Dear Vues Master
I just read this in the National Review & I couldn’t agree more.
Jimmy Carter’s true legacy is one of economic misery at home
and embarrassment on the world stage. He left the country in
its weakest position of the post–World War II era. After being
booted out of office in landslide fashion, the self-described
“citizen of the world” spent the rest of his life meddling in
US foreign policy & working against the United States and its
allies in a manner that could fairly be described as treasonous.
His obsessive hatred of Israel, and pompous belief that only he
could forge Middle East peace, led him to befriend terrorists
and lash out at American Jews who criticize him. RS
Vues Master’s Note: A true sonei Yisrael!
Dear Vues Master:
ELALs crazy prices are destroying the Israeli economy. Tour-
ism is being hurt because the tickets are so expensive and
businesses are hurting because the tickets are too expensive.
The ticket prices go so far beyond our individual pockets.
Their overpriced tickets are hurting everyone, those who are
traveling and those who are staying home. SN
Vues Master’s Note: I guess the skies are not that friendly
these days!
Dear Vues Master:
I was deeply saddened by the sudden petira of Rabbi Dov-
id Teichman. Our sons were privileged to learn in the same
yeshiva, and I consider myself fortunate to have learned in-
valuable lessons from the Teichman family. Over the years,
parents would receive invitations to various yeshiva events—
Melaveh Malka, Chanuka Chagigas, Siyumim, and more.
Whenever I inquired whether the Teichmans would be attend-
ing, the response was always the same: “Of course, Rabbi
Teichman and his wife believe it is crucial to demonstrate the
importance of showing up. It’s a way to show you care.” I
soon realized that for Rabbi Teichman, it was never about the
music, the dancing, or the refreshments. It was about Hakaras
HaTov—recognizing the efforts of the yeshiva, the dedication
it takes to organize such events, and simply showing up as a
sign of gratitude and support. The yeshiva invests in a band,
rents a hall, serves food, and does the best they can. The least
we can do, Rabbi Teichman showed us, is to be present. What
truly stood out to me was Rabbi Teichman’s unwavering dedi-
cation to his sons’ learning. He took immense pride in their
Torah studies and was profoundly committed to the values of
Torah. His love for Torah was palpable and inspiring. I had the
privilege of witnessing this firsthand, and I am certain that his
children will continue to bring him much nachas. May Rabbi
Dovid Teichman’s memory be a blessing, and may his family
find comfort in the legacy of his deep love for Torah and his
devotion to his family and community. With heartfelt respect
and sympathy, Devorah Leitner
Vues Master’s Note: May his Neshama have an Aliyah!!
Dear Vues Master
Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the U.S., died on Decem-
ber 29, 2024, but the Jewish date of his passing is of more
interest. Carter died on the 4th day of Chanukah. Interestingly,
on that very day in 1979, Carter inaugurated the National Me-
norah outside of the White House. At that time, 50 Ameri-
cans were being held hostage by Iranian students. A year later,
Carter lost the Presidency to Ronald Reagan. On the very day
of Reagan’s inauguration in 1981, the hostages were released.
I am wondering if the fact that Carter died on the same Jewish
date as that Menorah inauguration from 1979 is a sign that,
just as hostages were freed after his presidency ended and his
successor was inaugurated, the same will happen this year af-
ter Trump’s inauguration. Just a thought.
Deena Zivarts
Vues Master’s Note: I hope so! Jimmy Carter & Joe Biden
were the worst presidents for the Jewish people!
Dear Vues Master:
Yosef Hatzaddik was in a terrible situation. Sold into slavery
by his own brothers, he had every reason to feel wronged.
Surprisingly, when finally reunited with them, Yosef told his
brothers that they were not responsible for where he was.
Though they sold him into slavery, Hashem orchestrated
the outcome. In Parshat Vayechi, Yosef adds that although
his brothers had bad intentions, Hashem designed a positive
result. May Yosef’s words remind us that everything is ulti-
mately for the good and give us the strength to handle the
challenges our people face in Eretz Yisrael and worldwide.
Rabbi Reuven Taragin
Vues Master’s Note: Yes could not have said any better!
Dear Vues Master
I have recently noticed a growing trend of people parking or
standing with their motor vehicles at street corners, thereby
obstructing access to a corner in general, as well as the ramps
on it, for pedestrians and users of carriages, wheelchairs, etc.
In addition to being illegal it is inconsiderate
and gezel. I understand that they may be doing
that because they found no legitimate parking
space. However, that doesn’t grant them permis-
sion to seize and block the street corner.
They should cease and desist from such actions
immediately, as they are a brazen theft of pub-
lic property and a great Chillul Hashem R”L.
If they don’t, the authorities should take action
against them.
If they feel they have nowhere to put their car,
let them carpool with someone else, walk, or
find some other way to travel. There are more
and larger motor vehicles on the street these
days, which contributes to this problem, but that
doesn’t mean that they can trample on the rights
of pedestrians to pass by blocking their way.
Outraged pedestrian
Vues Master’s Note: I couldn’t agree more but
welcome to Brooklyn!
Dear Vues Master
Where are all those worried about innocent chil-
dren to speak up for the children of Israel?! My
grandchildren among millions of others were
woken in the middle of the night to run to a
shelter because the Houthis yet again launched a
deadly ballistic missile. Israel isn’t “occupying”
any part of Yemen, there is no conflict between
peoples. It is pure genocidal terror and the world
has adjusted to it. For the media, elected leaders
and far too many, it is just a new normal. It can
never become normal! It can never be accept-
able or tolerated! For those who care about and
post about innocent children, work to make it
stop for the children in Israel and for the chil-
dren of Israel’s enemies who will need to be
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg
Vues Master’s Note: More like a wake-up call
for all of us!!
Dear Vues Master:
In response to h.m. who cleverly mocked the
stores selling $10 donuts. There is no need to
waste this kind of money. Beigels bakery sold a
4 pack of donuts for $6.99 at Shoprite. I am sure
they were available elsewhere. Goldberg’’s had
a great deal on a dozen, and Bingo had a deal on
a 3 pack. There is a sucker born every minute. If
the stores see there are people willing to throw
out $10 on a doughnut they will continue to sell
them. Your thrifty jewish housewife.
Vues Master’s Note:I got my donut free. I just
bought the hole in the donut!!
Dear Vues Master:
A non-Jewish shoemaker came to שמואלכ׳ן ר׳ of
Brody requesting his assistance. “Rebbie,” he
said, “For many years now I have wanted to
have a son and I’ve heard that your prayers get
answered. If you pray for me and I have a son, I
will donate a pair of shoes each year for every
boy in the תורה תלמוד. “The Rebbie didn’t
know what to do. If he rejects the request, the
children will continue to go with torn shoes in
the rain and snow. If he grants it, he will be
עמלק של זרעו מרבה and who knows what kind
of צרות the son might inflict on the Jews. He
thought about the dilemma for a few minutes
רבונו של עולם, כל כך הרבה” :said sigh a with and
“גויים בעולמך. מה איכפת לך אם יהיה גוי אחד יותר
Vues Master’s Note: Oy! I don’t want to hear
the rest of this story!
Dear Vues Master:
A Rav in Golitziya was asked why people send
their boys to ישיבות that don’t teach לשונות
הגויים but let the girls learn their language. The
Rav answered that it’s a תקנה of הסופר עזרא.
He explained that Ezra decreed that women
should speak with one another in the הכסא בית.
“And do you think he wanted them to speak לשון
“?בית הכסא the in הקודש
Vues Master’s Note: No talking in the bath-
Dear Vues Master:
A young man was offered a job and was told
the starting pay was the minimum wage. He
responded that he was interested in the job but
needed a higher salary. “But you don’t have any
experience,” he was told. “True,” he responded,
“but the job is so much harder when you don’t
know what you’re doing.”
Vues Master’s Note: Sounds like our outgoing
Dear Vues Master:
When the rav of a certain town decided to retire
and move to Eretz Yisrael, the people accompa-
nied him to outside the תחום, even though he
had been a very difficult person and they were
glad to see him go. Taking a last look backward,
the rav remarked “What a wonderful town it is.”
Surprised, the townsfolk said “But the rav has
always spoken harshly about the town and its
inhabitants.” “Yes,” he said, “but now that
you’re all out of the town, it really looks won-
Vues Master’s Note: I feel like I am out of town!
Dear Vues Master:
A few days ago, EL AL announced a campaign
in which they would reward reservists 100
points for every day that they served away from
their family. A lot of people had amazing things
to say but as usual, there were those who com-
plained. “Why is El Al capping it after a certain
number? Why not to all the reservists and not
first come, first served?” “Why only reservists?
Why not regular soldiers too?” “This is nothing
more than a marketing trick. EL AL charges too
much.” “Maybe EL AL should refund me that
ticket instead of fancy marketing campaigns?”
I’m just gonna say it. To all of you who had
nothing but negative things to say, ask yourself
why that is. It’s kinda sad when people are so
full of negativity that they can’t see good when
it’s right in front of them! You can have criti-
cism, but why not give credit where it’s due?
This was a beautiful campaign. The result? 1.8
BILLION points given out to reservists. That’s
one heck of a “Marketing campaign.” A gift
worth tens of millions of dollars. I am proud to
have collaborated with EL AL on this beautiful
initiative. Hillel Fuld
Vues Master’s Note: El Al is charging so much
right now for tickets, that they can afford to do
this. I’m not impressed.
Dear Vues Master:
(מנחת חינוך ):#301 6 & (b.18H.R (טורי אבן The
both claim that in the early days when they were
the where places those in ,מקדש החדש ע“פ ראיה
שלוחים couldn’t make it on time to notify when
חדש ראש was they kept
9 days of Chanukah.
The Pri Chadash gives 3
reasons why we don’t
keep 9 days of Chanu-
kah, today in לארץ חוץ.
1) Chanukah is
D’rabbanan. 2) 8 days of
milah the Yevanim tried
to stop. 3) We want to be
which מפרסם נס חנוכה
was only 8 days & not 9
days. MF
Vues Master’s Note:
Any other parties?
Dear Vues Master:
Last week’s parsha, Par-
shas Vayigash begins
with Yehuda getting
closer to Yosef. Yehuda figured out that Yosef
knew Loshen Kodesh and the interpreter was
just for show. He didn’t want any intermediate
technology giving miscommunication. How-
ever, it could also reference the end of times.
We are told that first Mashiach ben Yosef will
come followed by Mashiach ben Yehuda. As
it says in the haftorah of this parsha the stick
of Yosef/Ephraim will come closer to that of
Yehuda and will merge into one. Yaakov Avinu
is afraid that Binyomin will “karuou Usoin”.
What was the Usoin? Previously, he said that
Yosef was “toroif toiruf” by some wild ani-
mals. Perhaps the Usoin was the donkey who
was around since sheishas yemei be’reishis
and later was owned by Billum. Binyomin is
referred to a Na’ar. Then later in the parsha we
find that he had ten children. I guess he grew
up fast.
The Medrash says he gave their names ref-
erencing the tzorois that befell Yosef. That’s
how close he felt to Yosef. However, one of
them had to do with his own scary situation
when Yosef’s helper put the silver cup in
his bag – Becher. We see the importance of
names. Yosef was given the name Tzofnas
Puneach which means to reveal the hidden
meanings . Tzofnas refers to Tzofoin – hid-
den; Puneach – to reveal hidden double
meanings of Puns. He married Oisnes bas
Poiti Pharo. This brings us to the holy Yo-
mtov of Chanukah which we recently com-
pleted observing. Chanukah ended with the
last day being called Zois Chanuka.
Why is it called Zois? The usual
answer is that it says “Zois Cha-
nukas Hamisbeach” in the lein-
ing for that day. One can add
that the posukim that follows talks
about the lighting of the menorah.
In all the previous days, it just
mentions the korbanos. So the es-
sence of Chanukah is in the kriah
of the last day. One can delve
deeper and see that the word Zois
is comprised of Zayin and Aleph
which add up the eight – the eighth day. The
other letter is Sof – which is the end. The end
is the eighth day. Another reason can be that
Zois counters the Avodah Zorah of the Greeks
whose name was Zeus.
Finally, the simplest answer is that Zois means
“that’s it”. After this, Chanukah is over. What
is the next day called? Ois Chanukah. As it
says, “muchur yiyeh ha’Ois hazeh”. Hant is
Zois, morgen is Ois, gib mich a latke and varf
mich Arois. So Yosef married OisNes which
could mean Nes has ended. But Ois in Loshon
Koides is also Nes. So it alludes to the fact that
we must keep the kedusha of Chanukah year
round and wait for the two sticks to become
one soon iy”h. DF
Vues Master’s Note: Sounds like Purim Torah!