Please note that the author of Speak Your Vues is in no way affiliated with
the publisher of this paper. The author of this column is an independent
third party contributor. The views and opinions expressed by this author
may not reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. If one has any
issues with any of the views, please write a letter to the Vues Master.
Dear Vues Master:
Principles are usually upheld regardless
of the circumstance. Of course, there are
extreme exceptions, but overall, their ex-
istence is almost null. When a principle
is thrown away for politically convenient
reasons, that is when the problems begin. A
person cannot claim to be principled if he
uses those principles when it fits best and
throws them away when it doesn’t. A prin-
ciple is only one politically convenient sit-
uation from being tossed into the garbage.
Last week, Congress, with near-unanimous
support, voted to make “Juneteenth Inde-
pendence Day” an official federal holiday.
There is nothing wrong with celebrating an
event that marked the end of the evil act
of slavery in a region of the country. How-
ever, to support it when the intentions of
the other side were not pure was wrong.
It is not a coincidence that the trending
hashtag on Twitter on Juneteenth was the
word Juneteenth with a BLM fist. Instead
of standing on a principle that would have
been to refuse elevating Black Lives Mat-
ter propaganda that this country is sys-
temically racist, most Republicans acted
like cowards by supporting this holiday to
avoid being labeled a racist. It is also not a
coincidence that instead of simply labeling
the day “Freedom Day” or “Emancipation
Day”, it is called “Juneteenth National In-
dependence Day,” as if rivaling our coun-
try’s actual national Independence Day,
July 4th. It also isn’t a coincidence that
President Biden and others in their June-
teenth speeches highlighted America’s
original sin of slavery still being in effect
today! All of these coincidences are not
coincidences. They are intentional acts to
undermine America’s founding. While it
may be true that the specific events of Ju-
neteenth are important to highlight, for one
to exploit and elevate it as support that this
country remains a racist country is despi-
cable. There were many good-intentioned
Republicans who supported this holiday,
but the other side is in no way good-inten-
tioned. If Republicans and Conservatives
truly believe in respecting our flag, ban-
ning Critical Race Theory in our schools,
and respecting our nation’s history, then
they must fight back against the Left’s
insertions in American history which sup-
ports an anti-American narrative. Principle
over narrative is what is key to saving this
country from those that want to destroy it.
Vues Master’s Note: Enjoy your Holiday!
Live and let live. We should have as many
holidays as we can. Not everything needs
to be politicized.
Dear Vues Master:
Just wanted to tell you that my family
When בלק asked בלעם to curse the Bnei
Yisrael, he said לי *ארה” ,curse me*”.
Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo.Miller Shlita
said, In Parshasלך לך , Hashem said,” אאר
ומקללך- מברכיך ואברכה I will bless those
who bless you and those who curse you
I will curse”. בלק was aware of this, yet
he still insisted on having the Bnei Yisrael
cursed. even though as a result of this, בלק
himself will be cursed. The ישראל שונאי
attempt to harm the Yidden even when they
know they are harming themselves & will
lose out by doing so. At the end of the
war, the Nazis ש“ימ ,instead of using their
trains for their war effort to save their own
military, they used the trains to transport
the Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. Even
though בלעם blessed the Bnei Yisroel, he
wasn’t entitled to be blessed because it
wasn’t him who blessed the Bnei Yisroel
It was Hashem’s Brocho coming out from
Bilam’s mouth.
Vues Master’s Note: Yes! We know that the
Anti Semites don’t change their modus ope-
randi. They will do anything to hurt Klal
Dear Vues Master:
Airman Gross was assigned to the
induction center, where he advised
new recruits about their govern-
ment benefits, especially GI insur-
ance. It wasn’t long before Captain
Smith noticed that Airman Gross
was having a staggeringly high
success-rate, selling insurance to
nearly 100% of the recruits he ad-
vised. Rather than ask about this,
the Captain stood in the back of the
room and listened to Gross’ pitch.
Gross explained the basics of GI
insurance to the new recruits and
then said “If you have GI insurance
and go into battle and are killed, the
government has to pay $500,000
to your beneficiaries. If you don’t
have GI insurance and you go into
battle and are killed, the govern-
ment only has to pay a maximum
of $10,000.” “Now,” he concluded,
“which group do you think they are
going to send into battle first?”
Vues Master’s Note: There is a rea-
son why Yidden have survived all
those years. We hope that we stay
Dear Vues Master:
A visitor to the Biblical Zoo in
There’s an old story about a man
who was to be married. After he had
already obtained a marriage license,
he changed his mind about who to
marry, so he went to the bureau to
have it changed. He was told that he
could have a new license, but there
would be a $20 fee. He shook his
head and left, remarking that there
wasn’t a $20 difference between the
two women anyway. That’s how a
lot of people feel about the mayoral
candidates in NYC. However, it is
still important to show up to vote in
the general election.
Vues Master’s Note: Guess what we
still don’t know who won. The new
system is perfect for fraud. No one
is watching all the ballots all this
time and it is being manipulated.
Mark my words this is a terrible
thing to have ranked choice!.
Dear Vues Master:
A למדן visiting a small town went
to the כנסת בית to pray מנחה ,but
there was no מנין to be had. “It’s
a weekday and hard to gather 10
men,” he was told. “On שבת ,we get
a nice turnout.” The למדן remarked:
“This is the opposite of the מן that
fell for ישראל בני in the מדבר .The
מן would be gathered all week, but
couldn’t be found on שבת .In this
town, the people for a מנין can’t be
found all week, and only gather on
Vues Master’s Note: They probably
had Covid that week and the man-
date was released for Shabbos. We
missed our Minyanim during Co-
Dear Vues Master:
As כיפור יום was ending, one of the
מתפללים said to the man in the seat
next to him: “Did you notice how
fidgety and anxious that fellow
was? It seems that he just couldn’t
wait to get home.” “In fact, I did no-
tice. But I think he was
מקיים מצוות ׳ועניתם את נפשותיכם׳
even more than our רבי “.Seeing the
look of surprise, he explained: “It’s
simple. Our רבי sat all day בתענית .
But that fellow sat all day on pins
and needles.”
Vues Master’s Note: I always
thought the main inuy we have on
Yom Kippur is listening to the chaz-
zan kvetch a whole day. I guess I am
not into Chazzanus.
Dear Vues Master:
What kind of lights did נח have on
the תיבה ?Flood lights.
Master’s Note:I would not make
light of it. We don’t want our email
flooded with comments out of the
teiva I mean out of the box. We need
to keep afloat here.
Dear Vues Master:
Tasting food on a Fast day Rochel
wasn’t sure if she added enough
pepper to the soup. She asked her
Rav if she may taste the soup on17th
Tamuz. The Rav answered that
she may take a spoonful and taste
it and then spit it out. Leah asked
the same question from the same
Rav. She wasn’t sure if she added
enough salt to the soup. The Rav
answered that she may not taste the
soup even if she spits it out. 3 An-
swers a) Rochel was a Sephardia.
The Rav told her to follow the Psak
of the Bais Yosef who allows tast-
ing food (& spitting out) on a תענית
except for on Tisha B’Av & Yom
Kippur. Leah was an Askenzia &
must follow the Rema who forbids
tasting food on every תענית b) The
חיי אדם the quotes מ“ב תקס“ז סק“ו
“when cooking for a מצוה סעודת
one may taste the food on a תענית “
(may not swallow) Rochel cooked
יוסף תקס“ח) The) c סעודת מצוה a
ברכי ( brings a תקולחמ If someone
mistakenly made a ברכה) on food)
on a תענית According to the בכסף
נחפה ,he should eat less than a
כזית Others argue and hold to say
.ברכה the making after בשכמל“ו
Vues Master’s Note: I hope that the
food came out OK and the lady is
not fasting all this time.
Dear Vues Master:
A wealthy miser locked his door
before an עני who had stretched
out his hand. The עני said to the
servant: “Tell the הבית בעל that if
he doesn’t let me in, my brother-in-
law will come and he won’t be able
to keep him out.” Hearing this, the
concerned גביר went to the door and
asked the beggar who is his brother-
in-law, that he will not be able to
refuse entry. The poor man replied:
“My in-laws had two daughters.
I took one as my wife. The המות
מלאך took the other one. Therefore,
the המות מלאך is my brother-in-
Vues Master’s Note: WI am scared
of this family. I guess that sister in
law said at her chuppa, till death do
us part.
Dear Vues Master:
A 26-year old man decided to have
a cup of coffee. He took a cup of
water and put it in the microwave
to heat it up (something that he had
done numerous times before). I am
not sure how long he set the timer
for, but he wanted to bring the wa-
ter to a boil. When the timer shut
the oven off, he removed the cup
from the oven. As he looked into
the cup, he noted that the water
was not boiling, but suddenly the
water in the cup ‘blew up’ into his
face. The cup remained intact un-
til he threw it out of his hand, but
all the water had flown out into his
face due to the build-up of energy.
His whole face is blistered and he
has 1st and 2nd degree burns to his
face which may leave scarring. He
also may have lost partial sight in
his left eye. While at the hospital,
the doctor who was attending to
him stated that this is a fairly com-
mon occurrence and water (alone)
should never be heated in a micro-
wave oven. *General Electric’s
Response:* *Thanks for contacting
us; I will be happy to assist you.
The email that you received is cor-
rect. Microwaved water and other
liquids do not always bubble when
they reach boiling point. They can
actually get superheated, and not
bubble at all. The superheated liq-
uid will bubble up out of the cup
– when it is moved, or when some-
thing like a spoon or tea bag is put
into it.* *To prevent this from hap-
pening and causing injury, do not
heat any liquid for more than two
minutes per cup. After heating, let
the cup stand in the microwave for
thirty seconds before moving it or
adding anything into it.* Pass this
on, you could very well save some-
one from a lot of pain and suffering.
Vues Master’s Note: Would the same
happen to tradition soups?.
Dear Vues Master:
Meir came to the רב with a ques-
tion. “I fell and hurt my leg and it
got infected and swollen,” he said.
“The doctor told me to soak a towel
with milk and put it around the leg.
Is this a problem of וחלב בשר “?he
asked. The רב thought about it for
only a moment before he replied:
“Wait a week for the leg to swell
further and then it will be בשישים
Vues Master’s Note: I would tell
him to put on Almond Milk and stick
almonds on his foot so it won’t be
maris ayin. I just hope he changes
his dressing often otherwise it will
become sour milk and then you will
need to wrap it in wine so it will be
sour grapes!.
Dear Vues Master:
The Midrash (פנחס‘פ (enumerates
the six names of .זמרי and the rea-
son for 5 of the names why he was
called by that name. On the name
שלמיאל ,the Midrash doesn’t give
the reason because this was his
חבר בן חיים The. name original
ליקוטיwrites, he heard from his
Rebbe the Chasam Sofer, Why was
he named Shlumiel ? The Midrash
(בלק‘ פ (says that 12 ניסים happened
to פנחס which enabled him to kill
זמרי .The Chasam Sofer jokingly
said “Wasn’t he a Shlumiel that all
the 12 things that had to happen in
order for him to get killed, actually
Vues Master’s Note: As long as he
was not the schlimazel or nudnik.
Dear Vues Master:
I think everyone should be paying
more attention to the #FreeBritney
scandal. I don’t particularly care
about Britney Spears herself, but
the fact that a lucid adult in the
United States can legally be under
someone else’s complete control is
highly disturbing. If it’s happening
to her, we can assume she’s not the only one. This is a human rights is-
Vues Master’s Note: We need some
more background. What does it
mean she needs to be free? Is it a
money issue? Did she sign a bad
Dear Vues Master:
The time is NOW!!! I never
dreamed that I would have to face
the prospect of not living in the
United States of America, at least
not the one I have known all my
life. I have never wished to live
anywhere else. This is my home
and I was privileged to be born
here. But today I woke up and as
I had my morning coffee, I realized
that everything is changing for the
worse. No matter how I vote, no
matter what I say, no matter how
much I pray, something evil has in-
vaded our nation, and our lives are
never going to be the same. I have
been confused by the hostility of
family and friends. I look at people
I have known all my life–so hate-
filled that they agree with opinions
they would never express as their
own. I think that I may well have
entered the Twilight Zone. We have
become a nation that has lost its col-
lective mind! You cannot justify
this insanity: • If a guy pretends
to be a woman, you are required
to pretend with him. • Somehow
it’s un-American for the census to
count how many Americans are in
America. • Russians influencing
our elections are bad, but illegals
voting in our elections are good.
• Twenty is too young to drink a
beer, but eighteen is old enough to
vote. • People who have never
owned slaves should pay slavery
reparations to people who have
never been slaves. • People who
have never been to college should
pay the debts of college students
who took out huge loans for their
degrees. • Immigrants with tuber-
culosis and polio are welcome, but
you’d better be able to prove your
dog is vaccinated. • Irish doctors
and German engineers who want
to immigrate to the US must go
through a rigorous vetting process,
but any illiterate gang member or
terrorist who jumps the southern
fence is welcome. • $5 billion for
border security is too expensive, but
$1.5 trillion for “free” health care
is not. • If you cheat to get into
college you go to prison, but if you
cheat to get into the country you go
to college for free. • People who
say there is no such thing as gender
are demanding a female President.
• We see other countries going So-
cialist and collapsing, but it seems
like a great plan for us. • Some
people are held responsible for
things that happened before they
were born, and other people are not
held responsible for what they are
doing right now. • Criminals are
caught-and-released to hurt more
people, but stopping them is bad
because it’s a violation of THEIR
rights. • And pointing out all this
hypocrisy somehow makes us “rac-
ists”?! Nothing makes sense any-
more – no values, no morals, and no
civility. People are dying of a Chi-
nese virus, but it’s racist to refer to
it as Chinese even though it began
in China. We are clearly living in
an upside-down world where right
is wrong and wrong is right, where
moral is immoral and immoral is
moral, where good is evil and evil
is good, where killing murderers is
wrong but killing unborn babies is
okay! Wake up America, the great
unsinkable ship Titanic America
has hit an iceberg, it’s taking on wa-
ter, and is sinking fast. We Ameri-
cans are drowning. Speak up while
you still have breath and a voice for
soon you will have neither if you
Vues Master’s Note:We definitely
need a yeshuah. We are headed in
the direction of Sodom and Amora.
Dear Vues Master:
What is the big deal with the new
holiday Juneteenth? We already
have Martin Luther King Day. Now
they want to give another holiday!!
Why not a Holocaust day? If they
feel they need another holiday:
Why not have a Holocaust Reme-
berence day? We already have 2 Af-
rican American holidays. Why not a
Jewish holiday?
Vues Master’s Note: I guess you are
not politically correct. Jews are not
important but Muslems are. Note
how the African Americans align
themselves with Muslems who are
in the Majority of the world where-
as African Americans and Jews are
in the minority of the world.
Dear Vues Master:
I went to Camp Torah Vodaath as a
young camper for a number of years
including the year that I was a CIT. I
even got to put on my own night ac-
tivity as a CIT and produced my own
serious play. There were great actors
in that play, and I remember how one
camper said his line at the wrong
time and no less than R’ Chaim Dov-
id Zwiebel [night activities director]
improvised and saved the play by
narrating; “Earlier that day…..Who
can forget Yaakov [Jackie] Salomon
and R’ Heshy Arem in the serious
drama that was played over two
nights “Who Is Yaakov Ginza”? R’
Baruch Hilsenrath in Danny from
Oz! R’ Mutty Katz picking up a beer
bottle on stage and using it for a tele-
phone. The great Boro Park Comedy
played in Color war where our team
was warned not to laugh at the other
team’s jokes. However, we could
simply not hold back, since we had
a stomach ache from laughter. Even
the judges were crying from laugh-
ter. It was the first play with Yid-
dish jokes. [K’aaaeleh]. The ban-
ner dispute where the judges ruled
against a most colorful banner was
a binocular scene presented in four
different parts but lost since it didn’t
have a Pasuk written on it “Mah
Rabu Maasecha Hashem”. The great
Grand Sing songs [Jep album vol 1
& 2] especially the emotional Alma
Mata written by R’ Dovid Finkelman
after the fire in camp where B”H no
one got hurt Maaseh Nissim. “The
flames of the fire-ignited a spark in
our hearts-a feeling of Achdus-that
will never part”. I miss the stories by
R’ Yitzy Erps and the comical act-
ing of the Boss played by R’ Hirsch
Chinn. I long for those walks on the
camp road Fri nights after the meal
with our counselor and JC. I still re-
member as if it were yesterday, Rav
Sholom Kamenetsky shlita coming
to our bunk to tell us a maaseh. Oh!
how I miss those Camp days. Visit-
ing Day, waiting for our parents to
come up from the city and spending
the day with the family. The cheers
and chants in the dining room and
the beautiful Zemiros on Shabbos. I
will always remain a CTV camper at
heart as long as I live. Those were
the days……[Shimon Lefkowitz;
“The Russians are coming”!} I was
once walking with our bunk on the
camp road when a bunch of horses
started trotting more like galloping
down the hill towards us. I didn’t
wait around to find out that they
cannot jump over the barbed wire
fence. I took off like it was the derby
and raced back to camp ahead of
my Counselor and JC.I once went
over to Mr. Neuhaus A”H and as
a young naive gullible boy com-
plained to him that I didn’t like the
Bombs Hockey pucks or Horse meat
for supper. He was upset and told
me that we don’t serve C”V treif!
I can never forget the CIT Michael
Hilsenrath, the baseball Home run
hitter, or the great soloist Avramy
Flam, R’ Berel Leiner in those gor-
geous choirs. Hertzy & Ephraim
Hassenfield brothers playing accor-
dion and saxophone. Nussy Gluck
on the clarinet, Michael Cohen and
Sender Gluck on the trumpet. R’ Yis-
roel Meir Stern, Yaakov Salomon on
the guitars. The Simchatone singers
Yaakov Salomon, Yonah Weinreb
& Bency Schachter. Sheya Mend-
lowitz leading the choirs & Shloime
Dachs the grand sing. The memo-
ries go on and on, remembering
Rav Yitzchak Isbee Z”L-the great
Grand Sing Leaders Chaim Schmell
and his brother Moish Schmell…
And of course the Grand Judges En-
trance led by Nicky Gordon. There
were the great Head Counselors and
their assistants; Rav Moshe Francis,
Chanina Katz, Rav Moshe Neuman,
and of course the great color war
fake out by R’ Heshy Arem where
we thought Color war was cancelled.
He acted out upset explaining that
someone tried breaking into his bun-
galow to steal the Color war Teams.
He tore up the Color war booklet
Motzei Shabbos and sent everyone
back to their bunk until the culprits
were apprehended or admitted to
their crime. Hours later we were all
called down to the Recreation Hall
in our Pajamas for Color war Fake-
out! “Learning never ends but learn-
ing groups are now over”-Rav Shm-
uel Dishon- Learning director. The
great Color war Song writers Rab-
bis; Mutty, Shimon & Dovid Fin-
kelman brothers, R’ Chaim Dovid
Zwiebel, Yanky Arem. The All Star
Basketball Team; Dave {Dovid}
Beren, Sheya Markowitz, Heshy
Sieman, Itchy Landerer, Joe Halpert.
Mr. Neuhaus announced every year;
“This is the best Color war on this
side of the Mountains”. “We love
The Boss- We Love The Boss -We
Love The Boss We Do- We Love
The Boss -We Love The Boss We
Love The Boss- We do”. The great
Basketball Camp chant when we
played against other camps. It still
rings out in my ears; “TORAH VO-
TORAH VODAAS”! I would be re-
miss if I would not mention the dedi-
cated Camp Director after the Boss;
R’ Nossie Neuman. [We Got Gotts]
Vues Master’s Note: I am sure there
are others who have memories of
Camp. Let’s get some more people
sharing their experiences!