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    Dear Vues Master:
    Last week was the passing of popular singer Dedi
    Graucher. He was always so alive and so energetic.
    When he came on stage, you knew you were in for a lot
    of fun. And he knew how to involve the crowd better
    than anyone else. Some of my Dedi favorites are “zoche”
    “yehi ratzon” “ki va moed” and of course, “kulanu”!
    Always putting smiles on people’s faces. (Aside from
    maybe learning Torah), what could be better?
    Vues Master’s Note: A great loss! Nice person.

    Dear Vues Master
    Just wanted to tell you how much the entire Pozna shul
    enjoyed last week’s Rabbi Eisen interview in The Jewish
    Vues. The paper was all over the shul & everyone was
    talking about it all yom tov! It was a great article! The
    fact that Shas Yidden is coming to Brooklyn is a huge
    announcement. Rabbi Eisen is a true tzaddik!
    Vues Master’s Note: It was an honor & privilege to have
    Rabbi Eisen interviewed for The Jewish Vues.

    Dear Vues Master
    I am often shocked, although by now I shouldn’t be,
    when laypeople, non-experts, make assumptions about

    areas that require expertise. These include: * Non-
    doctors who make assumptions about illnesses and

    health. * Non-pharmacists who make assumptions
    about medicine. * Non-lawyers who make assumptions
    about the law. I am often upset by laypeople who
    aren’t experts in Halacha, yet make assumptions about
    practical Halacha. I am baffled how someone with
    little knowledge of the Halachik system can take one
    or two bits of information and assume they can now
    decide areas of Halacha. I used to say would these
    people making these assumptions about Halacha make
    the same assumptions about health, medicine, or the
    law? Today, I can’t voice that complaint because the
    answer is yes, they do. I believe with the advent of
    the Information Age, where every person can Google
    any question and receive information came a level of
    unprecedented arrogance. Formally, people without

    access to information would remain humble because
    there were entire areas they knew nothing about and
    absent years of schooling, had no access to acquire
    information. Today, along with widespread information,
    comes widespread arrogance. I’ll offer an example of
    assumptions people make about Halacha and without
    an expert level of familiarity with the Halachic system,
    including shimush (which most of these people have
    never heard of let alone have done) can’t get right.
    Every Pesach people complain about kitniyot and Yom
    Tov Sheni (second day of Yom Tov outside of Israel).
    They’ve heard or maybe even read a little about it and
    assume both shouldn’t apply today. Unfamiliar with
    how Halacha operates they can’t formulate a coherent
    argument, but feel like they make a good case because
    they know more than they did yesterday. I’ve become
    even more upset by a phenomenon I’ve known has
    existed for centuries but I’ve only recently become
    personally familiar with myself. I believe that Torah
    scholars – Rabbis – have an incredible intellect and
    wide breadth of knowledge. Obviously, a spectrum
    applies here, but some Rabbis are intelligent enough to
    understand areas they don’t have formal training in, but
    have widely read up on. This is because their Talmudic
    training has given them a methodology that allows them
    to analyze mass amounts of information quicker than
    an untrained person. Yet, there are Rabbis who can’t
    understand other areas, and even the smartest and most
    knowledgeable Rabbis don’t understand all areas and
    some areas are beyond their reach. It disappoints me
    and actually hurts when I encounter Rabbis who assume
    knowledge and abilities in areas they aren’t sufficiently
    familiar to offer ideas and conclusions. Rabbis aren’t
    therapists, psychologists, doctors, pharmacists, lawyers
    or detectives. They shouldn’t assume they can offer
    intelligent suggestions in areas they have no training in.
    Just as Rabbis get annoyed when lay people offer their
    suggestions on Halacha they should restrain themselves
    from offering ideas in areas they aren’t expertise in.
    Vues Master’s Note: These days, I believe most local
    rabbis are asked more questions for a therapist or
    psychologists than to halacha. It’s something they
    should probably be trained in.

    Dear Vues Master
    Last week, in a special sichah that HaRav
    Shternbuch gave over to his talmidim, he
    talked at length about “Rosh Hashanah that
    falls on Shabbos,’ and brought the words of
    the Chasam Sofer that in the year that the
    shofar is not blown on the first day of Rosh
    Hashanah, we need the zechus of Shabbos
    in order to protect Am Yisrael instead of the
    shofar. Afterward, the Posek HaDor quoted
    the frightening words of the Aruch L’Ner,
    saying: “The Ba’al Aruch L’Ner calculated
    a scary matter that in the years that Rosh
    Hashanah falls out on Shabbos, Klal Yisrael
    had either a very good year, like the year
    that the Cheit Ha’egel was forgiven and the
    Mishkan was established and they entered
    Eretz Yisrael, or chas v’shalom the opposite
    like the two Churbanos Beis Hamikdash
    h’Rishon vSheini which occurred in years
    when Rosh Hashanah fell out on Shabbos.”
    “And the Aruch L’Ner brought that due to the
    fact that during these years, there is no tekiyas
    shofar and we need the zechus Shabbos in
    place of the shofar, the matter is dependent
    on Kla Yisrael, for in the years they were
    Shomer Shabbos properly, the Shabbos
    vouched for Yisrael, but if chas v’chalilah,
    they weren’t Shomer Shabbos properly,
    they weren’t zocheh to this and the accusers
    weren’t silenced.” HaRav Shtenbuch added
    that in the year the Chazon Ish passed away,
    Rosh Hashanah fell out on Shabbos and his
    talmidim connected his petirah to the fact that
    Rosh Hashanah fell out on Shabbos and there
    were no tekiyos to settle the Midas HaDin,
    and in accordance with the words of the
    Aruch L’Ner that the year that Rosh Hashanah
    falls out on Shabbos is a very dangerous year.
    HaRav Shternbuch concluded: “Therefore
    this year it is appropriate to accept a kabbalah
    tovah on Rosh Hashanah in a matter related
    to Kavod Shabbos such as learning hilchos
    Shabbos throughout the year on a regular
    basis or to dedicate more time to learning
    Torah on Shabbos or to be mezakeh harabbim
    in inspiring others to learn hilchos Shabbos
    and to become proficient in them and this
    will help that the kedushas ha’Shabbos will
    protect us to quiet the accusers.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Always a good idea to
    learn hilchos Shabbos!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A former State Department official who was
    deeply involved in U.S. Mideast policy for
    decades is feeling a little unsettled over the
    recent speech in which Palestinian Authority
    chairman Mahmoud Abbas justified the
    Holocaust. “I have been despairing about
    how to respond to [Abbas’s] profoundly
    anti-Semitic diatribe,” Martin Indyk,

    former assistant Secretary of State and ex-
    ambassador to Israel, wrote on X (Twitter).

    “How could someone who has treated me
    as a personal friend for three decades at the
    same time harbor such hateful views of my
    people?” Jewish disillusionment over the
    behavior of Palestinian Arab leaders is not a
    new phenomenon. A notable example was the
    wave of mea culpas in the American Jewish
    community in late 2000 and early 2001, after
    Yasir Arafat launched the terror campaign
    known as the Second Intifada. On the
    op-ed page of the Washington Post, Labor
    Zionist Alliance president Menachem Z.
    Rosensaft confessed: “I was wrong, so many
    of us were wrong…for allowing ourselves to
    be convinced that Yasser Arafat ever actually
    wanted peace with Israel.” Likewise,
    Leonard Fein, founder of Americans for
    Peace Now, wrote in The Forward: “Our
    mistake was to allow ourselves to be so
    carried away by the prospect of peace that
    we chose to close our eyes to the persistent
    Palestinian violations of the Oslo accords—
    and to what those violations implied about
    Palestinian intentions.” The American

    Jewish Congress, for its part, placed a full-
    page ad in the New York Times under the

    headline, “It Takes a Big Organization to
    Admit it Was Wrong. We Think We Were
    Wrong About You, Chairman Arafat.”
    Going further back in history, Martin Indyk’s
    tweet brings to mind the disillusionment that a
    few American Jewish leaders expressed after
    World War II, regarding President Franklin
    D. Roosevelt’s abandonment of European
    Jewry. Nahum Goldmann, for example. In
    the 1930s and 1940s, he co-chaired the World
    Jewish Congress alongside Rabbi Stephen S.
    Wise. In 1975, Goldmann was interviewed
    by the historian Melvin I. Urofsky, who was
    writing a biography of Wise. Concerning
    FDR, Goldmann said: “There is something
    [to the argument] that Rabbi Wise was too
    close to Roosevelt to be effective….Wise
    exaggerated his appreciation of Roosevelt.
    The accusations against Roosevelt [regarding
    the Holocaust] are partly justified…I never
    had full trust in Roosevelt.” Goldmann said
    he was also convinced that “Roosevelt would
    never agree to a Jewish state.” During the
    Holocaust years, Goldmann was occasionally
    critical of FDR, but only behind the scenes.
    Briefing David Ben-Gurion and other Jewish
    Agency officials in Jerusalem in 1944,
    Goldmann complained that on the rare
    occasion an American Jewish leader was
    granted an audience with the president, it
    would be “for thirty minutes, ten of which are
    spent by him telling anecdotes, after which
    he expects to hear you tell him anecdotes,
    and then there are only ten minutes left for a
    serious conversation…” Many years later,
    Goldmann felt remorse over the fact that he
    and his colleagues were not more outspoken
    at the time. In his autobiography, published in
    1969, Goldmann expressed regret that despite
    their awareness of the mass murder, “Jewish
    leaders and organizations lacked the courage,

    vision and resolution to risk a radical and
    drastic move….All of us who spoke for
    the Jewish people in those days—and I
    emphatically include myself—bear a share
    of the guilt…” It took Goldmann twenty
    years to admit that much, far too late to make
    practical difference. It has taken Martin Indyk
    thirty years even to express “despair” over
    Mahmoud Abbas’s antisemitic speeches. Will
    that despair translate into something more
    concrete, before it is too late to have any
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the history

    Dear Vues Master:
    משה קליערס visiting was אמרי אמת The
    ר׳ in טבריה, when in the middle of their
    conversation they heard the sound of a
    woman singing to herself. Rav Moshe was
    very upset at hearing אשה קול. The אמת אמרי
    said “Isn’t singing חיותם כל “?Quoting from
    today’s דף, he said:
    מנין שהאשה חייבת במזוזה דכתיב
    וכתבתם על מזוזות…למען ירבו ימיכם,
    . גברא בעי חיי נשי לא בעי חיי
    Now, can the גמרא possibly be saying that
    women don’t need life? Of course not.
    Rather, the ניגון of the גמרא is תמיה בלשון,
    .כל חיותם הוא מניגון that demonstrating
    Vues Master’s Note: This letter sounds like
    music to my ears!

    Dear Vues Master:
    During the Pesach seder, a guest asked “Why
    are the חכם and the רשע placed opposite
    each other? Wouldn’t it have been more
    appropriate for the counterpart of the חכם
    to be the שוטה “?The הבית בעל replied:
    “It’s because the חכם said I’m okay standing
    opposite a רשע. Just don’t place me opposite
    “.שוטה a
    Vues Master’s Note: I find this pretty smart!

    Dear Vues Master:
    יִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָ לָעַד מַלְכֵּנו.ּ הָקל
    May .הַמֶּֽלֶךְ הַגָּדוֹל וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בַּשָּׁמַֽיִם וּבָאָֽרֶץ
    Your Name be praised forever – our King,
    the G-d, the great and holy King – in heaven
    and on earth. – the beginning of Yishtabach as
    translated by ArtScroll. It appears to me that
    the word hagadol (the great) and hakodesh
    (the holy) is not modifying the word haMelech
    (the King) as Artscroll translates, “the great
    and holy King” but are separate titles to
    describe G-d. The reason is each word has
    the definite article hei (the) and there is a vov
    (and) at the end binding them; therefore, the
    parallel structure shows they are titles and not
    adjectives. Furthermore, the last line before
    Aleinu leshabeach is “The Lord desires His

    [servant’s] vindication,That he may magnify
    and glorify [His] teaching.” Which means all
    texts in the Torah should be interpreted in the
    best way possible that brings glory to G-d;
    therefore, four titles, not two, brings glory.
    For example, someone who is a “doctor’s
    lawyer” is not as impressive as someone who
    is a “doctor and lawyer.” Therefore, I would
    translate it as follows: “The G-d, the King,
    the Great and the Holy…” Where “Great”
    hints to G-d as our Father, merciful. While
    “Holy” hints to G-d as Master. The reason
    these two titles, Father and Master, are hinted
    to is because it is not befitting to mention
    them alongside G-d and King. G-d manifests
    Himself in this world so we can model Him
    and not everyone can be Kingly or g-dly
    but everyone can strive to be a master over
    himself and a father to his children.
    Vues Master’s Note: Unless of course the
    children don’t want to deal with their father!

    Dear Vues Master:
    The beginning of success starts with being
    a master over oneself because the order of
    G-d’s titles are Master, Father, King and G-d.
    It is impossible to skip over one to reach the
    other; for example, someone who becomes
    a master cannot jump over the father to the
    king. Also, a person must subjugate himself
    to the quality that is next in line; therefore, a
    master is someone who subjugates himself to
    his father. This can help explain an anomaly
    in Kiddushin 22a, “It is necessary for the
    servant, who wants to stay longer, to say: I
    love my master, my wife and my children.”
    Why does he mention “master” before his
    “wife and children?” because a man must be
    or have a master over himself to keep from
    falling. That is falling from being a man
    to being a woman? As the medrash says,
    “Shlomo HaMelech once had a conversation
    with a bird, who insisted that there are more
    women in the world than men. The king
    disagreed and after acknowledging that
    the bird was right, the bird explained that
    although physically there might not be more
    women than men, when a woman rules over
    a man telling him exactly what to do and how
    to do it, the man becomes akin to a woman
    and is thus counted as one.” When the
    Torah is kept properly it guards a man from
    becoming a woman as it says in Proverbs 1:8,
    “Hear my son the instruction of your father,
    and do not forsake the Torah of your mother.”
    Why does it say “the Torah of your mother”
    as the father is commanded to learn Torah,
    not the mother? Also, how do you know if
    what your mother is saying is Toras Moshe
    or Toras mishugas (craziness)? Lastly, if
    listening to your mother will make you into
    a woman, how can the Torah sanction this?
    The answer is the father instructs his son
    when to listen or not to listen to his mother;
    therefore, listening to your mother is really

    listening to your father. Here is an example
    of how this plays out in practice, when a son
    goes to a yeshiva because of his mother he
    will become a woman if he isn’t already. We
    say in the morning blessing: “Blessed are
    you … King of the universe, for not having
    made me a woman.” If you are saying this
    blessing and listening to your mother (I.e.,
    not listening to your father) then you need
    to do teshuva (repentance) and start to listen
    to your dad. As it says in Proverbs 10:1, “A
    wise son makes a father glad, but a foolish
    son is the grief of his mother.” Malbim
    comments, “A father is seen by his son as the
    source of discipline and moral instruction:
    if the son lives virtuously, then the credit
    goes to the father; that is the “gladness.”
    The mother, on the other hand, expresses
    the grief of feeling personal responsibility
    and blame if the son chooses a life of vice,
    for evidently her loving relationship with
    him has served to protect her son from the
    discipline and wholesome rigors of the
    father’s education.” In conclusion, how are
    we coronate G-d as King this Rosh HaShana
    if we are disconnected to our father and
    not a master over ourselves? We say Avinu
    Malkeinu but how can we say Malkeinu (our
    King) if we don’t have Avinu (our Father)?
    As is says in Kiddushin 31a, “When a person
    causes his father and mother suffering, the
    Holy One, Blessed be He, says: I did well
    in not dwelling among them, for if I had
    dwelled among them they would have
    caused Me suffering as well.” It says further,
    “When the Holy One, Blessed be He, said: “I
    am the Lord your G-d” (1st commandment,
    Exodus 20:2), and, in the same verse: “You
    shall have no other g-ds before Me (2nd
    commandment),” the nations of the world
    said: He teaches this for His own honor,
    as both statements entail respect for G-d.
    Once He said: “Honor your father and
    your mother” (5th Commandment, Exodus
    20:11), they returned and conceded the truth
    of the first statements.” Artscroll quotes the
    Pnei Yehoshua, “They reasoned that if one
    must honor one’s father and mother, all the
    more so must one honor G-d.”
    Vues Master’s Note: You have a one track

    Dear Vues Master:
    A famous rav was visiting a city when he
    took ill. Many people came to visit him, but
    the rav of the city did not. The sick visiting
    rav knew the reputation of the local rav. He
    knew that the local rav would say Divrei
    Torah of others in his own name. When he
    recovered from his illness and the kehillah
    members came to see him off, he thanked
    them for their חולים ביקור and hospitality
    and told them that he does not hold a grudge
    against their רב for failing to visit him. “We
    learn in קידושין, “he said,

    reason The .הרב שמחל על כבודו, כבודו מחול”
    for that is because the תורה that he learns is
    his and therefore he has the right to be מוחל
    on his כבוד. But your רב, whose תורה is not
    his, does not have the right to be מוחל on
    its כבוד. Therefore, he acted properly in not
    coming to see me.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Very sharp!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Last week’s daf said ,שואל הבן וכאן
    nonstandard The . ואם אין דעת בבן אביו מלמדו
    reading of the גמרא is that if the son doesn’t
    have תורה דעת it’s because מלמדו אביו. His
    father didn’t want to spend the money on a
    ישיבה education and instead tried to teach
    him himself.
    Vues Master’s Note: Sometimes cheap is

    Dear Vues Master:
    There are some issues that are black and white,
    right and wrong, clear and understandable.
    The Ukrainian-Russian war is one of those
    issues. Even if you’ll claim Russia had cause
    to worry about Ukraine joining NATO and
    Russia has claims on some of the lands in
    Ukraine, there’s no justification for Russia to
    use military force to settle those claims. After
    World War II, the nations of the world acted
    to stop the tens of millions of people that
    were dying in wars. They set up international
    laws governing warfare and specifically
    when it is justifiable to go to war. Russia’s
    military campaign against Ukraine violates
    those agreements and puts the world at risk
    of reversing its peaceful trend. Ukraine did
    nothing to provoke this attack. To keep the
    world order, save lives, keep justice in the
    world, all freedom loving people must stand
    up for Ukraine. Nations of the world must
    come together to punish Russia, and at some
    point, military action must be considered
    to stop Russian aggression. The world
    dilly-dallied as Germany killed millions
    before finally stepping in to stop German
    aggression. The world shouldn’t have to wait
    until Ukrainians die en masse before stopping
    Russia. While the issue is as black and white
    as an issue can get, there are other factors to
    discuss to have a comprehensive intellectual
    discussion about the issue. I prefer a
    nuanced conversations that covers all sides
    of an issue, if you do as well, keep reading.
    The topic of generational antisemitism is
    fraught with controversy. Jewish history
    has taught us antisemitism doesn’t stop with
    one generation, children pass their hate to
    their children, who pass it to their children.
    This doesn’t mean that grandchildren of
    antisemites are doomed to the same hate as
    their parents and grandparents, the Talmud
    taught that Haman’s grandchildren converted

    to Judaism and studied in the same Beit
    Medrash as Rebbe Akiva. It is indisputable
    that Ukraine has been the location of some
    of the worst antisemitism in Jewish history
    and it is one of the world’s largest population
    centers of neo-Nazis today. These Ukrainian
    Nazis aren’t small in number and shouldn’t be
    easily dismissed. It is also important to note
    Ukraine has never taken steps to investigate,
    renounce or apologize for their long history
    of antisemitism. Having a Jewish President
    doesn’t erase their history and present
    antisemitism. The Ukrainian history of and
    present antisemitism doesn’t justify a Russian
    attack or mean the Jewish community should
    stand by while innocent Ukrainians are
    targeted by Russian missiles; it does require
    us to recognize that the “arc of the moral
    universe is long and bends towards justice.” I
    believe when Dr. King talked about the moral
    arc he was referring to the cause and effect of
    the world. When generations ago Ukrainians
    brought war, attacks and hate into the world,
    they doomed their descendants to live in a
    more violent world. Today Ukrainians are
    victims of the same attacks and hate their
    ancestors perpetuated on others, and while
    today’s Ukrainians aren’t responsible for the
    attacks against them, they are experiencing
    the effects of their ancestor’s violence. The
    world is pointing at Israel and vilifying it for
    not condemning Russia in a strong enough
    way, not sending military help to Ukraine
    and not accepting enough Ukrainian refugees
    into Israel. Setting aside the facts that Israel
    has condemned Russia in statements and the
    UN vote, has advised Ukraine on military
    tactics and accepted more refugees than any
    other country per capita, Israel’s hesitancy
    of being as vocal as other countries isn’t
    borne of love of Russia but of the very real
    calculations of Russia’s role in stopping
    Iranian precision guided missiles from
    reaching Hezbollah and standing at Israel’s
    borders and Israel being the lead mediator
    between Ukraine and Russia, and needing an
    unbiased country to stop the fighting. Neither
    of these calculations should be quickly
    dismissed. Lastly, the Ukrainian President
    is quick to point to Israel as a nation that
    should be taking the lead in helping Ukraine.
    He frequently makes reference to the Jewish
    people’s long victimhood. Again, this
    wouldn’t justify Israel’s turning a blind eye
    to Ukrainian suffering – and it’s not – but it’s

    important to note Ukraine’s consistent anti-
    Israel position at the United Nations. Ukraine

    frequently participates or abstains in anti-
    Israel votes at the United Nations; they are not

    a reliable ally of Israel. It takes a whole lot of
    chutzpah to consistently allow Israel to stand
    alone for years and then vilify Israel for doing
    the same to Ukraine. I have no problem with
    President Zelensky asking Israel for help, but
    don’t make it seem that he’s been Israel’s ally
    all along. Let’s be clear; Ukraine is the victim
    of Russian aggression in this war. It deserves

    the world’s support and Russia deserves to be
    sanctioned and similarly attacked to make up
    for its aggression. All freedom loving people
    MUST – without reservation- stand up for
    Ukraine and stand against Russia.
    Vues Master’s Note: To quote my grandfather
    “they should both be matzliach!”

    Dear Vues Master
    A wealthy Polish merchant was riding on
    a train with a simple Jew – Chaim Yankel
    from Chelm. The merchant leans over to
    him and asks if he would like to play a fun
    game. Chaim Yankel just wants to take a
    nap, so he politely declines and rolls over
    to the window to catch a few winks. The
    merchant persists and explains that the game
    is really easy and a lot of fun. He explains,
    “I ask you a question, and if you don’t know
    the answer, you pay me $5, and vice-versa.”
    Again, Chaim Yankel politely declines and
    tries to get some sleep. The merchant, now
    somewhat agitated, says, “Okay, if you don’t
    know the answer you pay me $5, and if I
    don’t know the answer, I will pay you $500,”
    figuring that since Chaim Yankel is from
    Chelm that he will easily win the match.
    This catches Chaim Yankel’s attention and,
    figuring that there will be no end to this
    torment unless he plays, he agrees to the
    game. The merchant asks the first question.
    “What’s the distance from the earth to the
    moon?” Chaim Yankel doesn’t say a word,
    reaches into his purse, pulls out a five dollar
    bill and hands it to the merchant. Now, it’s
    Chaim Yankel’s turn. He asks the merchant:
    “What goes up a hill with three legs, and
    comes down with four?” The merchant
    looks at her with a puzzled look. He thinks
    for a few minutes. Then he asks every single
    person on the train for help and no one
    knows After over an hour, he wakes Chaim
    Yankel and hands him $500. Chaim Yankel
    politely takes the $500 and turns away to get
    back to sleep. The merchant, who is more
    than a little miffed, wakes Chaim Yankel
    and asks, “Well, so what IS the answer!?”
    Without a word, Chaim Yankel reaches into
    his wallet, hands the merchant $5, and goes
    back to sleep!
    Vues Master’s Note: Very clever!