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    Dear Vues Master
    This past Sunday was the first major visiting day of
    summer 2024. I went upstate to visit my children in two
    different camps & I was amazed at how many yidden are
    upstate during the summer. I saw the Country Vues & I
    was amazed that there were over 35 restaurants upstate
    this summer. Everywhere I went it was busy.
    Vues Master’s Note: Now you know why it’s so empty in
    the city.

    Dear Vues Master
    The weather this summer has been brutal. It is extremely
    hot out there. I just want to remind everyone that they
    should not leave their children in a car unattended even
    for a minute. Unfortunately this summer many infants
    have been left unattended and have gone into cardiac
    arrest. By the time Hatzolah reached the scene, the
    infants were no longer alive. This is a very serious
    Vues Master’s Note: Thank you for the reminder!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I was saddened, but not surprised, to read Rabbi
    Goldberg’s article about his young IDF friend who is
    suffering from PTSD, and shocked to read that one
    study showed that as many as 520,000 people could
    develop PTSD as a result of October 7th. Even the lower
    estimate of 30,000 is a tragic number. I applaud Rabbi
    Goldberg for his compassion for those suffering mental
    as well as physical anguish, and for urging us to “work
    to eliminate the stigma of mental and emotional illness.”
    But I would ask the Rabbi, and his readers, to take a
    further step with their compassion. If 30,000 or more
    Israelis may be suffering from post-traumatic stress,
    how many Palestinians are suffering equally or more?
    Or perhaps a more apt question would be: how many
    Palestinians are NOT? Any at all? The Torah espouses
    compassion for all creatures.
    Vues Master’s Note: Well the Palestinians are just a
    bunch of murderers!

    Dear Vues Master:
    In last week’s Parsha, Parshas Chukas, we learned about
    the Mei Meriva. The lack of water was even more an
    issue because it happened by the placed called Kodesh.
    “Va’yeishev Ha’om Be’Kodesh”. Imagine coming to a
    kiddush and there is nothing to drink. Some say that the
    Celah was a metaphor for cell phones. You shouldn’t
    talk to them so much and should whack them. This week
    President Biden released a lot of oil from the petroleum
    reserves in order to lower the price of oil temporarily
    for the summer travelers. The remez in the parsha is
    by the Pora Aduma where it says “loi ulah ulahu oil”. A
    question asked is that during the time when the snakes
    were killing the Yidden, Moshe made a copper snake and
    put it on the Neis. Those who looked at the copper snake
    lived. But there is a saying “ein soimchin al haneis”; so
    how could he have depended on it? The answer might
    be simple. It doesn’t say he was soimech; it says he
    “sim” – he just placed it – and he didn’t rely on it. I heard
    from a tour guide in Israel, the makoir of why we stop at
    red lights. It says in this Parsha, “va’yoimer Edom, loi
    sa’over bee” – when it’s red don’t cross. Also, derech
    Hamelech of Edom was the original Kings Highway of
    Brooklyn. There was one Guy be’sdei Moiav; here in
    Brooklyn, we have Three Guys. There was a little land
    by the Benei Amoin called Oz. Bilam might have lived
    there a while where he was called the Wizard of Oz. We
    learned that the umois had Bilaam who also had powers
    so that they shouldn’t have an excuse. We see that from
    the posuk om Ka’moish – they had someone like Moishe.
    Sichoin the King of Emori was an accountant by trade
    – he did everything with a Cheshboin. However, they
    cooked his books and he met an untimely end since
    it says “ki aish yutzu mei’cheshbon”. That fire could
    still be causing our hot weather. Coming to the land of
    Yazer, Moishe employed another set of spies. If you
    don’t succeed once, try again. These did succeed and
    actually conquered the land themselves. In their honor,
    we say on Shabbos before leining “Va’yazer Va’yugoin,
    Dov Fishman
    Vues Master’s Note: Difference between in laws and
    outlaws well outlaws are wanted!

    Dear Vues Master:
    An am haaretz had a printed copy of the
    megillah in his hands and was cutting
    out every mention of Haman. When
    asked what he was doing, the am haaretz
    explained that he was carrying out the
    מחה תמחה את זכר of requirement explicit
    Amalek. A fellow am haaretz responded
    that may be okay as far as the name of
    Haman is concerned, but you’re also
    cutting out the holy words on the back of
    each page. What sin did they commit? The
    am haaretz responded: “It’s as chazal said:
    “.אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו
    Vues Master’s Note: What a waste!

    Dear Vues Master
    Rav Boruch Brull writes a story. Louis
    Herman was a young Jew who lived
    in Canada during World War II. After
    hearing about the terrible things that
    were happening to the Jews in Europe,
    he decided to enlist in the army to fight
    against the Germans. When he finished
    his training, young Louis was transferred
    to Italy. As a sergeant in the army, he was
    assigned to the front, in the midst of heavy
    fighting. Throughout the difficult months
    of the war, Louis kept as many Mitzvos
    as he possibly could. On the day of his
    mother’s Yahrtzeit, despite being many
    miles away from any Shul, Louis wanted to
    say Kaddish for her. This prayer, however,
    would require a Minyan, and finding
    ten Jews in the middle of a battlefield
    in Italy was not going to be easy. Louis
    knew of only five other Jewish soldiers
    in his unit. Louis approached the army
    chaplain, who was a priest, and explained
    his predicament. Louis asked the chaplain
    if he knew of any other Jewish soldiers in
    the area. To Louis’s surprise, the chaplain
    not only knew where he could find other
    Jewish soldiers, but he also understood
    the meaning of a Minyan. “See that area
    over there?” The chaplain pointed to a
    tall observation tower. “That is where
    our soldiers guard our unit and watch for
    advancing German soldiers. When they
    see any activity, they radio the information
    back to the artillery unit to help us aim our
    bombs more precisely. There are four Jews
    who occupy positions in the observation
    tower. If you’d like, I can put in a call
    to them and ask that they come over to

    our area for your Minyan.” Louis was
    overjoyed. He would have exactly the ten
    men required to make up a Minyan! And to
    his great relief, the soldiers were happy to
    oblige. Louis was able to say Kaddish on
    his mother’s Yartzeit with a Minyan. After
    they finished Davening. Louis thanked
    everyone for joining him and enabling
    him to fulfill this meaningful personal
    obligation. As the four soldiers turned
    to walk back to the observation tower,
    they suddenly heard a loud explosion
    and saw a most startling sight. The entire
    observation tower and its contents had
    just been blown up! Only the four Jewish
    soldiers, who had just ‘happened’ to be
    busy doing a very important Mitzvah, had
    escaped certain death! Rav Brull adds,
    “The Gemara teaches us (Pesachim 8b)
    that messengers who go to do a Mitzvah
    are saved from harm. Not only do acts of
    Chesed help others, but those very acts
    can also save us!” TUT
    Vues Master’s Note: Great story. Thanks
    for sharing!

    A man once came to a Rav with terrible
    shalom bayis problems. He described
    his actions and duties in his home, and
    it seemed that he was a very devoted
    husband and father. However, his own
    lack of self-worth negatively impacted
    his shalom bayis. He explained to the Rav
    that he very much envied his neighbor. He
    went on to explain that there was a young
    almanah with several yesoimim in their
    neighborhood. His neighbor took on these
    yesomim and helped them financially as
    well. He acted as a father to them in every
    way he could. This man was so envious
    of his neighbor’s ability that it affected
    his own shalom bayis. The Rav however,
    who was very sharp, explained to him
    that his perspective was more than a little
    off. “Let me ask you something, is your
    neighbor doing anything more for those
    orphans than you do for your own wife
    and children? Don’t you also support your
    children, and do homework and take them
    to school? If a person takes care of his wife
    and children is he not also a baal chessed?
    Chazal tell us that the greatest chessed one
    can do is help those close to us. And when
    one must choose between doing chesed
    for a nonrelative and doing chesed for
    family, family comes first. Be impressed
    with yourself for being a devoted father

    and husband, mother and wife. Learn with
    your children, do homework with them,
    take care of your family, and realize that
    these are tremendous acts of chesed.
    Vues Master’s Note: Great & important

    Dear Vues Master:
    Pro-Israel and anti-Israel activists within
    the Democratic Party are fighting over
    the language to be included in this year’s
    platform. There was a similar struggle
    eighty years ago—and a man named
    Netanyahu was in the middle of that
    debate, too. As the presidential election
    of 1944 approached, most Republican
    Party leaders thought there was no point
    in trying to woo Jewish voters, since they
    had voted overwhelmingly for Franklin D.
    Roosevelt in the three previous elections.
    Benzion Netanyahu thought otherwise.
    The historian and Zionist activist—
    and father of Israel’s current prime
    minister—traveled to the GOP convention
    in Chicago that summer to press for
    adoption of a pro-Zionist plank. Neither
    party had ever previously included such
    a plank in their platform. Netanyahu
    had already developed relationships with
    former president Herbert Hoover, the
    dynamic Congresswoman Clare Booth
    Luce, and other important Republican
    figures. American Zionist leader Abba
    Hillel Silver, who delivered the invocation
    at that year’s convention, was close to
    Sen. Robert Taft, chair of the resolutions
    committee. Lobbying by Netanyahu
    and Silver convinced the Republicans
    to include an unprecedented plank
    urging “refuge for millions of distressed
    Jewish men, women, and children driven
    from their homes by tyranny,” and the
    establishment of a “free and democratic”
    Jewish state in Palestine. The GOP’s
    platform not only endorsed Jewish
    statehood, but also criticized President
    Roosevelt. It declared: “We condemn the
    failure of the President to insist that the
    [British authorities in] Palestine carry out
    the provisions of the Balfour Declaration
    and of the mandate, while he pretends to
    support them.” The Republican plank
    alarmed Rabbi Stephen Wise, the era’s
    most prominent American Jewish leader.
    Wise was deeply loyal to President
    Roosevelt and the Democratic Party; in

    his private correspondence, he referred to
    the president as “the All Highest” and “the
    Great Man.” Rabbi Wise had not been
    planning to attend that year’s Democratic
    Party convention, but the Republicans’
    plank threatened to undermine Jewish
    electoral support for the president. “I now
    think I shall go there,” he told a colleague,
    “in order to be certain that the Resolution
    on Palestine which must now be adopted
    shall more than neutralize the damage
    done by the [Republican platform].” In
    his conversations with delegates at the
    convention, Wise warned that without a
    pro-Zionist plank, hundreds of thousands
    of Jews in New York might vote for GOP
    nominee Thomas Dewey, who was the
    state’s popular governor. That could swing
    New York, with its 47 electoral votes—the
    most of any state—to the Republicans.
    Congressman Emanuel Celler, Democrat
    of Brooklyn, warned White House aides
    that “the Jews in New York and other
    areas like Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston,
    San Francisco [and] Cleveland are
    greatly exercised over the failure of our
    Administration” regarding Palestine and
    Jewish refugees. If the Democrats did not
    support Zionism, then “as far as the race
    of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is concerned
    [Dewey] would steal the show right from
    under our noses…” Rabbi Wise had no
    trouble securing permission to address the
    Democrats’ committee on resolutions–
    only to discover, to his dismay, that Rabbi
    Morris Lazaron, leader of the anti-Zionist
    American Council for Judaism, would
    also testify. The Council was the 1940s
    equivalent of Jewish Voice for Peace—few
    in number, but loud and amply covered by
    sympathetic newspapers. Ultimately,
    Wise’s position prevailed—mostly. The
    Democrats’ plank did not mention the
    plight of European Jewry, but it did call
    for “unrestricted Jewish immigration
    and colonization” of Palestine and
    “the establishment there of a free and
    democratic Jewish commonwealth.” For
    Netanyahu and Silver, this bipartisan
    endorsement of Jewish statehood was
    a significant achievement. It enshrined
    support for Zionism, and later for Israel,
    as part of American political culture for
    decades to follow. Today, however, there
    are elements within the Democratic Party
    who would like to reverse that tradition.
    They want the platform to call on Israel
    to cease firing at Hamas; they also want

    it to oppose U.S. weapons for Israel,
    beyond the shipments that the Biden
    administration recently suspended. As
    they did in 1944, the Republicans today
    have thrown down the gauntlet. This year’s
    GOP platform states, “We will stand with
    Israel, and seek peace in the Middle East.”
    It also condemns antisemitism, pledges to
    “hold accountable those who perpetrate
    violence against Jewish people,” and
    promises to deport foreigners in the
    United States who support “terrorism and
    jihadism.” Can the Democrats match
    that, given the sentiment toward Israel
    among some segments of their party?
    On the other hand, can they afford not

    to? With significant numbers of pro-
    Israel voters in swing states such as

    Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and
    Arizona, this year’s platforms could be
    more important than ever before.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: Amazing how the
    roles of Politics have changed.

    Dear Vues Master:
    When Balak asked Bilam to curse the
    Bnei Yisrael, he said לי *ארה,” curse
    me*”. Harav Hagaon R.Shlomo.Miller
    shlita said, In Parshas לך לך, Hashem
    will I ואברכה מברכיך ומקללך אאר “,said
    bless those who bless you and those who
    curse you I will curse”. Balak knew of
    this yet he insisted on having the Bnei
    Yisrael cursed. even though as a result
    of this, בלק himself will be cursed. The
    ישראל שונאי attempt to harm the Yidden
    even when they know they will lose out
    by doing so. The Nazis ym”s at the end
    of the war, instead of using their trains
    for the war effort to save their military,
    used the trains to transport the Hungarian
    Jews to Auschwitz. בלעם even though
    he blessed the ישראל בני, wasn’t entitled
    to be blessed because it wasn’t he who
    blessed the ישראל בני It was Hashem’s
    ברכה coming out from Bilam’s mouth.
    Vues Master’s Note: Let us hope these
    Anti-Semites get wiped out!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A priest once asked a rabbi, “Why do you
    wear a hat and a skullcap underneath it?
    Isn’t the hat sufficient? Our cardinals and

    bishops wear a head covering as a symbol
    of a roof over their heads. But they
    don’t wear one head covering on top of
    another.” The rabbi responded: “A cow or
    a horse in a barn or stable has a roof over
    its head. We Jews want not only the roof
    under which even a cow or horse dwells,
    but a symbol of civilization as well – a
    Vues Master’s Note: He was all Capped

    Dear Vues Master:
    Jim Inhofe, the former long-serving US
    Senator from Oklahoma, passed away
    on July 9. Inhofe was a former Mayor
    of Tulsa, U.S. Army vet, committed
    family man, and strong supporter of
    Israel. Inhofe’s commitment to the Iron
    Dome and other vitally important Senate
    initiatives that strengthened Israel have
    been completely absent from the many
    articles celebrating his career of service
    and marking his passing. In this small
    space, an attempt will be made to rectify
    that. Displaying hakaras hatov (the
    debt of gratitude that people just show
    for someone who did a good thing for
    them first), is a behavior that is not just
    praised and encouraged but demanded
    in ancient Jewish wisdom. Jim Inhofe
    did many good things for Israel that
    should never be forgotten. Senator James
    Inhofe seemed to innately know that any
    American who denies the eternal truth of
    Jewish ownership of the Land of Israel
    and Jerusalem ignores history and also
    denies that the Bible (Torah) is the Divine
    word of G-d. Belief that Jerusalem is
    and should remain the undivided capital
    of Israel is historically, religiously, and
    politically correct. During his time in
    the Senate, Inhofe served as chair of the
    Armed Services Committee and showed
    unwavering support for Israel in that
    powerful committee. Here’s a brief (and
    incomplete) list of Inhofe’s Senate work
    to support Israel from just part of his
    last term in office: In 2021 Inhofe was
    one of 44 senators who signed a letter to
    President Biden stating “…we also urge
    you to unequivocally support Israel’s
    right to defend itself against any and all
    terrorist attacks.” Also in 2021, Inhofe
    and Senator Bill Hagerty introduced an

    amendment to the COVID-19 Budget
    Resolution designed to ensure that
    the U.S. Embassy to Israel remains in
    Jerusalem. 97 senators voted to pass
    Inhofe’s pro-Jerusalem amendment.
    On October 30, 2021 Inhofe tweeted
    “@SenatorHagerty and I secured an
    amendment earlier this year to prevent a
    change in policy. We just introduced the
    Upholding the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy
    Law of 2021 to protect the law and
    ultimately ensure Jerusalem remains the
    capital of Israel permanently.” In 2020,
    Inhofe cosponsored legislation that
    called on the U.S. State Department to
    designate the Muslim Brotherhood as
    a terrorist group. Here are some other
    important examples from earlier in
    Senator Inhofe’s career. In 2009 Inhofe’s
    work to remove the waiver in Jerusalem
    Embassy law was widely praised with the
    Orthodox Union stating that it “wishes
    to thank the original co-sponsors of this
    important piece of legislation including,
    Senators Cornyn, Inhofe and Kyl.” In
    2012 Inhofe introduced an amendment
    to cut assistance to the Palestinians by
    50% as well U.S. payments to the UN if
    the then effort by the Palestinians to gain
    recognition as a non-member observer
    state succeeded in the General Assembly.
    In 2018 Inhofe co-introduced a letter, later
    signed by all 100 senators, insisting that
    the Department of Homeland Security
    fast track Israel’s full membership in
    the Global Entry program. Along with
    his stance on the embassy in Jerusalem
    the other crucial role Inhofe played in
    strengthening the US-Israel alliance
    was his championing of the Iron Dome.
    A letter he co-wrote to colleagues in
    December 2012 is just one example. “As
    witnessed by the recent attacks on Israel
    from Gaza, the continued joint efforts of
    the United States and Israel in missile
    defense systems is critical to protecting
    this close U.S. ally and American interests
    in that region,” Inhofe wrote. That 2012
    letter was related to a bill that authorized
    the then new funding for Iron Dome as
    well as for other defense programs for
    Israel. Can one imagine the additional
    devastation that Israel would have faced
    after October 7th if the Iron Dome was
    not part of its defense arsenal? Who will
    take up Israel’s cause in future Senates?
    No doubt some current senators may

    come to your mind — and they all well
    deserve praise — but it is imperative that
    all Americans who love Israel make sure
    that more senators like them, and like
    Inhofe, join their ranks.
    Vues Master’s Note: We need all the

    Dear Vues Master:
    A wealthy man who lived in a large city
    was told by a friend that if he wants
    to live forever, he should move to a
    neighboring small and impoverished
    town. “Are you telling me that the מלאך
    המוות doesn’t have שליטה in your town?”
    he asked. His friend replied: “The מלאך
    המוות has שליטה everywhere,” his friend
    responded. “But I have a קבלה from
    ימי בראשית from that אבותי ואבות אבותי
    until today the town has been so poor that
    no rich man ever died there.”
    Vues Master’s Note: I am dying of

    Dear Vues Master:
    A terrible rumor went through a town. An
    אברך, the son in law of a wealthy man,
    had been caught trying to steal money
    from the tzedakah box in Shul. The gvir
    couldn’t have been more embarrassed.
    That very day, he took his son in law to
    Beis Din and had him give his daughter
    a גט. To everyone’s surprise, the אברך
    left the Beis Din with a big smile on
    his face. Explaining, he said that he of
    course never intended to steal, but this
    was merely a ploy to get the gvir to let
    him out of a miserable marriage. “The
    צדקה קופת saved me from a woman who
    is worse than death,” he said. “This is a
    “.צדקה תציל ממוות of case
    Vues Master’s Note: Charity begins at