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    Dear Editor:

    This is regarding your response to Ellie Weiner, who commented that drivers not signaling before making turns are guilty of creating danger, lack of derech eretz, etc. Your response was, that since many times these drivers are already in the left turning lane, “It is quite evident that he is making a turn, so the fact that he is not signaling isn’t so terrible.”

    I very strongly disagree with your logic, and would respectfully suggest that you might want to reconsider your view, for two specific reasons: 1) What about BEFORE the driver gets INTO the left turning lane?! How is the driver behind him supposed to know he’s planning to slow down and then get INTO the turning lane?! This does create a safety hazard!

    2) As Jews, ‘Dina d’Malchusa Dina,’ applies to every one of us, and THE LAW IS THAT ONE MUST SIGNAL BEFORE TURNING! Failing to do so, therefore, is an aveira, not to mention the additional problem of lack of consideration towards other drivers!

    Therefore I’m not at all clear about how you can say that “isn’t so terrible.” 

    Everyone can make a mistake, but it takes a person to admit it.

    Thank you,


    Editor’s Note: You are correct. However, there is the possibility that a vehicle went into the turning lane with his blinker on and when he straightened out, the blinker went off. The policeman then gives a ticket thinking that the blinker was never on. These types of tickets are money makers, not safety issues. Nobody should get the impression that following the law isn’t of utmost importance. May we all drive safely and go and come safely.  




    Dear Editor:

    Our voting system is a farce. I went to vote and most of the candidates were running unopposed. They were all Democrats. I think the Russians influenced the Democrats and now we only have to vote for one person.

    Boruch Haber
    Editor’s Note: The problem is not the Democrats, the problem is that the people who oppose the Democrats do not even try to run. Running for office is a very difficult thing. Winning an election is even harder! We should all show the proper respect to our politicians who look to serve us and go through a lot of hardship to serve us, and they may not even win! This scenario you depicted should galvanize the public to get involved in politics and let your voice be heard. It is not enough to complain, you must do!



    Dear Editor:
    I saw Jews celebrating Halloween. Is that proper?

    Editor’s Note: This would not be the proper forum for answering this question; however, I will remind you that Halloween is a pagan custom. There is an element of avoiding Chillul Hashem by giving trick or treaters some nosh.



    Dear Editor:
    The situation concerning the price of sheitels today is completely out of hand. Every woman would like to look attractive and pretty and in order to do so today, it means purchasing exorbitantly priced wigs. Is there anything that can be done about this?

    Yitty Klein
    Editor’s Note: It is called ECONOMICS. Supply and demand rule the day. If importance wouldn’t be put on fancy sheitels, the price would go down. The people who sell these sheitels have tremendous overhead and lots of expenses that you probably do not realize. They are in it to make money, not lose money.



    Dear Editor:
    After messing up a few times this week because of clocks and watches that were not changed, it left me wondering if there is really a need for Daylight Savings Time anymore. I understand that when most of the population worked in the fields and relied on the sun for their productive hours, changing the clock made sense. Now I’m not so sure.

    Penina Storch

    Editors Note: The clock changing is something that is needed since we can’t have the winter clock in the summer, because it would turn dark too early. We can’t have the summer clock in the winter, because it would be too dark in the morning. Some would suggest that we should have the clock change four times a year. This way the Vasikin daveners wouldn’t have to wake up that early in the summer and those who want to daven maariv and go to sleep early, would have the ability to do so.