Dear Vues Master:
Our hearts are shattered over Hamas’ cruel murders
of the six hostages – Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Hersh
Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and
Eden Yerushalmi – whose bodies were recovered
yesterday from Rafah. What they and their families
have endured over the past eleven months of their
captivity is unimaginable. In the wake of this crushing
news, we pray that God grant strength to their loved
ones. Throughout this horrific ordeal, Jon Polin
and Rachel Goldberg, the parents of the murdered
American-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, have
carried themselves with unimaginable dignity and
grace and have relentlessly stirred our hearts and stoked
our consciences. In the presence of monstrous actions
and inexcusable silence, theirs was a calm, firm, and
consistent voice of humanity, of loving parents who
would do anything for their son – or for ours. Since
October 7, they brought us together and have called
upon all of us, Jews and non-Jews, world leaders and
regular citizens, to see the horror being inflicted upon
the hostages and to address it unambiguously and
effectively. We did not live up to their example. We join
in their profound grief over Hersh’s death. This news
comes together with escalating attacks and threats on
Israel from the West Bank, including today’s killing
of three police officers, one of whom was a bereaved
father whose daughter was killed on October 7. At
this difficult and dangerous time, we stand together as
one with the hostages and their families, with those
killed and wounded on and since October 7 and their
families, with the heroic men and women of the Israel
Defense Forces and their families, with the citizens of
Israel, and with the Government of Israel. Hashem oz
l’amo yitein, Hashem y’varech et amo va’shalom. May
Hashem grant strength to His people; may He bless
His people with peace.
OU EVP, Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Vues Master’s Note: No Words!!
Dear Vues Master:
From my friend Alana Schulman: For almost 11 months,
out of respect and love for the Goldberg-Polin family,
I and many others have called and written to the White
House. I have advocated on behalf of the hostages, and
more specifically for the rescue and release of Hersh.
There is a deep and binding connection that we feel as
American Olim to the Goldberg-Polin family. Hersh
became our tragic symbol. Our son, our brother, and our
friend. His family became our family. Today with tears on
my face, fire in my chest and trembling hands, I wrote my
final message to the Biden/Harris administration. It said:
You failed. You failed democracy. You failed America.
You failed humanity. You failed Hersh. You failed
morally. And worst of all you failed not out of neglect
but out of will. You failed to act on the principles that
our nation was founded upon. What happened to “One
nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for
ALL.” Are we not ALL? Are Jews deleted and excluded
from ALL? Is the Goldberg-Polin family not deserving
of justice? Was Hersh not entitled to liberty? Your
administration has forever, fundamentally and irreparably
failed the Jewish people. You are weak. You are cowards.
You chose to pander to the lowest most ignorant, most
immoral and hateful parts of America. And for what? For
votes? You sold Israeli-Americans out to walk a tightrope
in an election year. Because of your actions and inactions,
Hersh, an American civilian was brutally and senselessly
murdered by Hamas terrorists a mere 48 hours prior to
rescue. Hersh heroically survived nearly 11 months in
captivity with an amputated arm waiting for YOU. And
still you failed? Do not send us your condolences. Do not
cry your crocodile tears for us. Do not insult and belittle
Hersh’s memory with your carefully crafted word salad.
You were silent in his life, do not pretend to mourn with
us in his death. You have blood on your hands. We will
never forgive and we will never forget. ALL EYES ON
Vues Master’s Note: Does the phrase too little and too
late sound right?
Dear Vues Master:
For the love of G-d, they did not “Die.”
They were murdered. Words matter.
They were brutally murdered by savage,
barbaric, sub human creatures. Have
some respect for them and their families
and don’t free the monsters who did this
of their responsibility for these murders.
Hillel Fuld
Vues Master’s Note: Sorry this does not
fit the MainStream Media so they will not
report it as a pro Israel and Anti Hamas
story! It is like we are living in Nazi
Dear Vues Master:
Now that we’re in the month of Elul, a
time of intense introspection and soul
searching, I present a series of original
poems and lyrics that depict our common
journey of regret, return and ultimate
I want
From the ignorance of birth
Brilliant stones that have no worth
And I satisfy the cries
Of my body and my eyes
But ignore the constant crying
of my soul
I yearn
With a monumental lust
For the things I know are dust
And I wallow and persist
In the things I can’t resist
And I wrestle in the silence of the night
I crave
In the shadow of my grave
Not a master but a slave
And I reach to wipe the mud
But it’s running in my blood
And it rots my dying body
Black as coal
And I perish with no body
And no soul
But let’s not get depressed!
The Torah shows us the wayback!
It starts with realizing the truth!
It’s been said the two most important days
in a person’s life is:
1. The day he was born and
2. The day he questions why?
You’re much too young, my son
Your life has just begun
So let me sing to you
What I found to be true
This life is just a dream
Things aren’t what they seem
For wealth and fame’s no friend
They’re worthless in the end
For they’re only make believe
Some men they seek for fame
The world must know their name
While others yearn, you see,
For gold and jewelry
Until their dying day
When they can’t buy their way
What good’s their fortune then
When life has fled from them
For they’re only make believe?
So listen well, my son
When all is said and done
There’s just one thing that’s real
The treasure that no man can steal
The Torah learnt each day
The charity we give away
These are reality all else is vanity
For they’re only make believe
Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is passing by
Yesterday we said hello
And soon we’ll say goodbye.
Tick-tock tick-tock
Life soon fades away
And all that’s left are memories
And then the judgment day
So hug your momma
Tell her that you care
Tell her that you love her
For always being there.
Hug your papa
Look him in the eye
Tell him that you love him
You just might make him cry
Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is passing by
Yesterday we said hello
And soon we’ll say goodbye
Tick-tock tick-tock
Life soon fades away
And all that’s left are memories
And then the judgment day
So hug your Bubby
Kiss her on the cheek
Tell her that you love her
Although she’s old and weak
And hug your Zaidy
When he cries RACHEIM NUH
Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is passing by
Yesterday we said hello
And soon we’ll say goodbye
Tick-tock tick-tock
Life soon fades away
And all that’s left are memories
And then the judgment day
So hug your children
Help them learn and play
Find the time to spend with them
They’ll give it back one day
And treat your wife
with tender, loving care
For it is written HASHEM counts
A woman’s every tear
Tick-tock tick-tock
Time is passing by
Yesterday we said hello
And soon we’ll say goodbye
Tick-tock tick-tock
Life soon fades away
And all that’s left are memories
And then the judgment day
Once we realize what’s really important
and our true mission In life
we must turn to HASHEM for help!
In the blink of an eye
A world can be broken
A lifetime of dreams
Scattered like dust
In the blink of an eye
A word can be spoken
Breaking a heart, love can depart
In the blink of an eye
In the blink of an eye
A soul can be taken
Leaving us numb
Unable to cry
In the blink of an eye
Our souls can awaken
Giving us peace
Our sorrow can cease
In the blink of an eye
Just when you think
your dreams are not to be
And your soul it cries out in pain
Just raise your voice and call to HIM
For HASHEM he is one
And HIS will it is done
In the blink of an eye
In the blink of an eye
HASHEM can befriend you
Breaking the chains
Healing the wounds
In the blink of an eye
HASHEM can defend you
For HASHEM he is one
And HIS will it is done
HIS Yeshua can come
…In the blink of an eye
כתיבה וחתימה טובה
Country Yossi Toiv
Vues Master’s Note: Amazing thanks for
sharing! Thanks Country Yossi.
Dear Vues Master:
,מ.ה. ,initials his had מרקוס הרץ Doctor
embroidered on his טלית bag. One
morning, as he was leaving shul, the
doctor heard one of the congregants say
that the initials stand for המות מלאך. It
was only a few days later that the man
got very sick and his family asked Doctor
מרקוס to make a house call. After treating
the patient, the doctor asked “So, what
do you say now about my initials?” He
.מחיה המתים :answered
Vues Master’s Note: I hope this guy is
feeling better whether it is the Dr. and or
the patient!
Dear Vues Master:
The nomination of an antisemitic
terrorism supporter for an Emmy award is
provoking anguish and outrage. It should
also stir a sense of déjà vu—because
Hollywood has done this kind of thing
The latest object of Tinsel Town’s
misplaced adoration is Bisan Atef Owda, a
filmmaker who has circulated antisemitic
tweets and has publicly embraced the
terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine (PFLP).
The PFLP has boasted about its
participation in the October 7 pogrom.
It also pioneered airplane hijackings in
the 1970s, and has carried out numerous
massacres of Americans and Israelis
over the years, including the slaughter of
five rabbis—four of them Americans—
and an Israeli policeman in a Jerusalem
synagogue in 2014.
Ms. Owda was a featured speaker at
a rally celebrating the PFLP’s 48th
anniversary, and in her remarks called for
the destruction of Israel. She even wore a
PFLP uniform for the occasion. She was
involved in additional PFLP activities as
recently as 2018.
Nevertheless, the National Academy
of Television Arts & Sciences has
nominated Owda’s recent documentary
about Gaza for an Emmy, along with the
film’s publisher, AJ+, which is a division
of the antisemitic media network Al
The fact that October 7, in which the
PFLP participated, was the worst single
massacre of Jews since the Holocaust
adds irony to the fact that Hollywood
previously honored a filmmaker who
assisted those who perpetrated the
Holocaust itself.
In 2004, the organizers of the Academy
Awards included Nazi propaganda
filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl in their
memorial tribute to recently-deceased
movie industry figures.
Riefenstahl was personally chosen by
Adolf Hitler to direct films glorifying
the Nazis, such as Triumph of the Will
(1934), which Who’s Who in Nazi
Germany characterizes as “perhaps the
most effective visual propaganda for
Nazism ever made.”
The Oscar-winning British filmmaker
Arnold Schwartzman has written:
“Riefenstahl was probably the best
propaganda tool that Hitler had and a lot
of the terrible things that happened were
as a consequence of what she did. There
is no doubt she was a brilliant woman
and a great documentarian, but she used
her skills to rouse the German people
into going along with Hitler.”
Riefenstahl even used Roma (Gypsy)
prisoners from Nazi concentration camps
as extras in one of her films. Although
Riefenstahl later claimed she did not
support the Nazis, the fact is that when
Hitler conquered Paris in 1940, she sent
him a telegram declaring: “Your deeds
exceed the power of human imagination.
They are without equal in the history
of mankind. How can we [the German
people] ever thank you?”
Nonetheless, some prominent Hollywood
figures defended her. The actress Jodie
Foster, for example, announced in 2005
that she intended to direct and star in a
biopic about the Nazi film propagandist.
Foster said in an interview that
Riefenstahl was “libeled so many times”
by people accusing her of membership in
the Nazi Party or of having a romantic
relationship with Hitler. In the end,
however, Foster’s film wasn’t made—
not because Foster had a change of heart,
but because Riefenstahl wanted Sharon
Stone, not Foster, to play her. Ouch!
Fortunately, some actors are responding
differently this time around. More than
100 actors and entertainment industry
figures have signed a letter calling for the
withdrawal of the Emmy nomination for
Bisan Atef Owda.
The letter said it is “inexcusable” for
the National Academy of Television
Arts & Sciences to “glorify someone
who is a member of an organization
that has carried [out] numerous aircraft
hijackings, participated in the Oct. 7
massacre in Israel, carried out waves of
bombings on markets and restaurants
and murdered innocent women and
children…Honoring someone linked
to an organization that has caused so
much pain and suffering is not just
irresponsible; it is a direct affront to the
values we hold dear in the entertainment
The president of the National Academy,
Adam Sharp, responded that he has been
“unable to corroborate these reports”
about Owda’s involvement with the
PFLP. Sounds like he hasn’t been
looking too hard; there are photos and
videos of her, in full PFLP attire, all over
the internet.
And before Sharp and his colleagues
try to dismiss Owda’s extremism as
something from “years ago,” they might
want to check out some of her recent
social media rantings. Just last month, for
example, she wrote that Israel “occupies
every corner of the world,” regurgitating
the classic antisemitic stereotype about
international Jewish control.
It’s too late for Hollywood to reverse
its deplorable celebration of Leni
Riefenstahl. But there’s still time
before the September 15 Emmys for the
National Academy of Television Arts &
Sciences to rescind the Owda nomination
and thereby avoid once again honoring
someone who assisted mass murderers
of Jews.
Rafael Medoff
Vues Master’s Note: As we know history
repeats itself and we don’t learn from
Dear Vues Master:
A father and son were traveling on their
way, riding on a donkey.
People saw them and commented how
cruel they were to make the donkey
carry the double load of two passengers.
Hearing this, the son jumped
off and the people said, “Look at that
mean father who rides while his
son walks.” The father then went down
and the son went up to ride.
“Look at that disrespectful son who rides
like a king while his poor
father walks beside him on foot.” No
matter what they did, people
found fault.
With no other choice, the son climbed
down and they both walked
alongside the donkey. “Look at those
idiots,” the people said. “They
have a donkey, and walk beside it instead
of riding.” But they
couldn’t ride because everything they
tried was met with criticism. So
what did they do? They lifted the donkey
and let it ride on their
shoulders! (I’m sure some misguided
people thought they’d finally
gotten it right!)
The moral of the story is: do what is
right and don’t bother trying to
please everyone.
Vues Master’s Note: I always wondered
why the democrats are signified by the
Dear Vues Master:
It would be very nice for Yeshivas to
teach the bochurim to return the seforim
they used back on the shelves. It is a big
chutzpah to leave them on the table. I
once saw a yingerman walk into a Bais
Hamedrash, walk around looking and
taking certain seforim to his table to
look into during davening. He didn’t
even open 1 sefer, and after davening, he
started walking out and left the seforim
on the table. I stopped him at the doorway
and asked him to please return all the
seforim to the proper shelf. He said he
doesn’t remember where he took it from,
so he left them for the shammas to put
away. I said there is no shammashe, and
it is a chutzpah to expect someone else
to return the seforim he took them out.
He wasn’t happy, but he returned all the
seforim to the proper shelf.
Vues Master’s Note: It would save us a
lot of time not to have to search for the
Dear Vues Master:
I live on Ocean Parkway and there are a
lot of Syrian women in the neighborhood
who for whatever reason wear pants
all the time. I have a young daughter at
home and soon she’ll get more friendly
with the neighbors and I’m afraid they’ll
be a bad influence on her. Soon I’ll
have to explain to my daughter why the
Syrians are allowed to wear pants even
though they claim they’re frum. How am
I supposed to explain this to my daughter
Vues Master’s Note: Kshot Atzmecha Ve-
Achar Kach Kshot Acheirim. First get
yourself better!