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    Dear Vues Master
    Is it true that they are opening this week the largest kosher
    pizza store in the world in Monticello? Supposedly the new
    Monticello Liberty Pizza store on Broadway can seat over
    250 people, making it the largest pizza store in the world.
    It’s amazing how many pizza stores there are upstate nowI
    Vues Master Note: We wish them hatzlacha. What’s really
    amazing is how pizza stores upstate are now charging over
    $4 a slice. I remember when buying pizza for dinner was a
    cheap night out!

    Dear Vues Master
    It’s incredible how another major kosher supermarket is
    opening just for the summer. Most of these stores are only
    open for 10 weeks a year & are gigantic. How do they do it?
    Vues Master Note: The Catskills seem to be booming over
    the summer. Drive around Fallsburg, Loch Sheldrake &
    Monticello & you will see new homes being built everywhere.

    Dear Vues Master
    Is it true that they plan on doing construction on the bridge in
    Woodbourne because it’s not safe?
    Vues Master Note: There were rumors about that last
    summer. It might be true but they don’t plan on doing any
    work this summer.

    Dear Vues Master
    I remember how only 15 years ago my family would go
    every week bowling in Kiamesha or Liberty. No more.
    I remember when Ohr Naava would rent out the lanes on
    Motzei Shabbos & let kids bowl for free. No more.
    I remember when there was a lot of entertainment in the
    Catskills for families. No more.
    Vues Master Note: It’s a shame. Bowling was a good clean
    game that all the camps in the area used to play. There are
    still plenty of places for families to go. Just read this week’s
    Country Vues & you’ll find many of them.

    Dear Vues Master
    Last summer there was a lot of construction by 105B which
    produced a lot of traffic. They finished it this past winter &
    it looks a lot nicer but it is clearly an accident prone circle.
    Drivers go in & out of lanes. I really hope that there are not
    too many accidents there this summer.
    Vues Master Note: What a waste of $23 million federal

    Dear Vues Master:
    My husband keeps saying we must train to fight off our
    enemies more than ever!
    Hillel fulds article last shabbat was really powerful.
    Especially after what happened in L.A this week and at a
    graduation in Brooklyn. We should all make a plan. It’s time
    to go to Israel asap!
    Vues Master’s Note: Feels like Germany all over again!!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Know your driver’s license status, so you don’t get arrested
    this summer. “You wouldn’t believe how many frantic calls
    for help my office gets, every summer, because a father,
    son, or husband got locked up for driving with a suspended
    license,” said Senator Felder. “At that point, there is no
    choice except to go through the legal system. It is traumatic,
    stressful, and very expensive to resolve, but it can all be
    avoided entirely by checking your driver’s license at my
    office, for free.” Check if your license is 100% clean, at
    no cost: 1. Call Senator Felder’s office at 718-253-2015 or
    email felder@nysenate.gov 2. Provide your name, address,
    and driver’s license ID number NYS Department of Motor
    Vehicles will check your driver’s license for you, and if it is
    suspended, we will give you all the information you need
    to fix the problem right away. “Anyone who gets pulled
    over for any minor traffic violation and is found to have a
    suspended license gets arrested,” cautions Senator Felder.
    “People make mistakes, and they miss the official notice
    sent by mail. You will only know if you check.” Restoring
    your driving privilege is now simpler and more affordable
    with income-based payment plans offered by DMV, under a
    law co-sponsored by Senator Felder. Driver’s information is
    also accessible online with a myDMV account at www.dmv.
    ny.gov Senator Simcha Felder
    Vues Master’s Note: Just drive safely!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Philip ran into David on the street and
    said “I’m so sorry to hear about your store
    burning down.” David quickly spun around
    and whispered “Shh – it’s tomorrow.”
    Vues Master’s Note: I assure you with
    all assurances this was not an insurance

    Dear Vues Master:
    In last week’s Jewish Vues issue (June 19-
    25) on page 55, your Mi K’Amcha Yisroel
    the section praised, rightfully so, many
    beautiful acts of Chesed, righteousness and
    Mesiras Nefesh by Acheinu Bnei Yisroel.
    However, their was one excerpt that I
    found unjustified. Titled “What a special
    people we are ‘’, the article praised the fact
    that irreligious Jews, wanting to inform
    their religious neighbors of the wonderful
    news of the rescued hostages, went around
    putting up signs informing them of the
    news. Although this idea sounds like a great
    thing to do, and it strikes a “feel good”
    chord, in truth there is no justification
    to this. What they did was completely
    not proper according to Halacha. We are
    docheh Shabbos for Pikuach Nefesh, but
    not to spread good news. Even if their
    heart was in the right place, that doesn’t
    take away from the fact that it was Chillul
    Shabbos to write each of those notes.
    Even if the ones that wrote the notes were
    irreligious, it doesn’t justify the extra
    Chillul Shabbos associated with writing
    these notes. Although we cannot control the
    actions of others, it is certainly not proper
    to commend them and praise them (or Chas
    V’Shalom encourage them) I’m their act of
    Chillul Shabbos. Thank you once again for
    your enjoyable newspaper.
    Vues Master’s Note: Try to find the good in
    every Yid and don’t worry they will all come

    Dear Vues Master:
    The Committee on Ethics in Jewish
    Leadership is deeply disappointed by the
    refusal of American Jewish University
    to fire staff members who have engaged
    in sexual harassment and discrimination
    against AJU students. Last year, the
    university commissioned the law firm
    of Cozen O’Connor to investigate more
    than a dozen complaints filed by students
    who were victims of harassment or
    discrimination at AJU in recent years. The
    report concluded that there was “a climate

    of discrimination and or harassment” at
    the university. The report was completed
    last week, but instead of releasing it, AJU
    distributed only a brief summary of what
    it claims are the highlights of the findings.
    The summary did not mention any steps that
    will be taken against the abusers. American
    Jewish University’s lack of transparency
    is appalling. Hiding the full report from
    the public makes it impossible to identify
    which individuals were responsible for the
    abuse. AJU’s vague pledge to “do better” is
    insufficient. The Jewish community has a
    right to know what the investigation found,
    and the harassers and abusers must be fired
    immediately. At a time when the Jewish
    community is experiencing a shortage of
    trained rabbis, AJU’s toxic atmosphere
    has led some students to transfer to other
    rabbinical seminaries, and others seeking
    rabbinical training do not want to study at
    AJU. The university’s failure failing to deal
    quickly and definitively to stop harassment
    is an outrage. Rabbinical students naturally
    seek to emulate the rabbis who teach
    them. It is incumbent upon AJU to create
    a community of teachers and students who
    inspire one another and set an example
    of the high level of moral integrity and
    spiritual inspiration that is expected from
    rabbis. The only way to effectively combat
    sexual harassment and abuse in the Jewish
    world is for Jewish institutions to be
    completely transparent about the abusers
    in their midst, and take specific, serious
    actions to penalize them. No student at AJU
    can ever feel safe until the abusers have
    been publicly named and fired.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: History repeats itself
    over and over again!

    Dear Vues Master:
    URGENT I urge everyone over the age
    of 45 to get a colonoscopy. Younger
    people in their early 40’s are developing
    Colon Cancer at an alarming rate. This is
    a very painful cancer for the patient and
    their loved ones. If you are of Ashkenazy
    background, you have a greater chance of
    Colon Cancer. Colon Cancer is the second
    leading cause of Cancer-related deaths in
    the United States but it doesn’t have to be.
    This type of cancer
    Can be treated or even prevented through a
    Colonoscopy. Please make an appointment
    with your G.I. doctor. DO IT NOW. IT
    Vues Master’s Note: It could save a life!


    Dear Vues Master:
    The wall between gan eden and gahenom
    collapsed. The people in עדן גן complained
    that the heat from gahenom was entering
    into their space and sued before the דין בית
    מעלה של, arguing that those in gahenom are
    responsible to repair it. Those in gahenom
    argued that it should be left the way it is.
    They were finally getting some cool, fresh
    air. They won. All the lawyers were in
    Vues Master’s Note: Oh boy having to
    spend an eternity with lawyers is enough of
    a reason to make sure you go to heaven!

    Dear Vues Master:
    The President of a company was
    interviewing job applicants for an executive
    position. He asked each applicant “What
    is two and two?” The first applicant had a
    background as a journalist. He answered
    twenty two. The second applicant’s
    experience was in engineering. He pulled
    out a calculator and said the answer is
    between 3.999 and 4.001. Then came a
    lawyer who cited precedent stating that the
    answer was four. The final applicant was an
    accountant. He also was asked how much
    is two and two. The accountant got up from
    his chair, went over to the door, closed it,
    then came back and sat down. He leaned
    across the desk and said in a low voice
    “How much do you want it to be?” He got
    the job.
    Vues Master’s Note: Definitely does not
    sound like my accountant!!

    Dear Vues Master:
    the of one , כהן גדול, ר‘ צדוק הכהן זצ“ל The
    greatest Chasidic Masters & מחשבה בעל,
    משה When “,ספר צדקת הצדיק his in writes
    רבינו warned the מעפילים not to attempt to
    forcefully enter ישראל ארץ before the time
    is right he said to them תצלח לא והיא The
    word “והיא “implies that this time it won’t
    be successful but there will come a time
    in the future when they will be successful
    even though they will enter forcefully and
    before the time is right. This will happen
    in our generation.” *Perhaps, according the
    ַאֶַּתּ֘ם֘) Pasuk the in פשט is this צדקת הצדיק
    ַאֶַּתּ֘ם֘ When ִּֽת�ֽי ְְרׁ֣שּ֣ו ֶאֶת־ַאַ ְְדָמָת֒ם֒ )ויקרא כ:כ“ד
    וּ֣שְׁ֣רְיֽ�תִּֽ you will first posses the land on your
    to it give will I ַֽֽוֲאִ֞נ�֞י ֶאְֶּתֶּ֤נָּ֤נּה ָלֶָכֶ֙ם֙ then ,own

    Vues Master’s Note: That would amount as
    Zionism is the Aschalta DiGeulah. I don’t
    think so!

    Dear Vues Master:
    As the summer arrives and people head
    for greener pastures, there are numerous
    shabbos issues that start to pop up that may
    not during the year. One must be careful
    outdoors with drinks so that they don’t get
    spilled on grass. Outdoor furniture that can
    get wet should not be tilted and spilled where
    it may lead to plants. Trees may not be used
    for anything, and especially not to climb
    them. The conditions for a tree swing is that
    it is not directly attached to the branch, it is
    attached to a hook or bracket that connects
    to the tree, and the branch must be super
    strong that it won’t shake the whole time.
    If this isn’t the case, it can’t be used. Many
    issues come up by making temporary
    ohels such as mosquito nets, blanket tents,
    retractable awnings, tarps, and canopies.
    One must be sure to study the mechanism
    of what they have and want to use before
    assuming it’s permissible. Some of them
    might count as building, and some of them
    might not. Also removing or putting in a
    window screen is definitely not allowed.
    Kicking any Pebbles or Landscaping Twigs
    back into their place should not be done. A
    very big problem in Suburban areas is the
    automatic light sensors frequently found by
    people’s porches or patios, or by the garage.
    A Jewish Home must make sure these are
    deactivated before Shabbos. Sometimes it
    may require you to cross a street in order
    to avoid one once you know it is there, the
    key is to stay aware as best as you can. Eruv
    laws apply everywhere, know what you
    have and where to be careful. A floating
    pool toy may not be returned into the
    pool even though no one is using it. Insect
    repellent is allowed to be put on skin. But
    no killing bugs of any kind! If your shoes
    get really wet and muddy, it’s permissible
    to wipe them with a dry rag or paper towel,
    but if the shoes were left to dry then you
    can no longer clean the mud off because it
    would be grinding. As normal, no feeding
    wildlife of any kind. I hope this was a good
    Refresher and everyone has a safe healthy
    summer with perfect Shabbosim!
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the shiur!!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A man died and was told by an angel that
    because he led a good life, he’s going to
    heaven. “Where was my wife sent?” he

    asked. Gahenim, he’s told. “Well, then I
    want to go there too,” he said. “Wow, you
    must have been madly in love,” the angel
    responded. “No,” he said, “I want to see
    her burn.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Not funny, my wife
    told me to write this. I did ask her why it’s
    not funny but I got punched in reply!

    Dear Vues Master:
    President Joe Biden surely didn’t intend
    to wade into the public debate over how to
    define antisemitism, but he has just done
    so—in a big way.
    In a June 14 post on X (Twitter), the
    president condemned what he called
    “the horrific acts of Antisemitism this
    week.” Those acts were “abhorrent,” he
    wrote. They didn’t “just threaten Jewish
    Americans,” but “all Americans.” And
    they “threaten our fundamental democratic
    values,” too.
    What were the incidents that President
    Biden defined as antisemitic? He cited
    four types: “vandalism targeting Jewish
    homes,” “attacks on Jewish faculty
    at college campuses,” “harassment of
    subway riders” and—most notably—“a
    demonstration celebrating the 10/7 attack.”
    He was referring to the demonstration by
    thousands of Hamas supporters outside
    the White House on June 8. How do we
    know that they were, in the president’s
    words, “celebrating the 10/7 attack”? The
    evidence was their clothing, their placards,
    and their slogans:
    — Some demonstrators wore green
    Hamas headbands. Others wore the
    headband of the Popular Front for the
    Liberation of Palestine, which also took
    part in the October 7 massacres.
    — A huge banner read: “Jihad of Victory or
    Martyrdom – Al Qassam.” (The latter is the
    armed wing of Hamas.) Another banner
    declared: “Long Live October 7th,” in
    English and Arabic. Other demonstrators
    held signs urging “Intifada Now” and
    “F*** Israel / Stand with Hamas.”
    — Protesters chanted slogans urging
    Hamas: “Kill another soldier now!” They
    also chanted, “There is only one solution:
    intifada, revolution,” and “From the river
    to the sea, Palestine will be free,” echoing
    the Hamas goal of replacing all of Israel
    with a State of Palestine.
    — The protesters unspooled a lengthy
    paper scroll on which, according to the
    New York Times, they wrote “names of
    the more than 36,000 Palestinians who
    had been killed during the war.” The

    number 36,000, which is the exaggerated
    figure Hamas circulates, includes both
    civilians and terrorists. By including
    all of the names, the demonstrators
    were memorializing and honoring
    approximately 15,000 dead terrorists.
    The fact that the president considers those
    words and actions to be antisemitic has
    enormous implications, because almost
    all of the pro-Hamas rallies that have been
    held since last October have included one
    or more of those elements. Whether they
    have been shutting down bridges, invading
    museums, blocking traffic, or pitching tents
    on college campuses, the protesters have,
    again and again, celebrated the October
    7 pogrom in their chants, speeches, and
    signs. They have openly cheered the attack
    as “resistance.” They have hailed dead
    terrorists as “our martyrs.” They have
    called for the “liberation of Palestine by
    any means necessary.” They have sported
    Hamas headbands or waved Hamas flags.
    They have circulated cartoons glorifying
    the killers who crossed into Israel on
    Now President Biden has, in effect, said
    that all of those actions were antisemitic,
    just as the rally outside the White House
    was antisemitic. He is saying that
    supporting the mass murder, rape and
    torture of Israeli Jews is antisemitic. It’s
    antisemitic even if the protesters aren’t
    saying the words “We are against Jewish
    people” (which is how Rep. Ilhan Omar
    has defined antisemitism). It’s antisemitic
    even if demonstrators are not calling for
    the murder of every Jew in the world.
    President Biden’s position is consistent
    with the definition of antisemitism that
    has been adopted by the 33 countries
    belonging to the International Holocaust
    Remembrance Alliance, a definition used
    by the U.S. State Department since 2010.
    That definition includes eleven specific
    examples of antisemitism. The first one
    states: “Calling for, aiding, or justifying
    the killing or harming of Jews in the name
    of a radical ideology or an extremist view
    of religion.” President Biden, in his tweet,
    has affirmed what many people have been
    pointing out for a long time. Now we need
    a serious discussion about how to address
    the fact that so many antisemites—not just
    “critics of Israel” or “critics of Zionism,”
    but antisemites—are wreaking havoc
    throughout the country.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: How true!

    Dear Vues Master:

    Jewish holidays are for people with
    Purim is for alcoholics. Pesach is for
    OCDs. Shavuos is for insomniacs, and
    Lag B’omer is for pyromaniacs who
    weren’t satisfied with Chanuka. Tisha
    B’Av is for manic depressives and Rosh
    Hashana is for people who obsess over
    dying. Yom Kippur is for anorexics and
    Sukkos is for the homeless. Simchas
    Torah is for those in their happier stages
    of bipolar. Mi K’Amcha Yisroel. … and
    people still wonder why the Jews invented
    Vues Master’s Note: I need time to analyze
    this letter!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A Yeshiva Bachur learned that those
    who suffer in this world will enjoy עדן גן
    הבא בעולם. When it came time for him
    to get married, he told the shadchan that
    he was interested in a good looking girl
    who was very mean and would not treat
    him with respect. This would be his ticket
    to עדן גן. The shadchan told him that he
    had the perfect match for him. They made
    the shidduch, but after they were married
    she treated him with great respect and
    kindness. At first, he thought that perhaps
    it would last only through the honeymoon.
    But as it continued, he candidly told her
    how surprised he was. “You’re not getting
    into עדן גן on my חשבון, “she said.
    Vues Master’s Note: They probably lived
    forever without ever having to go to
    Gehinom or Gan Eden. It was his Gehinom
    on earth!

    Dear Vues Master:
    the that holds רשב“ם ב“ב נ“ח ע“א The
    קברי צדיקים visit may גדולים וחשובים only
    The Maharsha explains that was the reason
    Eliezar stood guard at the entrance of the
    grave to make sure only וחשובים גדולים
    would enter. The Satmar Rebbe, R. Yoilish
    Zt”l writes, “based on the Zohar (אחרי
    ) going to צדיקים קברי is only for those
    who know and understand the secret of
    connecting with the tzadik. For those who
    do not understand it, there is no point to
    go and it is a גדולה סכנה to go there.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Don’t say this out
    loud. You will convince a lot of people to
    stop visiting Uman and the like!

    Dear Vues Master,
    As the summer arrives and people head
    for greener pastures, there are numerous
    shabbos issues that start to pop up that may
    not during the year. One must be careful
    in the outdoors with drinks that they don’t
    get spilled on grass. Outdoor furniture that
    can get wet should not be tilted and spilled
    where it may lead to plants. Trees may not
    be used for anything, and especially not
    to climb them. The conditions for a tree
    swing is that it is not directly attached
    to the branch, it is attached to a hook or
    bracket that connects to the tree, and the
    branch must be super strong that it won’t
    shake the whole time. If this isn’t the case,
    it can’t be used. Many issues come up of
    making temporary ohels such as mosquito
    nets, blanket tents, retractable awnings,
    tarps, and canopys. One must be sure to
    study the mechanism of what they have
    and want to use before assuming it’s
    permissible. Some of them might count
    as building, and some of them might not.
    Also removing or putting in a window
    screen is definitely not allowed. Kicking
    any Pebbles or Landscaping Twigs back
    into their place should not be done. A
    very big problem in Suburban areas is the
    automatic light sensors frequently found
    by people’s porches or patios, or by the
    garage. A Jewish Home must make sure
    these are deactivated before Shabbos.
    Sometimes it may require you to cross a
    street in order to avoid one once you know
    it is there, the key is to stay aware as best
    as you can. Eruv laws apply everywhere,
    know what you have and where to be
    careful. A floating pool toy may not be
    returned into the pool even though no
    one is using it. Insect repellent is allowed
    to be put on skin. But no killing bugs of
    any kind! If your shoes get really wet and
    muddy, it’s permissible to wipe them with
    a dry rag or paper towel, but if the shoes
    were left to dry then you can no longer
    clean the mud off because it would be
    grinding. As normal, no feeding wildlife of
    any kind. I hope this was a good Refresher
    and everyone has a safe healthy summer
    with perfect shabbosim! KLMY