see your letter and send in a response to your question!



    Dear Editor:

    What a great article in last week’s edition on Rav Hershel Shachter shlita by his son Rabbi Shay Schachter! Rav Schachter is definitely one of the Gedolei aHador and it was great reading about Rav Schachter from the perspective of a son. May Rav Schachter continue to give shiurim at YU for the next 50 years!

    Editor’s Note: Amen, ditto to everything you wrote.



    Dear Editor:
    I loved the article by Ari Hirsch on NY Yankee Aaron Judge. His definitely is the most exciting Yankee that we’ve had in a while.
     Editor’s Note: Who am I to “judge” the Yankee? Admiring and looking up to baseball players is not something recommended. I would recommend you look up to and admire Gedolei Hador.



    Dear Editor:
    You printed a great interview by Ari Hirsch on Rabbi Paysach Krohn in last week’s edition. It’s pretty amazing that the rabbi has performed thousands of
    brissim. I was just disappointed that you did not ask him to discuss metztzita b’peh.
    Everyone at Woodlake Estates would like to thank the Country Vues for going door to door in our colony. Every Thursday throughout the summer for the last 10 years our entire colony has appreciated the magazine and know that we can get the magazine at our door. Keep up the good work!
     Editor’s Note: There is a time and place for every interview and discussion. I don’t think the topic of metzitza b’peh can be adequately discussed in our magazine. We are glad you are enjoying our content and may you continue to do so!