Please note that the author of Speak Your Vues is in no way affiliated with the publisher of this paper. The author of this column is an independent third party contributor. The views and opinions expressed by this author may not reflect the views and opinions of the publishers. If one has any issues with any of the views, please write a letter to the Vues Master.
Dear Vues Master:
In at least two separate incidents, occupants
of an unidentified vehicle have been terrorizing
local Jews while driving through Williamsburg.
The first incident occurred this
past Friday night. According to footage posted
to Twitter by Williamsburg News, a group
of Jews are seen standing at the corner of
Harrison Ave & Lynch St, when the vehicle
comes through the intersection and someone
drops fireworks out of the window. Moments
later, the fireworks go off, sending the Jews
scattering from the sudden explosion. Another
group of Jews can be seen running away
from the opposite end of the intersection as
well. The same vehicle was caught on film
on Monday doing something similar. It feels
like everyday there is another antisemetic attack
in Brooklyn. I know that the new mayor
is trying to address the issue but it doesn’t
seem to be helping. We need to daven more.
Vues Master’s Note: Maybe it is time to have
another Bernard Getz and a couple of people
have to fight and beat up criminals till they
will be scared to do it. Remember the word
Dear Vues Master:
This past weekend Israel announced that it’s
opening its doors to all foreigners, including
unvaccinated visitors on March1. Tourists
of all ages will be allowed to visit Israel, so
long as they submit to a COVID test before
they board their plane to Israel, and another
as soon as they arrive at Ben Gurion airport.
Why are they allowing that? Is it just so that
Israel will be open for Pesach & the government
can make all its money from the tourists?
I would think that they would do it in
stages. Not all at once.
Vues Master’s Note:I disagree with you. This
dumb play should have been over a while
ago. These power hungry politicians should
exit the stage to the left. Lockdowns and
masking did more damage than protection.
Dear Vues Master:
Why would any Jewish people stay in the
Ukraine if Israel is willing to take them in? It
seems that Putin & Russia are going to attack
very soon and then what??
Vues Master’s Note: It is a replay of WWII
when most of the Jews did not believe they
would get hurt! We need Moshiach desperately!
Dear Vues Master:
This past weekend Israel announced that it’s
opening its doors to all foreigners, including
unvaccinated visitors on March1. Tourists
of all ages will be allowed to visit Israel, so
long as they submit to a COVID test before
they board their plane to Israel, and another
as soon as they arrive at Ben Gurion airport.
Why are they allowing that? Is it just so that
Israel will be open for Pesach & the government
can make all its money from the tourists?
I would think that they would do it in
stages. Not all at once.
Vues Master’s Note: Just be happy that we
can all go back into Eretz Yisrael. Stop complaining!!!
Dear Vues Master:
Who do you think is a bigger antisemite, Israeli
Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman or
AOC? They are both disgusting people.
Vues Master’s Note: I would call Lieberman
a self hating Jew. Whereas AOC I would call
a sensationalist trying to win the minority
vote! She seems to be popular! What a jerk
of a person she is. She said Israel cages Palestinians.
The only person Israel should cage
would be dumb Democratic Politicians who
spew hatred towards Israel!
Dear Vues Master:
Are there gatekeepers of Torah? In the world of Torah study a debate has opened up about appropriate means of disseminating Torah. I want to stress I’m not addressing any person, medium or current personality, so in your feedback (which I truly value) please don’t assume I’m referring to any specific individual. Part of the debate over appropriate means of disseminating Torah has become who should be charged as gatekeepers of the Torah. My answer is no one. To explain my position I’d like to highlight two passages from the Talmud. The first tells the story of Rabban Gamliel being deposed from his position as leader of the study hall and president of the people. Rabban Gamliel often humiliated the dissenting Rebbe Yehoshua to demonstrate who had the authority in the Torah. The Talmud told the story of the third time Rabban Gamliel had publically humiliated Rabbi Yehoshua. The students were so upset they forced the shiur to end right then and there, and decided it was time to replace Rabban Gamliel. In his stead, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria was appointed, and major changes lay ahead. Rabban Gamliel had allowed entry to the study hall only to those “whose insides were like their outsides”, those of unquestioned piety, going so far as to appoint a guard at the entrance to the Beit Midrash to prevent “undesirables” from entry. The first act of Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria was to remove the guard, opening up the Beit Midrash to all. So many wanted to learn that they had to bring in 400—and some say 700—extra benches to accommodate all. The story demonstrates that there once was a gatekeeper to the Beit Medrash and only those already accepted inside the study hall were allowed to give entrance to other people. Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria opened the doors of the study hall and from that day on the doors were open to the masses. The second passage of the Talmud quoted a different side of Rabbi Akiva then we’re used to hearing about – it’s the Rebbi Akiva before he became a Torah scholar and when he hated Torah scholars. “Rabbi Akiva said, ‘When I was a layman I said: Who will give me a Torah scholar so that I can bite him like a donkey?’ His students said to him: ‘Rabbi, say that you would bite him like a dog!’ He said to them, ‘I specifically used that wording, as a donkey, for a donkey bites and breaks bones, and that one, a dog, bites but does not break bones.’” The lesson I draw from Rabbi Akiva’s hatred of Torah scholars is more obscure than what I drew from the story of Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Elazar ben Azaria. Rebbi Akiva’s hatred demonstrates there were two classes of people in the Mishna times, Torah scholars and laypeople, and the Torah scholars were viewed by many of the laypeople as elitist. It is hard to imagine there was a strong kiruv movement or programs to get laypeople to study seriously during those times. With the advent of Artscroll translations, the Bar Ilan and Sefaria virtual libraries, Encyclopedia Talmudit and Mesivta Gemaras, plus online Shiurim, Torah is available to more people and more people are studying Torah than ever before. There are no gatekeepers to Torah. When people criticize lay people’s efforts to teach and disseminate Torah, they’re not attempting a futile gatekeeping of the Torah. They know the effort itself is against the Torah and is futile. The criticism is explaining to the layperson how Torah is best studied and how it shouldn’t be studied. It’s easy to see the criticism as elitist and as gatekeeping. No one appreciates restrictions and being told they can’t do something. But understanding criticism of Torah study from the laypeople by scholars isn’t elitist or gatekeeping; it is consistent with the scholar’s responsibility to explain how Torah is designed to be studied and taught. Like in the areas of law, science and medicine, there are experts and laypeople. The danger of laypeople attempting to understand and disseminate opinions has never become clearer than during COVID. It was easy to proclaim doctors and scientists were elitists and gatekeeping when laypeople, having read a study or two, assumed they knew as much as the experts – but those who understood saw the danger in lay people pretending to be experts about pandemics and the efficacy of vaccines. Torah must be taken as seriously as medicine. If a layperson pretends, after studying just a little, to be an expert, disastrous results will ensue. No one is suggesting people shouldn’t study Torah. The warning is about pretending to be scholarly enough to teach when you’re wholly unqualified.
Vues Master’s Note:Tik Tok is not a place for the Daf and neither is Twitter. Dare I say that we see that there is a misinterpretation from all these people who have their agendas.
Dear Vues Master:
I always wondered why the Bais Halevi al Hatorah only goes to Ki Sisa? It is such a fantastic sefer that explains midrashim and divrei Chazal etc. He has such great divrei torah that he doesn’t need my haskama, but why only through Ki Sisa and not further? Rav Chaim Ozer Gorelick shlita, [talmid from Rav Berel Soloveitchik ztl], explained to me the answer. The Beis Halevi, [father of Rav Chaim ZTL], would give shiur on chumash Friday nights, and the baal habatim would write over the notes on Motzei Shabbos. He then took their notes later on in his life and made the sefer Bais Halevi al hatorah. The Baal habatim no longer come after Ki Sisa, the short Friday nights, so we lost all that torah. Powerful Lesson!
Vues Master’s Note: This must be a Brisker mehalech of only learning during long Friday nights. Like the broom next to the Chanukah Menorah. Just kidding! Chas VeShalom I am not knocking Brisk.
Dear Vues Master:
The great Rabbi Meir Shapiro was giving a Shiur when the Rosh Hakahal came into the Bais Hamedrash and said he must speak to him immediately about an important community matter. The Rav told him that he’s in the middle of giving the Shiur and the matter would have to wait. But the man insisted that they had to speak immediately. Reb Meir rose from his seat and said “OK we’ll eat.” “Eat? Who said anything about eating?” the man asked. The Rav explained: “I was referring to the Gemara which says: One who interrupts his learning will be fed Hot Coals!”
Vues Master’s Note:That line must have been too hot to handle. That Rosh Hakahal got raked on the coals!
Dear Vues Master:
A contractor, an architect and a lawyer were having lunch, when the lawyer raised the question of which profession is oldest. The contractor responded that, as stated in the chumash, in the beginning Hashem created Heaven and earth. That is contracting, making it the oldest profession. The architect replied: “But Hashem first had a plan, and that is architecture.” The lawyer smiled and said: “You’re both forgetting one thing. The Chumash indeed tells us that in the beginning Hashem created Heaven and earth. But what did He create it Out of ? chaos. And who do you think created the chaos?”
Vues Master’s Note: Is he a liar or a lawyer? It is not chaos but emptiness!
Dear Vues Master:
The last event in Meggilas Esther is that the king put mas on all of his country!. Why does it end with the imposition of taxes? The answer is that this occurred shortly after the unsuccessful attempt to kill the Jews. It teaches us that you can escape death, but you can’t escape taxes.
Vues Master’s Note:Taxes keep on going up! But not my salary!
Dear Vues Master:
Whoopi Goldberg returned to The View last week after a two-week suspension. In a discussion on The View, Goldberg had claimed that the Holocaust was “not about race.” The Anti Defamation League condemned the remarks, and she later issued a written apology. I would like to hear that she planned a trip to Yad Vashem in Israel before she was allowed to go back to work.
Vues Master’s Note:You think for one second she would change her mind because of Yad Vashem? She has been fed lies all her life! A leopard doesn’t change its spots!!
Dear Vues Master:
I’m not sure how to react to the announcement that El Al made yesterday. El Al Israel Airlines cabin staff have received a letter informing them that the airline has decided to trial organized in-flight minyanim on its long-haul flights between Tel Aviv and North America, Globes reports. The minyanim will be held in the galley at the back of the aircraft, after the meals have been served. The times of the minyanim will be announced prior to the flight. The formally organized minyanim, which will be announced on the passenger’s screens and over the aircraft’s public information speaker system, “at times regulated by the cabin crew,” are designed to replace the current ad-hoc prayers, in which aisles are sometimes blocked at awkward times causing inconvenience and discomfort to some passengers. Estimates are that Shacharis should take 30-40 minutes and will take place if possible exactly at sunrise. The letter to El Al’s cabin staff stresses the importance of the timing and that matters in the kitchen should be arranged so that minyanim can take place at precise times. However, passengers will be required to return to their seats during prayer times, which will be halted if weather conditions dictate. I’m very happy that they are trying this out but I’m worried that this has the potential to be a big Chilul Hashem. People will get up & make a lot of noise & wake people up that are sleeping. What do you think?
Vues Master’s Note:Some people will never be happy!
Dear Vues Master:
What is this world coming to? The LAPD declared an unlawful assembly this past Sunday night after “violent and destructive” Los Angeles Rams fans wreaked havoc on downtown streets following the team’s Super Bowl victory over the Cincinnati Bengals. A station helicopter, over one of the large crowds of people on streets, spotted people setting off fireworks in the middle of traffic. Roman candles were also in the mix. City buses were vandalized. Some looting was reported, and at least one person was shot. I think the world is getting crazier every day!
Vues Master’s Note:Reminds me of Sodom and Amorah!!
Dear Vues Master:
To what extent must you revere your parents? (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 143) If you were dressed in costly clothing and presiding over the assembly and your father or mother came and tore your clothing, struck you on the head and spat in your face, you must not embarrass them, or show distress in their presence or anger towards them; but you must be silent and fear the King who is King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He, so commanded. Nevertheless, if you are able to prevent them from doing these things, you are permitted to do so and you may summon them to Beis Din for the damages they inflicted on you. Even if your father is wicked and a sinner you must honor and fear him (Shulchan Aruch). Even a bastard is obligated to honor and fear his father. Others say (Tur and Rema) you need not honor your father, if he is wicked, so long as he does not repent, but you are forbidden to cause him grief. You should be stringent and follow the first opinion (Sefaria). Megillah 25b: Rav Naḥman said: All mockery and obscenity is forbidden except for mockery of idol worship. Ibn Ezra says, the rabbis interpreted Molech as a general term for any idol (including man) whom a person accepts as a king over him (Sefaria). For the Rosh Yeshiva who lords over his students and tells them not to honor their father I quote Proverbs 10:1, “A wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish son is the grief of his mother”. The Malbim comments: The mother, on the other hand, expresses the grief of feeling personal responsibility and blame if the son chooses a life of vice, for evidently her loving relationship with him has served to protect her son from the discipline and wholesome rigors of the father’s education.
Vues Master’s Note: Here we go again. Are we knocking Rosh Yeshivas again?
Dear Vues Master:
There was someone who went into Rav Shteinman ZT, and asked him if the Rav ever enjoyed a double scoop chocolate ice cream with sprinkles, or perhaps a hot sizzling juicy medium rare rib steak? When the godol hador said of course not. The person broke down that he doesn’t have a cheshek for learning torah! Rav Shteinman, without missing a beat, asked him if he would have sores on his tongue would he then enjoy the hot salty sizzling steak? Of course not. Well perhaps your tongue has on it nivel peh, loshon hara, or Kashrus, and that’s why you don’t enjoy learning torah? It’s not the Torah that’s at fault! [heard from a rebbe in Darchei between Parshas Shmini-Kashrus & Tazriah Metzorah-Loshon Hara!
Vues Master’s Note:Ah! A great lesson!
Dear Vues Master:
I just want to tell you how much my family appreciates the Jewish Vues. This past Shabbos morning I sat with my mother before shul having a cup of coffee & reading The Jewish Vues. We both commented that the Jewish Vues is the only heimish paper that would put both Jonathan Pollard & Rabbi Ezrachi on the front cover. No other paper would do that. We appreciate very much how you go out of your way to include all different types of people throughout Klal Yisrael. Kol Hakavod. Please keep up the good work!
Vues Master’s Note: Thanks. I would not put my face on the cover now as I am blushing!.
Dear Vues Master:
Last week Rabbi Steven Burg from Aish Hatorah sent out a tweet that questioned the way YU handled the entrance to their seforim sale. On Monday morning he sent out the following interesting message to explain his tweet. Dear Friends and members of the YU community, This is perhaps the first time I have written to explain a tweet. I generally would have ignored most of the responses but I believe the issue I commented on is an important one and while I don’t regret my comment I believe it important to explain my thought process. Social Media can be fairly judgmental which I don’t necessarily find to be so problematic because it encourages conversation. Obviously when folks start to get mean it is not conducive but actually discussing issues I believe are very important. I commented on the process of getting into the YU Seforim sale. My comments were specifically directed at the outdated nature of the enterance process. Asking for proof of vaccine at the door and having people inside asking everyone to continually mask up. Not allowing young children under five to attend. My comments were made as a father of three current Yeshiva University students. My sons were all third generation MTA students. My wife and I are Alumni and I sit on the board of the Yeshiva University High Schools. So it was ironic when people chose to make fun of the institution I currently work at. Perhaps the eclectic nature of Aish should be appreciated that the CEO has so many connections to YU. I was made aware a number of months ago of some major issues regarding the handling of Covid on campus and I reached out to the administration of YU and couldn’t seem to get a response. So for me what I experienced was an outgrowth of what I have watched for the past 2 years of YU having a poor Covid policy on campus. In the past I would have turned to terrific professionals like Rabbi Dr. Kenny Brander or Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph. I have no doubt they would have created a meaningful dialogue and dealt with the issue. Unfortunately they and others have left YU and have not been replaced. I have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of students and parents of students who have reached out to thank me for my seeming innocuous tweet. There seems to be a tremendous buildup of frustration on campus but with no where to turn to. It seems that there is tremendous pressure to not disagree with the YU administration. This seems sad to me. Parents should have a voice as well as students. That was my closing line that YU needs to do a better job or become irrelevant. If you aren’t listening to your students of their parents then you will indeed become irrelevant. I’m terms of my comment regarding the Modern Orthodox community I believe it is a known issue as the Orthodox Union and others have started conversation regarding how to get members back to Shul. I have been to a number of large MO Synagogues that are struggling for weekly Minyanim as many have stayed away from Shul. This is a real issue that must be dealt with. I want to emphasis how wonderful it is that the students put this Seforim sale together. My comments should in no way reflect on them. They have no choice but to abide by the rules of YU whether they agree with them or not. Some of them have reached out to me as well to express frustration and I believe my comments represent them. I was surprised to have received an email from a Rabbi at YU accusing me of Lashon Horah. I specifically did not call anyone out by name and was expressing an issue regarding a policy and general operational attitude. It seemed that anything other than publicly following the party line is deemed against Halacha. That doesn’t seem to make much sense to me. In short I am triple vaxxed and wear an Israeli Sonovia mask when required. I was pointing out a policy that seemed to be outdated and inconsistent. I am surprised by the overwhelming feedback but I don’t regret my comments. A Jewish community where one can’t respectfully state their opinion is not one that I cherish to belong to. I hope the YU administration will hear some of what is being said and start a meaningful dialogue with their students and their parents. Please feel free to comment below but I urge you to keep them civil and in point. Let’s dialogue in a productive manner. With much love and affection even for those that disagree with me.
Steven Burg
Vues Master’s Note:Interesting we in Flatbush, Boro Park, Williamsburg
& Lakewood have been saying this for a long time!