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    Dear Vues Master
    Everyone noticed that Schumer didn’t march this
    year at the Israeli Day Parade. He was booed at
    the Met Council breakfast before the parade. The
    best sign at the parade was Schumer is SHOMER
    YISHMAEL. Clearly no one believes Schumer is a
    Shomer Yisrael anymore!
    Vues Master’s Note: Was he ever a Shomer Yisrael?
    He continues to betray Israel & the Jewish people
    every day. It’s sad.

    Dear Vues Master
    Columbia University has reached a settlement with
    a Jewish student who requested a court order that
    would have required the school to provide safe
    access to the campus for Jewish students who feel
    threatened by violent protesters. Under the deal,
    the students who filed the lawsuit will be offered
    “walking escorts” for their safety on campus, and
    the school has agreed to create a new point of
    contact — a Safe Passage Liaison — for students
    worried for their safety. The liaison will handle
    student safety concerns and coordinate requests for
    escorts, which must remain available 24/7 through
    at least December 31. What took them so long to do
    Vues Master’s Note: It’s about time they did
    something, but definitely still not enough.

    Dear Vues Master:
    President Biden is planning to provide offensive
    weapons to a Middle Eastern regime that has been
    massacring innocent civilians, according to news
    reports. Yet no protest tents have been set up on
    college campuses, no members of the congressional
    “Squad” are making angry speeches, and no hecklers
    are calling him “Genocide Joe.” How can this be?
    Aren’t the protesters who have captured our nation’s

    attention motivated by humanitarian principles,
    which apply no matter who the offender is? Aren’t
    they concerned about all human suffering? Don’t
    they want America to hold back weapons from
    every regime that might kill civilians? Apparently
    not. According to news media reports, the Biden
    administration plans to resume providing offensive
    weapons to Saudi Arabia, after a four year-ban that
    the president imposed because the Saudis used
    American munitions in airstrikes that killed some
    Yemeni civilians. While campaigning for the
    presidency in 2018, Joe Biden vowed he would
    treat Saudi Arabia as a “pariah” because of its many
    human rights violations, including dismembering
    one of the regime’s prominent critics. And last year,
    the Saudis gave the United Stated additional reason
    to hold back weapons: human rights groups revealed
    that Saudi Arabian border guards had slaughtered
    “hundreds, perhaps thousands” of unarmed African
    civilians. The migrants had approached the Saudi
    border in the hope of finding work or receiving
    asylum from persecution. The Saudis responded
    with gunfire, mutilations, and sexual atrocities.
    Yet the Biden administration has been looking
    for ways to improve its relations with Riyadh. As
    early as the autumn of 2022, “American diplomats
    received grim news that border guards in Saudi
    Arabia, a close U.S. partner in the Middle East, were
    using lethal force against African migrants,” the
    Times revealed—yet throughout the entire year to
    follow, the Biden administration never criticized the
    Saudi massacres. The most any U.S. official said,
    according to the Times, was “an oblique reference” to
    the issue: the deputy American representative to the
    United Nations said during a UN briefing in January
    2023 that the Biden administration was “concerned”
    by “alleged abuses against migrants on the border
    with Saudi Arabia.” He called on “all parties” to
    permit an outside investigation. That was it. It gets
    worse. During the past year, the Saudis have openly
    strengthened their relations with two of America’s
    worst enemies—yet the Biden administration has
    remained silent. In March 2023, Saudi Arabia
    renewed diplomatic relations with Iran, after a seven

    year rift. Ambassadors were exchanged,

    embassies were re-opened, and then-
    Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi visited

    Riyadh. Iran is not the only anti-
    American regime that Saudi Arabia is

    embracing. Earlier this year, the Syrian
    embassy was reopened in Riyadh; and
    last week, the Saudis sent an ambassador
    to Syria after a twelve year-break in
    relations with the Assad regime. The
    Syrian regime is not just anti-American
    in its rhetoric—it is still actively trying
    to kill Americans. There are at least
    900 U.S. soldiers in Syria, fighting
    against terrorist groups that are backed
    by Iran and the Syrian government. So
    while Syrian-supported terrorists are
    trying to murder Americans, Riyadh is
    embracing the Syrians. Yet neither
    Saudi massacres of black Africans nor
    Saudi friendliness toward Iran and Syria
    has moved the Biden administration to
    even verbally challenge Riyadh. The
    only time President Biden has publicly
    criticized Saudi Arabia was in 2022—
    for cutting oil production. The president
    was worried that—as the New York
    Times put it—such cuts might “lead
    to a rise in global oil prices before
    the midterm elections.” The president
    even threatened there would be
    “consequences” for oil cuts. Apparently
    there are no consequences for mass
    murder, or for embracing regimes that
    murder Americans. As for the critics of
    Israel on campus and in Congress, their
    hypocrisy could not be more blatant.
    They say they care about the deaths of
    civilians—but only when Israel can be
    blamed. They say they want America
    to refrain from sending weapons to
    countries engaged in Mideast wars—
    but only when the country is Israel and
    the war is against Hamas terrorists.
    And, of course, they say “black lives
    matter”—but not when blacks are being
    slaughtered by the Saudis.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: Biden looking for
    Arab votes!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Walking through the streets of the city,
    a man came upon a poor person with
    an outstretched hand. He immediately
    recognized him as a man who had been
    wealthy. Stunned, he asked how the man
    had sunk so low. “What happened to me,”
    he responded, “is like what Chazal say:
    תחילה ימלא אדם כרסו
    .בש״ס ופוסקים ואחר כך ילמד קבלה

    That’s what I did. In the beginning, as I
    was going downhill, I sold my ש״ס and
    פוסקים and filled my hungry stomach.
    And now, I’m at the stage of קבלה.“
    Vues Master’s Note: Let’s hope he gets all
    he needs so he can go shopping for a new

    Dear Vues Master:
    A Talmid Chacham was asked why we
    have the minhag to drink alcohol after
    eating fish, which we don’t do after
    eating meat. He explained: the fish once
    came with a complaint to the bais din
    shel maaloh. “It’s not fair,” they said.
    “The last time a fish swallowed a man,
    namely Yonah Hanavi, he prayed until
    the fish spit him out. We too should be
    able to pray when men swallow us and
    they should be required to spit us out.”
    The bais din shel maaloh agreed that this
    was a reasonable request and granted
    them permission to pray that they be spit
    out. Therefore, we drink alcohol, so that
    the fish get drunk and, as is known, a
    drunk is not permitted to daven.
    Vues Master’s Note: This story sounds
    way to fishy to me. But I’ll drink to that.

    Dear Vues Master:
    A woman who was a regular customer
    at Cafe Aroma in Yerushalayim started
    going to Cafe Cafe on the other side of
    the street. When the Cafe Aroma manager
    saw her, he asked what happened? Was
    there a problem with the food or the
    service? “No,” she responded. “I had
    some dental work done and the dentist
    told me to eat on the other side for a
    Vues Master’s Note:I’m sure the café
    owner was besides herself!

    Dear Vues Master:
    B”H the month after Lag Baomer my
    wife & I are invited to five different
    simchas. B”H, we have five children.
    Three of them are under the age of 8.
    My children were not invited to any of
    the simchas. Is it ok for me to bring them
    along? I really dont have anyone to watch
    them & if I find a babysitter, it’s going to
    cost me more than $100 per simcha, just
    for babysitting. That’s not even including
    the gift. The average simcha these days is
    about 5 hours between going & coming

    & the average babysitter is $15-$20/hr.
    I’m really in a bind. I appreciate being
    invited, but I really can’t afford it. What
    should I do?
    Vues Master’s Note: It is definitely better
    than paying a babysitter in order for one
    to go be Menachem Avel! Be thankful for

    Dear Vues Master:
    I’m getting really frustrated about this
    young man that is davening in my shul.
    He brings his 2 year old to davening &
    the child is very disturbing. I understand
    people wanting to bring their children
    to shul, but they really shouldn’t until
    they are at least 6 or 7 years old. This
    particular child makes a lot of noise &
    runs all over the shul. The father sees
    nothing wrong with it & just follows him
    all over the shul.
    Vues Master’s Note: Why don’t you
    discuss with the Rav and let him decide.
    There may be rules in your Shul!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Why does Mothers Day get so much
    more attention than Father’s Day?
    Vues Master’s Note: Maybe because
    fathers have to thank mothers a lot more
    than mothers have to thank fathers!

    Dear Vues Master:
    FULL DISCLOSURE: The following
    story is 100% true (except for some minor
    exaggerations, literary embellishments,
    and factual amplifications!)
    The P’sicha Fiasco
    Last week I was approached by a Gabbai
    before the Torah reading, and was kindly
    offered to do P’sicha. I didn’t have to
    think for even a moment before politely
    declining the honor. He looked at me
    strangely, like, what chutzpah, but then
    shrugged and turned and offered it to
    somebody else. It might have been the
    first time in his 30 year “Gabbaihood”
    that somebody turned him down! I saw
    him whisper something to the Rabbi,
    who gave me a dirty look, but I didn’t
    care. Little did he know there was a
    good reason for my seeming disrespect!
    You see, last year I was davening in a
    crowded Young Israel minyan with over
    800 mispallelim in Florida one Shabbos

    when I was approached by a well-
    meaning Gabbai asking me to do P’sicha.

    Naturally, I was honored and quickly
    agreed. Then, at the proper time, I strode
    up to the Aron Kodesh, stood on the right
    side of the huge, embroidered, velvet
    curtain, and looked for the cord to pull
    on, and thereby slide the “Paroches” to
    the side. But to my chagrin there was no
    cord to pull! I quickly looked behind the
    curtain, but no luck. I thought, perhaps
    it was on the other side for some reason,
    so I walked quickly to the left side of
    the curtain and searched – to no avail!
    NO CORD! A murmur went up from the
    crowd. I was holding up the Davening!
    The Chazzan was already standing there
    nervously tapping his foot, waiting for
    me to give him the Sefer Torah. He was
    staring daggers at me! My face started to
    turn a bright crimson just like the velvet
    curtain that was giving me such problems.
    I turned around, looking for help, but no
    one was coming to my aid. Then I had a
    brilliant idea! I recalled that in some shuls
    the Aron didn’t have any cords to pull.
    You had to slide the curtain to the side
    with your hand. Sheepishly smiling, but
    now, with a growing confidence that I had
    solved the problem, I tried pushing the
    curtain to the side. But it wouldn’t budge!
    It was big and heavy, and hardly moved.
    Aha, I thought to myself, I probably have
    to push it not from left to right but from
    right to left. Beaming at my brilliance, I
    quickly jumped to the other side and tried
    pushing it that way. But again it wouldn’t
    budge an inch! By now the murmuring
    had turned into angry shouts, hooting and
    laughter! “NEEE, NUUU, SHOITEH
    EFFIN SHOIN!” I started to panic! The
    blood drained from my face! For a brief
    second, I thought of bolting off the stage,
    out of the Shul and running home. But
    then I had a brilliant idea. I turned and
    picked up the curtain from the bottom
    and raised it over my head and dropped
    it behind me. So now I was invisible to
    the deafening crowd and had access to the
    Aron. I thought, perhaps, this was a new
    security feature to protect against anyone
    seeing the combination used to open the
    Aron. At this point, the agitated shouting
    and insults ( Meshugeneh, Shlimazel”)
    were mostly muffled, but now I could
    hear footsteps approaching me. The
    Gabbai had finally come to my rescue.
    He lifted the curtain and guided me back
    to the proper position on the right side
    of the curtain. Now, utterly mortified,
    I half turned to see the devastation I
    had unleashed.To my horror there was
    utter chaos in the shul. 800 exceedingly

    agitated, starving men were calling for
    my head. I thought at any moment I
    would be rushed, bound and quartered by
    the crazed crowd already salivating from
    the scent of pickled herring, Cholent and
    Kishkeh wafting in from the lobby. The
    rabbi’s face had turned a deep, royal
    purple with embarrassment! The aging
    president was apoplectic, his whole
    body was twitching uncontrollably and
    his mouth was convoluted and twisted
    with an expression I’d never seen on a
    living person before. The Gabbai looked
    up and gently lifted my hand above my
    head. Perplexed I too looked way up
    and lo and behold I couldn’t believe
    my eyes! There, hanging about three
    feet above my head was the beautiful,
    blessed, triple braided, tasseled cord!
    I’d have to have been 8 feet tall to
    have seen it- but there it was. I quickly
    pulled it down and the curtain smoothly
    slid to the side. The cacophony quickly
    subsided and I handed the Torah to the
    Chazzan. I then followed closely behind
    him for protection as he carried it to
    the Bimah and to the audible sound of
    snickering laughter I quickly left the
    Shul. I haven’t gone back there since!
    End of story? Hardly! A year later I was
    davening in a Shteeble this time when
    once again I was approached by a well
    meaning Gabbai offering me… P’sicha.
    What it is about my face that makes me
    the perfect candidate for P’sicha I’ll
    never know. By this time the pain and
    anguish of the first sordid affair had
    somewhat dissipated and I figured what
    can possibly go wrong? I reluctantly
    accepted! As I approached the curtain I
    was horrified once again to see there was
    no cord! I don’t know who designs these
    things, but they should be shot! Horrible
    memories flooded my mind nearly
    paralyzing my muscles! I ran to the
    other side- still no cord! Remembering

    the last time, I looked up to the ceiling-
    but this time still no blessed cord!

    Nervous murmurs and giggles rose
    from the congregation. I began to sweat
    profusely! Thankfully the rabbi saw my
    predicament and made a swiping motion
    with his hand. I quickly got the message
    and swiped the curtain. It slid easily
    to the side. Whew! Now I only had to
    open the two heavy, gray metal doors.
    Should be easy shmeazy, right? But as
    hard as I tried I couldn’t get them to
    swing open! Each door must’ve weighed
    100 pounds! I couldn’t even turn the
    handles! Some men started yelling out
    instructions from the back of the shul.

    Turn them to the left, turn them to the
    right, pull, push – nothing worked! The
    room began spinning! Pandemonium
    broke out as my heart started palpitating
    and I felt a dizzying nausea rise from
    my bowels! My nightmare scenario was
    coming true… once again! I swooned
    and collapsed to the floor! A Hatzolah
    member jumped out of his seat, pulled
    out his walkie-talkie and proceeded to
    rip open my shirt! But before he could
    reach for the defibrillator, someone
    shouted, “it’s open!” I looked up from
    the floor and the two iron doors were
    wide open, and the beautiful Torahs
    stood majestically within, waiting to be
    taken out. I immediately felt better, got
    up and handed the Torah to the Chazzan.
    As I slowly made my way back to my
    seat people were patting my back and
    wishing me well but right then and
    there I made a solemn vow – never to
    accept P’sicha again! So all you Gabbies
    reading this out there. If you see me
    in shul be forewarned: I’ll accept any
    Aliyah, Hagbah, Glilah or even Maftir
    but please, please no P’sicha!!!
    Country Yossi
    Vues Master’s Note: I hope you open
    up! Don’t pull the curtain on your act?
    It seems like the Gabai is pulling some

    Dear Vues Master
    Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein related a
    story that a man from Boro Park shared
    with him. The man said: One night, I
    went to daven Maariv at the Shomrei
    Shabbos Shul in Boro Park, when a man
    approached me and introduced himself
    as a visitor from Eretz Yisroel. He
    showed me a check that had been made
    out for a very large sum, and he asked if
    I knew the person who had written the
    check. I told him that I knew the man.
    He is a wealthy individual who lives
    near the shul, but I also knew that he
    was not in the habit of giving out such
    large donations. I asked him , “How did
    you get that check?” The man told me
    a story that was completely incredible.
    He said, “I live in Eretz Yisroel and I
    have fallen into terrible debt. After being
    pursued continually by my creditors, I
    realized that I had no choice but to come
    to America to collect money, simply
    so that I could have a way to feed my
    family and to pay off my debts. I have
    been here for two weeks already, and I
    barely managed to cover the cost of my
    airfare. Today was a particularly hard

    day, and I didn’t manage to collect even
    one penny. At the end of the day, I felt
    that I had reached the edge of despair,
    and I began to lose hope. However, I
    knew that I couldn’t go home without
    having collected a decent amount. On
    the other hand, I couldn’t simply stay
    here forever. My family is waiting for me
    in Eretz Yisroel. For a while, I walked
    around in a state of depression, and I
    couldn’t imagine how I would be able to
    help myself and my situation. Suddenly,
    a thought came to me. ‘Am I alone in the
    world? I know that I have a great Father
    in Shamayim, and He can do anything!’
    I decided that I would simply pour
    out my heart before Hashem. I came
    to this shul and I began to prepare for
    Maariv. When I began davening, I felt a
    sense of elevation, the sort of feeling I
    experience only during Maariv on Yom
    Kippur. When I was in the middle of
    the Brachos of Krias Shema, someone
    tapped me on the shoulder. I didn’t even
    look around to see who it was. I was
    completely immersed in my davening.
    I davened Shemoneh Esrei with more
    feeling and enthusiasm than I have ever
    felt before. I cried to Hashem that only
    He can save me, and that there is no
    true power in the world other than Him.
    When I finished Davening, I felt as if a
    great weight had been lifted from my
    heart. The next thing I did was to rub my
    eyes in astonishment. Right next to my
    Siddur was this check, which was made
    out for the exact amount of money that I
    had hoped to collect throughout my stay
    in America!” I said to him, “I know the
    man who wrote that check very well,
    but this is totally uncharacteristic for
    him. He is generous and he gives a lot of
    Tzedakah, but he would never normally
    do something like this.” I decided to
    make my way to this donor’s house and
    to find out the real story. I mentioned
    about the visitor from Eretz Yisroel,
    and asked if he knew the man, and he
    replied that he didn’t. I told him, “I saw
    this man with a check from you that
    was made out for a very large amount
    of money, and I wanted to find out if
    you really wrote that check.” When the
    man heard my question, he paled and
    his hands began to tremble. I asked him
    what had happened? In response, he told
    me this story. “I went to daven Maariv
    in Shomrei Shabbos and I saw a man
    standing off to the side and davening. It
    immediately occurred to me that he must
    be a visitor from Eretz Yisroel who had
    come to raise money. I presumed that he

    had probably left a family with children
    behind in Eretz Yisroel, and I imagined
    that he longed to be with his family, but
    his financial situation left him no choice
    but to remain here. It also seemed, based
    on his appearance, that he couldn’t have
    been very successful in collecting more
    than a small sum. I assumed that he was
    probably disappointed and dejected over
    not being able to raise more money, and
    I imagined his wife’s reaction when
    he returned home with only a small
    amount. I found myself overflowing
    with compassion for this person, and I
    tapped him on the shoulder and asked if
    he had come from Eretz Yisroel, but he
    didn’t answer me. I decided to write a
    check and leave it on the table in front of
    him, and I left. After I wrote the check,”
    he continued, “I started thinking about
    what I had done, and I began wondering
    if I had made a mistake. Maybe this
    man wasn’t from Eretz Yisroel? Why
    did I assume that he was poor? What if
    he didn’t even have a family? I began
    having some feelings of regret for what
    I did, and I went somewhere else to
    Daven Maariv. Even now, I am surprised
    at myself when I think about it.” I
    quickly corrected his bad feelings and
    reassured him, and I said, “Don’t worry,
    the situation is exactly as you thought it
    was before you wrote that check. This is
    just like the story in the Gemara of the
    man who gave his friend the benefit of
    the doubt, and it turned out to be correct
    in every detail. The man you saw in shul
    is indeed a Talmid Chacham who has
    many debts to many creditors, but he
    was very ineffective in raising money.
    It’s true that he was feeling broken, and
    your check came at precisely the right
    time. That check saved him, and as soon
    as he received it, he began preparing to
    return to his family in Eretz Yisroel.”
    This made the wealthy man very happy,
    and he acknowledged that it could only
    be Hashem who had guided the events in
    this, and in every situation!
    Vues Master’s Note: Great story. Thanks
    for sharing!