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    Dear Editor:
    I don’t understand the need to have a siyum during the nine days. It is not a life and death situation if you pass a whole week without eating meat.

    Yankel T.

     Editor’s Note: You are right. What can we do about the fact that we are so removed from the Churban that people don’t even know what they are missing?



    Dear Editor:

    If there is going to be a siyum during the nine days, I think it would be appropriate to eat some chicken, but at all the barbeques they serve top, expensive steaks. I think it is missing the point.

    Boruch Hammer

    Editor’s Note: It just drives a “stake” into the ground and holds back the geulah.



    Dear Editor:

    These siyumim during the nine days are such a farce. During the rest of the year when the oilam makes a siyum they serve a little cake and soda. All of a sudden, it becomes a meat fest?

    Editor’s Note: The bottom line is that Halacha says that siyumim are a zman seudah. Therefore, a seudah is permissible during the nine days.



    Dear Editor:

    Now that we are in the nine days I wanted to point out something. Do you see a child with poor social skills being bullied? Do you see a child whose parents seem to be abusive to your student? Do you see a child suffering emotionally for known or unknown reasons? Say something. Speak to your menahel, Rov, professional, etc. Lo saamod all dam reiacha!
    Your caring intervention can save this child from lifelong distress.
    See something? Say something! (With caution)

    A mechanech in Brooklyn


    Editor’s Note: Wow. This is the best advice one can give. It will truly stop sinas chinam.



    Dear Editor:

    When going to 7-Eleven they give you a straw with a spoon on one end. What’s the point of it? It seems when you get to the bottom, the straw is ineffective.

    Editor’s Note: The spoon is there to help pick up the ice. I am sure the company spent a lot of money to figure out what is the best type of straw for them to give with their slurpies.



    Dear Editor:

    I run a small summer camp for 10-12 year old girls who come from different frum schools in different cities across America. I don’t force the girls to daven shacharis but I allot them a specified time to do so and I encourage it. It gets me frustrated that some of them are anti-davening (“It’s bad enough that they make us do it in school”), and seem to be peer-pressuring the girls who do daven by chatting and laughing and saying hurry up. I’m wondering what makes it a good experience for some girls and a waste of time for others? I don’t want them to see it as something boring – then yes, there is no point to it except to practice kriyah. I’m not asking to reform all the schools and institute a national cheshek tefilah program, but I’m looking for suggestions to implement in my camp this summer.

    Etty G

    Editor note: The best way to educate the girls is by setting an example. Many head counselors may not daven because they are so busy. Perhaps, if they would daven with the girls, they would set a wonderful example for their campers. Another suggestion would be to read “Praying with fire.”