Dear Vues Master:
L’Chaim Airlines announces boarding for flight 5784. Your
luggage should contain only the best memories of 5783 The bad
or sad moments should be deposited in the nearest dustbin.. The
duration of this flight will be 12 months. So adjust your seatbelt
comfortably and the next refuelling will be shortly at the scales
of Yom Kippur with Love, Joy, Kindness, Humility, Patience
Self Mastery, Harmony, Wellness, Peace and Spiritual Study
with Faith and Hope.
During the flight the Captain offers you the following menu:
*A cocktail of abundant health.
*An appetizer of prosperity.
*A bowl of excellent news.
*A salad of Success,
*A main course of peace. *A cake of Happiness,
*and most importantly desserts from “Emuna” and “Faith”
All accompanied by bursts of smiles… Upon starting your
journey please allow yourself to thank the people who made
your 5783 beautiful and your Captain, Hashem for lovingly
directing your flight. Wishing you and your family a Happy
Journey aboard Flight 5784… May this year the great pilot of
your journey be HASHEM who will with great love and faith
pilot your flight safely. Happy 5784!!!! L’Shana Tova
Vues Master’s Note: Cute and clever, a rare combination.
Dear Vues Master:
My favorite Yom Tov is Rosh Hashana. Most people I know
love Sukkos & Pesach. Some love Chanukah & Purim. Don’t
get me wrong, I love them all. I just love Rosh Hashana the
most. I get a chance to daven, eat & spend time with my family
more than any of the other Yom Tovim.
Vues Master’s Note: I guess you will have a happy new year!
Dear Vues Master:
Inflation is crazy these days. I just went to get a haircut this past
weekend & my barber raised his price from $15 to $24. Is that
insane or what? Milk is up, gas is up, poultry is up. Everywhere
you go these days, it seems like businesses are raising their
Vues Master’s Note: I heard the price of helium is so high that
the balloons are not within reach anymore! Just wait for the
Dear Vues Master
I am typically a generous tipper when I go out to eat in a
restaurant. According to a recent report in the Wall Street
Journal, numerous companies – including airports, bakeries,
coffee shops and sports stadiums – have introduced self-serve
tipping options, despite patrons having zero interactions with an
employee. The tip is of course optional, but as anyone who has
encountered them can attest, they leave you feeling guilty if you
choose not to tip. Isn’t that chutzpa? Everything is so expensive
these days. Now they want us to give a tip when no one did
anything for you. What is this world coming to?
Vues Master’s Note: Businesses are struggling these days & are
trying to get anything they can off the consumer. It’s sad!
Dear Vues Master
I find it crazy that the cheapest bouquet of flowers on my corner
is now $15. Just a year ago I was able to purchase a 5 rose
bouquet for $5. Why is it now three times more than what I paid
last year? I usually buy flowers for my wife, mother, mother in
law & grandmother for Yom Tov. This year it’s going to cost
me over $100 for the 4 nice bouquets. I think I’m going to have
to cut out my mother in law out this year!!
Vues Master’s Note: Picking on the shviger is risky business!
Dear Vues Master:
My son just informed me that he wants to stay in Eretz Yisrael
next year to learn for a third year. I’m having a very hard time
with that. I want him to go to college & get a degree & move
on with his life. I don’t think he wants to go into chinuch & I’m
pretty sure he’s not learning in the Beis Medrash full time. What
should I do?
Vues Master’s Note: Nothing! He probably won’t listen to you.
So let him figure it out!
Dear Vues Master:
Rav Yoel Gold relates a story. One Friday in late August, Rabbi
Shlomo Adelman sat in his office, which was unusual. As a high
school principal, this was his busy season. School was starting
the next week, and he had spent the entire day walking the
hallways, running through administrative procedures, checking
in on teachers, and signing for deliveries. He had just sat down
behind his desk for the first time in hours when the phone rang.
“Is this the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County?” It was the
voice of a teenage boy, no older than 15. He introduced himself
as Daniel and explained that he had just started tenth grade at a
public school in Queens, but what he really wanted was to go to
Yeshivah. “My mother can’t afford it,” he said, “but there has to
be a way to work something out, right? There has to be!” Rabbi
Adelman talked to the boy for a few minutes to
gauge his sincerity. For a young teenager, Daniel
showed an unexpected passion for Yiddishkeit
and a maturity beyond his years. Then he put
his mother on the phone to plead his case. “He’s
been talking about Yeshivah nonstop,” she said
helplessly. “I’m not sure why he wants to go,
but I’ve always stood behind him 100 percent in
whatever he wants to do, and I can’t do it this time.
I just can’t afford private schooling. I can pay for
his transportation from Queens to Uniondale,
but that’s about it.” It wasn’t the first time Rabbi
Adelman had encountered a public school student
considering HANC. HANC’s parent body runs
the gamut from right-wing Modern Orthodox
to irreligious. Since public school is free, new
HANC parents are usually shocked by the cost
of private school tuition. HANC awards generous
scholarships, often reducing the usual rate by
more than half, but sometimes families are not
motivated to pay thousands of dollars when they
can send their children to public school for free.
With 10 to 15 former public school students
enrolled in HANC each year, that’s a budgetary
shortfall that has to be made up somehow. A group
of HANC Rebbeim have dedicated themselves
to doing just that— raising tens of thousands of
dollars each year to keep their students out of
public school. But the money they raise fills the
gaps. They aren’t expected to raise the entirety of
a student’s tuition. And Daniel’s mother couldn’t
pay anything at all. Rabbi Adelman called one
of the fundraising Rebbeim and related Daniel’s
story. “How do you want to handle this?” The
Rebbe said, “Have the boy call me to explain
the situation. I want to hear it straight from him.”
Rabbi Adelman called Daniel and gave him the
Rebbe’s number. Ten minutes later, his phone
rang. “This kid belongs in Yeshivah,” the Rebbe
said. “I will guarantee that his tuition is raised.
Let’s make it happen.” HANC set Daniel’s tuition
rate. The team of Rebbeim worked tirelessly
to raise the amount needed, and when HANC
opened the following week, Daniel was a student.
Daniel took to Yeshivah like a fish to water. He
was placed in remedial classes and worked hard
to get out of them. By midyear, due to the devoted
Rebbeim of HANC, it was hard to tell that he
had ever been in public school. Rabbi Adelman
and the Rebbeim of the fundraising team beamed
with Nachas as they watched him thrive. The next
summer, just a few days before Daniel’s first day
of eleventh grade, Rabbi Adelman got a call from
his mother. “Hi, Rabbi Adelman. Thank you so
much for everything you did for Daniel this past
year, but I just want to let you know that it won’t
be necessary anymore.” “Is everything okay?”
Rabbi Adelman asked, expecting the worst. “Yes,
everything’s fine. We’ve found a sponsor who
will pay his tuition!” Rabbi Adelman almost
dropped the phone. The next day, there was
another surprising call from a well-known Jewish
philanthropist, Rabbi Hyman Arbesfeld. He told
Rabbi Adelman that he planned to pay Daniel’s
eleventh grade tuition, and the next year’s as well,
and that he also wanted to make a significant
donation to the school. “That’s incredible, but
why?” Rabbi Adelman asked. “I’m currently
in recovery from open-heart surgery,” Rabbi
Arbesfeld said. “A double bypass. When I had
the heart attack, I thought I was going to die. I
said Viduy. It was terrifying. But with the help
of Hashem, the doctors were able to save my
life. After a week in the hospital, I was release
to recover at home, so I hired a nurse to care for
me over the next few weeks. On her first day,
we made conversation. She was a single mother
with a son going into eleventh grade. The nurse
boasted that her son was enrolled in Yeshivah,
getting the Jewish education she’d never gotten,
and he was loving every minute of it. The school
was lovely, very accommodating, and the teachers
were amazing, and they had personally raised his
tuition. I was stunned. On the spot, I told her,
‘First of all, those Rabbis are never going to pay
your son’s tuition again. I will. Second of all,
please give me the principal’s phone number. I’d
like to speak with him.’” Rabbi Adelman was
momentarily speechless. When he regained his
voice, he asked, “I know you’re a Ba’al Tzedakah,
but what was it about this story that made you take
action like that?” Rabbi Arbesfeld grew somber.
He said, “Several years ago, my sister Shirley
was terminally ill. She knew she was dying.
Throughout her life she had been passionate about
Kiruv, but she felt strongly that campus outreach
and adult programs were too little, and too late.
Since she never married and had no children, she
appointed me the executor of her estate, and asked
me to ensure that the bulk of her money would
go to organizations that promote Kiruv among
school-age children. I did some research but never
found a place like that, until I had a heart attack.
I was literally minutes from death. Hashem gave
me a new lease on life, and the first person I saw
after surgery, besides my family, was this woman
whose son was seeking a Jewish education. It’s
like I was brought back from death to help him!”
Vues Master’s Note: Wow! I got no funny remarks
here. What an inspiring story! Thanks for
Dear Vues Master:
Shlomo and Miriam, an elderly widower and
widow, had been dating for three years when
Shlomo finally decided to ask Miriam to marry
him. She immediately said “Yes.” The next
morning, when he awoke, Shlomo couldn’t
remember what her answer was. “Was she
happy? Did she say yes?” After an anxious hour
trying to remember, he picked up the phone
and called Miriam. Embarrassed, he admitted
that he didn’t recall her answer to his proposal.
“Oh,” said Miriam, “I’m so glad you called.
I remembered saying “yes” to someone, but I
couldn’t remember who it was.”
Vues Master’s Note: It’s a good thing I still have
my memory. Now what was I going to say?
Dear Vues Master:
The insecure owner of a small company
complained during a staff meeting that people
didn’t give him proper respect. To change the
attitude in the office, he came in the next day with
a sign for his office. It said: “I am the boss.” One
of the employees stuck a Post-It note on the sign
that said “Your wife wants her sign back!”
Vues Master’s Note: Written like a true boss!
Dear Vues Master:
I can’t wait for a new store to open in Flatbush
called “That Coffee Spot”. I believe it’s owned
by the same people that own the store next to it
called “That Sushi Spot”. There will finally be
a store in the area that will have Chol Yisrael
products and people will not have to go to Dunkin
Donuts & Starbucks.
Vues Master’s Note: Can’t wait to get some more
caffeine in me!
Dear Vues Master
I gotta be honest, I don’t get it. This shofar
thing, the ram’s horn that we blow throughout
the month leading to the Yomim Noraim and on
Rosh Hashanah, it’s just so hard for me to wrap
my head around it. Here’s the thing. I’ve spent
44 years listening to the sound of the shofar and
I always get emotional as soon as I hear it, but
why? What is the shofar and why do we blow it
to make the sound of a cry? A few years ago, I
heard something beautiful from my Rabbi, Rabbi
Rosner. There are countless explanations given,
but I really loved this one. It resonated with me
deeply. As always, it starts with an analogy. There
is a kid who causes a lot of trouble in school.
He’s mean to the other kids, he bullies them,
he is disrespectful to the teachers, and he’s just
overall a bad student and a trouble maker. One
day he comes home from school after being
particularly naughty that day. He comes home
and his parents are disappointed, to say the least.
Since his behavior caused tension in the house,
his siblings are also mad at him. The child just
feels like he has no way out of this situation. He’s
caused too much damage. He proceeds to go
upstairs to his room and slams the door shut right
on his finger!! He screams at the top of his lungs
from the intense pain. His parents come running
up asking what happened. He shows them his
finger and they are instantly compassionate,
empathetic, and loving. What changed? Five
minutes ago, everyone was yelling at him and
seemed to be super angry at him, and rightfully
so. Now all of a sudden everyone is taking care
of him, is feeling bad for him, and seems to be on
his side, with all the anger disappearing. They just
couldn’t help themselves. They couldn’t remain
angry as he yells from pain. We are the child. The
yell is the shofar. The kid’s parents and siblings
represent God in this analogy. All year round, we
do things we might not be proud of. Comes the
month of Elul and the period of repentance and
we just feel lost. I know I do. We don’t deserve
His forgiveness and He agrees. He might have
had enough with our behavior and He might be
ready to unleash the appropriate punishment on
us. We have no way out. Then the shofar sounds.
We are yelling up to the heavens to have mercy
like a father/ mother has to a son. We are in
excruciating pain and while we don’t deserve
any mercy, we are begging Him to put aside his
anger and disappointment and to listen to our cry,
the shofar. Sure enough, G-D can’t help Himself.
We are his children and when we cry out to
Him, He can’t help Himself, and all the anger
and disappointment disappears. That is what
we hope for and pray about on Rosh Hashanah.
That is why we blow the shofar and that is really
the only way we can even have the audacity to
stand before Him and ask for forgiveness. Not
because we deserve it, we recognize we were
terrible students throughout the year but we
scream to the heavens in the hopes that He can
find mercy in His “heart” and forgive us like a
parent forgives their child. I really loved this
analogy so much, maybe because my dad blew
the shofar in America for decades and my brother,
Ari followed in his footsteps and blew the shofar
for his kehillah for years. The shofar is part of my
DNA and this analogy really puts it in perspective
for me. I’d love to hear other takes on this strange
Torah commandment but this one really hit home
for me.
Hillel Fuld
Vues Masters Note: Thanks for sharing! Really
Dear Vues Master:
The newlyweds were going home by horse and
wagon. Suddenly, the horse bolted and frightened
the couple. The husband got down from the
wagon, looked the horse in the eye, and said
“That’s one!” They went a little further and the
horse did it again. The husband got down from
the wagon, looked the horse in the eye and said
“That’s two!” The third time it happened, he got
down from the wagon, pulled out his gun and
shot the horse in the head. Horrified, his bride
said “What did you do? How are we going to get
home?” He looked her in the eye and said “That’s
Vues Master’s Note: Oh! My Gosh!
Dear Vues Master:
Raise your eyes and look about: Your sons shall
be brought from afar, and your daughters will
be waiting on their side. – Yeshaya 60:4 In the
Haftorah of Ki Savo, Yeshaya HaNavi proclaims
that in the times of Moshiach, Klal Yisroel will
gather in the holy city of Yerushalayim, where,
“Your sons shall be brought from afar, and your
daughters will be waiting on their side.” The
question is why the Navi split up the men and
women. In fact, right before these words, Yeshaya
states; “They will all [Klal Yisroel] gather and
come to you [Hashem]…” So, if all of Klal Yisroel
will come before Hashem, then there shouldn’t
be a need for the Navi to specify again that men
and women will come. The Ben Ish Chai quotes
the medrash which tells the story of Shlomo
HaMelech who once had a conversation with a
bird, who insisted that there are more women in
the world than men. The king disagreed and after
acknowledging that the bird was right, the bird
explained that although physically there might
not be more women than men, when a woman
rules over a man telling him exactly what to do
and how to do it, the man becomes akin to a
woman and is thus counted as one. The Ben Ish
Chai explains that men and women have their
own purposes and responsibilities in life and a
man cannot fulfill a woman’s responsibility
and vise-a-versa. So, although Yeshaya HaNavi
already stated that all Klal Yisroel will gather
before HaShem, it was still important for him to
stress that each gender will arrive with their own
purpose and characteristics in their service to the
Almighty. – R’ Guttman from Ramat Shlomo
Vues Master’s Note: We hope to greet Mashiach!
Dear Vues Master:
Ben Ish Chai asked this question over a hundred
years ago and gave an academic answer that men
and women are different. However, a practical
and more important answer is revealed in our
time. Is the cosmopolitan genders the straw that
breaks the camel’s back? It may be based on the
Ben Ish Chai and what it says in Shemos 23:7,
“From a thing of falsehood keep far, and do not
bring death on those who are innocent and in the
right.” Bekhor Shor comments, “From a thing
of falsehood keep far – put distance between
yourself and those who speak lies and ‘do not
bring death on those who are innocent and in the
right’ because liars cause the killing of the ones
in the right and of the innocent.” The haftorah
and the verse from Shemos makes being on the
wrong side of the fence sobering. Hopefully
this will keep us away from gender confusion
and wary of those who embrace it and it goes
without saying not to vote for those who support
it. Not only should one keep a distance from
this but men and women must seek to become
masculine and feminine respectively. Men need
to lead the household and discipline the children.
Women have to take hold of themselves and not
turn their husbands into women. The Gen Z
term for this phenomenon, of a man to woman,
is called a simp. Simp is short for simpleton and
refers to a man that acts like a woman with all
the niceties. The Torah encapsulates this idea
by referring to women as nashim daatan kalos
and what it says in Pirkei Avos 1:5, “Yose ben
Yochanan of Jerusalem used to say: Engage not
in too much conversation with women. They
said this with regard to one’s own wife, how
much more [does the rule apply] with regard to
another man’s wife. From here the Sages said: as
long as a man engages in too much conversation
with women, he causes evil to himself, he
neglects the study of the Torah, and in the end he
will inherit gehinnom.”
Vues Master’s Note: Which line will you stand
on? The one that listened to his wife?
Dear Vues Master:
It’s bad enough that the Biden administration
has responded so weakly to Saudi Arabia’s
massacres of African migrants. But now it
turns out that U.S. officials have been covering
up what they knew, and when they knew
it. Last week, the New York Times reported
that the administration has been aware, since
last October, that Saudi Arabian border
guards have slaughtered “hundreds, perhaps
thousands” of unarmed African civilians. U.S.
officials responded that they found out about
it only in December. But now, in response
to public pressure, the State Department has
admitted that it actually knew about the killings
months earlier—in the summer of 2022.
The administration also now acknowledges
that the U.S. has been training Saudi border
security forces, although it claims the training
was provided only to maritime guards, not
the border guards who have been carrying
out the killings. Human rights groups say
the unarmed African migrants approached the
Saudi border in the hope of finding work or
receiving asylum from persecution; the Saudis
responded with gunfire, mutilations, and sexual
atrocities. What has the Biden administration
done with the information? U.S. officials “asked
Saudi Arabia to investigate the episodes,”
the Times reports. “Saudi officials have not
responded.” The murders do not meet the
definition of genocide, but the administration’s
initial cover up of just when it learned of the
atrocities is painfully reminiscent of how the
Roosevelt administration covered up its own
suppression of information about the mass
murder of Jews in Nazi Europe. That cover-
up began after U.S. diplomats in Switzerland
began forwarding information about the
killings from Jewish activists in Switzerland
to American Jewish leaders in late 1942 and
early 1943, . The Roosevelt administration
feared the information might lead to pressure
for U.S. rescue action. So in February 1943,
the State Department sent a cable, numbered
354, to U.S. officials in Switzerland, ordering
them to stop transmitting information “to
private persons” in the United States. The cable
specifically stated that it was in response to an
earlier cable from Switzerland, numbered 482,
which had contained details of Nazi atrocities.
Ten months later, a Treasury Department
official named Josiah E. DuBois, Jr. discovered
what State had done. DuBois surreptitiously
obtained copies of both 354 and 482. Because
of the vague wording of 354—it mentioned
the number 482 but didn’t quote its contents—
the true purpose of 354 could be understood
only by reading it in conjunction with 482.
DuBois persuaded Treasury Secretary Henry
Morgenthau, Jr. to ask for a copy of 354.
Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge
Long didn’t want Morgenthau to see the full
text of 354, because it would lead him to ask
for 482. So Long tried to cover it up. He
“deleted the cross-reference [in 354] to cable
482,” Dubois later recalled. “It was an obvious,
deliberate deception.” Without the reference
to 482, “all it said was that messages such
as those should no longer be sent—it didn’t
mean anything.” DuBois’s expose of Long’s
cover-up triggered an all-out conflict between
Treasury and State. Morgenthau “once told
me [that Long’s] deliberate attempt to deceive
him…was the most shocking incident that he
had ever experienced during his time in office,”
DuBois said. As a result, Morgenthau in
early 1944 summoned the wherewithal to
directly confront President Roosevelt about
State’s actions. FDR, already under mounting
congressional and public pressure to take
rescue action, realized that the growing scandal
could hurt him in that year’s election. So the
president quickly agreed to Morgenthau’s
request to establish the War Refugee Board, a
new U.S. agency devoted to rescuing refugees.
It was late, it was little, and it faced an array of
obstacles. FDR gave the new agency almost no
funding—90% of its budget was supplied by
private Jewish groups. The State Department
and War Department rarely cooperated with
the Board’s initiatives. Nonetheless, the Board
undertook heroic efforts during the last fifteen
months of the war, including its sponsorship
of the life-saving work of Raoul Wallenberg.
Altogether, the War Refugee Board played a
major role in saving some 200,000 Jews from
the Nazis. Louis Brandeis, in his famous
essay advocating transparency, asserted that
“sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants,”
as a metaphor for exposing wrongdoing. Fear
of “sunlight” forced President Roosevelt’s hand
in 1944. Hopefully, the latest revelations about
the State Department’s cover up concerning
when it learned of the Saudis’ killings, will
embarrass the Biden administration into
putting meaningful pressure on Saudi Arabia to
halt the massacres.
Vues Master’s Note: Money talks!
Dear Vues Master:
A woman wrote we should not call ourselves
2g’s, children of Holocaust survivors. I
disagree. We Holocaust survivors’ children —
who call ourselves second generation or 2G
— are aware that except in history books, few
epic tragedies seem to endure beyond the lives
of the victims and perpetrators. Elie Wiesel,
said he thought the survivors’ children were in
a privileged position. ”I believe a person who
listens to a witness becomes a witness,” he said
in an interview. Survivors’ children such as I,
have dedicated much of our lives to keeping
their parents’ stories alive — by writing
books, making films, even forming therapy
groups. Calling ourselves 2nd generation
Holocaust prolongs the need to remember
the shoah . Yes, we are not the survivors,
but hopefully we who are alive because they
survived the Shoah, will use the term to keep
the memory of the HOLOCAUST alive. from
one generation to another. This Yom Kippur
recite the kel moleh for those who perished
in the Shoah.
Vues Master’s Note: We should never forget!
Dear Vues Master:
The .תמה זכות אבות :states גמרא שבת נ“ה The
אבות זכות has expired and we can no longer
depend on it. Meforshim ask: Numerous times
in davening we do claim אבות זכות ?
(–אברהם אלוקי- (Harav Hagaon R. Shlomo
Miller Shlita said that when ל“חז said
אבות זכות תמה It lasts only for a certain
number of generations it applies only to יחידים.
Individuals living today have no אבות זכות
anymore because our generation is too distant
away from the אבות. However, this does not
apply to the ציבור, since מתים ציבור אין. The
ציבור of today is considered the same ציבור as
the first generation. The ציבור of תורה מתן) or
of any generation) is the same ציבור as of today.
Therefore, the ציבור of today does have
.זכות אבות
Vues Master’s Note: May we live to see our Avos
at Techiyas Hameisim!
Dear Vues Master:
A couple who had been married for many years
was asked what was the secret of their success.
The wife responded: “We go out to eat twice a
week. He goes out on Mondays and I go out on
Vues Master’s Note: I wonder if something like
this would work?
Dear Vues Master:
Last year I wrote to you and told you that
I love it when people go upstate and life in
Brooklyn becomes a lot more peaceful and it’s
easier to find parking. You claimed that when
something goes missing we start to miss it
but that was really faulty logic for this issue. I
encourage everyone with upstate houses to do
the average Joe a favor and STAY THERE ALL
YEAR ROUND. It would greatly reduce real
estate prices and make housing more affordable.
Housing prices are only going up and forcing
more and more people to flee Brooklyn. If you
really love it upstate then stay Upstate!
Vues Master’s Note: Be careful what you wish
for. With all the migrants you might get your
wish and live in a crime ridden neighborhood!
Dear Vues Master:
When a poor person asked for tzedakah, a man
asked him why he wanted money. “Don’t you
the” ,Yes?” “כסף אינו אלא אשפה that know
poor man responded. “But, as tehillim says:
“.אשרי הגבר אשר מילא אשפתו מהם
Vues Master’s Note: As they say one man’s
garbage is another man’s treasure!
Dear Vues Master:
In the last several years of the life of the Netziv,
his grandson, סולוביציג חיים רב, served as the
assistant to the Rosh Yeshiva. As a sign of חיבה,
he would walk with top students with his hand
on their shoulder. Seeing this, the נצ״יב, in a play
on the words in today’s דף, remarked:
“.ר׳חיים בצווארו – ויעסוק בתורה”
Vues Master’s Note: I would get a stiff neck!