Dear Vues Master:
Last night I participated in a Tefillah/Chizuk gathering at my
shul. One Rav offered the following message which resonated
with me. He said that while many people have been drafted
to the army to defend Eretz Yisrael, in truth, we have all been
called up. We just have to figure out which division we belong
to. Are we among those driving tanks at the border of Gaza to
protect our people, or are we in the Prayer division, focusing on
the Koach of Tefillah? There are so many divisions, including
the Ahavas Yisrael division, the Tzedaka division, and the Torah
learning divisions, to name a few. I encourage each of us to
identify the division in which we can be most useful during this
difficult time. Wishing us all a smooth and successful week, and
davening for the peace and safety of Am Yisrael.
Vues Master’s Note: We all are part of a whole!
Dear Vues Master
This past Sunday, I took my son to the Atzeres for the war in
Eretz Yisrael at Rabbi Landau’s shul in Flatbush. I just want
to say how proud I am of the yidden that live here. We had all
different types of yidden, ashkenaz, sefardi, modern Israeli,
Yeshivish & chassidish & we all came together b’Achdus. I
hope that we learn from this that when the war is over & I hope
it’s over soon, we will continue to do things together!
Vues Master’s Note: Amen!
Dear Vues Master
This past Motzei Shabbos I saw online the five thousand
anti Israel protestors in Bayridge. It’s crazy to think that our
neighbors in Brooklyn hate us so much. We are living in very
scary times.
Vues Master’s Note: Why are you surprised? The Holocaust was
not that long ago! We all must daven, learn and have bitachon
and Hakadosh Baruch Hu will take care of the rest.
Dear Vues Master:
We said Never Again. I said Never again. Why did I believe
the Holocaust could never happen again? 1- The world would
never stand by and allow that to happen. Well, there goes that
theory. 2- We have social media today. They can’t hide it like
the Nazis did. Um, yea, they live streamed the atrocities, and
yet, see point 1. 3- No way any human can be as cruel as the
Nazis were. Oh well, wrong again. There is now, we all know,
one reason and one reason only that the Holocaust will never
happen again. Three letters. Repeat after me. I D F The IDF
won’t let a Holocaust happen and even that, the world has a
problem with. Well, get over it. The IDF is here and the global
community has shown its true colors. So stand down when the
IDF does what it needs to do and eliminates the modern day
Nazis, otherwise known as radical Islam, otherwise known as a
huge pile of global . The irony of it all is that the world doesn’t
even realize that they are taking a side that aims to come after
them next.
Hillel Fuld
Vues Master’s Note: I say the only reason it will never happen is
Hakadosh Baruch Hu! Enough with the Kochi Ve’Otzem Yadi.
The IDF with the help of Hashem!
Dear Vues Master
I’m having a lot of anxiety. My daughter is in seminary in Eretz
Yisrael & she refuses to come back to New York. I’m listening
and watching everything online and I’m very worried. I have
emunah but I think she is having a hard time with the war &
needs some more family support. What should I do?
Vues Master’s Note: I know that both OHEL & Chai Lifeline
have people you and your daughter can speak to, to help out
during this challenging & difficult time. All I could say is that
we are not living in normal times & people should not judge
each other. We should try to focus on good things & help each
other out as much as possible.
Dear Vues Master:
The awkward question Israelis are asking each other post the
Simchat Torah attacks and during the war is asked every day –
“How are you doing?” Unlike most days, when “How are you
doing?” is a perfunctory greeting, Israelis ask the question with
meaning today. Israelis are genuinely concerned with how their
family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers are managing under
the stress of war. The question is an awkward one because no one
knows how to properly answer the question. The standard, “Fine,
thank you” doesn’t come across as genuine because no one is
doing fine; The Israeli people are suffering loss and frustration.
Most of all, the people of Israel are confused, unsure of what
they should be feeling. The answer most commonly given is a
shrug or an uncomfortable smile. One shouldn’t confuse Israeli
feelings of loss and frustration with depression. The Israeli
people are suffering pain over an unprecedented tragedy, but
Israelis aren’t overwhelmed by that loss. Israelis are aware of
waged against their people. Yet the depression
that can handicap a nation into immobility hasn’t
manifested itself among Israelis. A tour of Israel
would demonstrate the exact opposite is true. The
people of Israel have been galvanized into action
and are experiencing a sense of unity not felt for
decades in Israel. A drive down any highway
and street in Israel finds banner and billboards
proclaiming, “Together we will Succeed!”
Juxtaposing Israel’s reaction after what is being
called “Israel’s 9/11” with America’s actual
September 11th attacks, one finds a remarkably
different reaction. While America flew its flags
at half-mast in public signs of mourning, Israelis
immediately flew their flags high in support of
the hundreds of thousands of soldiers called up
for reserve duty to eliminate the threat facing
the nation. Israeli soldiers, police, and first
responders didn’t put black bands on their arms
as a sign of mourning over fallen comrades. Israel
hasn’t declared a day of mourning, and other than
funerals and shiva houses, there haven’t been any
public displays of bereavement at all. Hundreds
of thousands of Israeli soldiers have answered
the call to serve. While exact statistics aren’t
publicly available, press reports have suggested
a 130% call up response rate by Israeli reservists.
This means that Israelis who have “aged-out” of
serving, have official exemptions, or were out of
the country, have volunteered to serve causing a
surge of soldiers that have ballooned Israeli units
to overwhelming levels. One report claimed that
over 150,000 Israelis had returned from out of
the country to serve in reserve units. Israelis are
committed to turning this tragedy around and
winning the war. Israelis aren’t just uniting in the
military. Israeli civilians have roused themselves
into service. From teenagers to senior citizens,
Israelis from all over the country have begun
volunteering and helping in the war effort. With
hundreds of thousands of Israeli grandfathers,
fathers, and husbands called to military service,
mothers are carrying the burden of taking care of
their children alone. Enter the teen brigades who
babysit, clean, and help cook for these mothers –
free of charge. These same teenagers took down
tens of thousands of Sukkot after the festival
when no one was able to take them down for the
families. One of the most impressive scenes of
Israeli unity and inspiration surround any army
base or temporary encampment of reservists and
active-duty soldiers. From hundreds of pizza
boxes, tens of thousands of socks, or “laundry-
brigades” of householders who take soldiers’
clothes and wash them at home and return them
to the soldiers, the Israeli people’s support of their
soldiers has demonstrated the Israeli people’s
pledge to always ensure their warriors are taken
care of while they protect the people. Israelis
aren’t depressed, they’re determined. When you
hear Israelis talk about the war, they are resolute
that no matter how bad it gets, and Israelis expect
the situation to worsen, the Israel Defense Forces
should not stop fighting until they have won a
resounding victory against Hamas and the other
Palestinian terror groups that participated in the
attack and pose a continuous threat to Israel’s
safety and security. Israelis will not give in to
feelings of sorrow and gloom. There will be a
time to mourn and introspect, but it is now time
for war. Israelis are determined to win this war.
Where does Israeli determination come from?
The early Zionists who imagined a Jewish state
did so during a time of rising antisemitism. They
were motivated by the fear of what the next
antisemitic persecution would do to the Jewish
people. The pioneers who started the state of Israel
did so from the ashes of the Holocaust and the
fear of the next Holocaust from surrounding Arab
armies. After 2,000 years of being the victims to
more powerful forces the Jews couldn’t protect
themselves from, Zionists decided to create a
state where Jews would take charge of their
own destiny, including their safety and security.
Today’s Israelis are determined to make sure
their country not only survives this tragedy but
emerges victorious from a battle to vanquish its
enemies. Many communities in Israel have added
the recital of a chapter of Tehillim to the end of
their communal prayers and then the following
prayer, “ Our brothers and sisters; the whole
house of Israel, who are in distress and captivity,
who wander over sea and over land — may G-d
have mercy on them, and bring them from distress
to comfort, from darkness to light, from slavery
to redemption, now, swiftly, and soon. And let
us say: Amen.” With G-d’s providence and the
Jewish people’s commitment and determination,
the State of Israel and her people will experience
Vues Master’s Note: Here we have a letter at least
acknowledging Hashem! Bravo!!
Dear Vues Master:
We have a minhag to say the kapital Tehilim
27 “L’Dovid Hashem Oiry Va’yishi” during the
month of Elul and into Tishrei. Nisuch Sefard say
it by Shachris and Mincha while Nisuch Ashkenaz
say it by Shachris and Maariv. There is a remez
for Rosh Hashanah by saying “zivchi teruah”.
Some people say it till Hoshana Rabah, the end
of Sukkos, since it mentions “ki yitzpeneinu
b’sukkoi”. Some say it till after Shemini Atzeres
because of s’feika d’yoima. Still others say it
till after Simchas Torah which is really part of
Shemini Atzeres and also the kapital mentions
“shivti b’beis Hashem kol yemei chayoi” a remez
for the learning of the Toirah or the Shivti song we
sing by hakofas. It also says “Ashiru va’azamrah
l’Hashem”. There are some that say the kapital
till Chanuka because it mentions “Ma’oiz” – a
remez to Ma’oiz Tzur Yeshuosi” and others till
Purim since it says “al taaster punacha” to allude
to Esther. The truth is though not many people
keep saying it that long. However, this year it
might be an inyan to keep saying it. The war with
Hamas started on Simchas Toira and it’s almost
eerie how this kapital alludes to it. ַ
בִּקְרֹב עָלַי, מְרֵעִים– לֶאֱכֹל אֶת-בְּשָׂרִי:
צָרַי וְאֹיְבַי לִי; הֵמָּה כָשְׁלוּ וְנָפָלו.ּ
ג אִם-תַּחֲנֶה עָלַי, מַחֲנֶה– לֹא-יִירָא לִבִּי:
אִם-תָּקוּם עָלַי, מִלְחָמָה– בְּזֹאת, אֲנִי בוֹטֵח
. though war should rise up against me, even
then will I be confident. And then further one it
אַל-תִּתְּנֵנִי, בְּנֶפֶשׁ צָרָי: continues
false for . כִּי קָמו-ּבִי עֵדֵי-שֶׁקֶר, וִיפֵחַ חָמָס
witnesses are risen up against me, and such as
breathe out violence. The false witnesses might
be a reference to the fake news our enemies
propagate such as that of the hospital bombing –
blaming it on Israel. Finally it equates violence
with Chamas. In the parsha of Noach, it has a
similar allusion – “va’ha’uretz kulo Chamas”.
Unkalos translates that to Chatufim. Chatufim
means violent grabbing of hostages, for example.
Our only hope is at the end of the kapital “kavei el
Hashem”. So perhaps we should add this kapital
27 to our daily Tehillim list. Be strong, and let our
hearts take courage as we hope to Hashem.
Vues Master’s Note: Thank You! I appreciate that
there are some people who believe in Hashem!
Only with pure belief in Hashem will we survive
Dear Vues Master:
A prominent liberal journal that spoke out against
the Nazi genocide has published an article
accusing Israel of genocide, justifying the Hamas
pogrom, and denying the Jewish state’s right to
exist. Irony? Tragedy? Perhaps both. In its
October 9 issue, The Nation featured an essay
by Mohammed R. Mhawish, a writer in Gaza,
claiming that “Israel has been slowly killing all
2.3 million people in Gaza for the past 16 years.”
Raphael Lemkin, the Polish Jewish scholar who
coined the term “genocide” in 1944, would
have been surprised by this novel concept of a
genocide which kills people so slowly that they
do not actually die. The population growth rate of
Gaza is more than 2% annually; by comparison,
the U.S. rate is half of one percent. Mhawish also
rationalized the Hamas massacres (or “resistance,”
as he called them) on the grounds that “No people
can be expected to endure the kind of oppression
and discrimination that Palestinians face at the
hands of the Israeli government forever without
any kind of response.” The decision to print
Mhawish’s article is consistent with the views of
The Nation’s publisher, Katrina vanden Heuvel.
She responded to the Hamas massacres by
retweeting commentary from Jeremy Corbyn and
Ilhan Omar. On the fifth day of the war, Prof. Matt
Schneirov of Duquesne University publicly asked
vanden Heuvel on X (Twitter), “Any thoughts
about the brutal murder of 1000 Jews in one day?”
She replied by accusing Israel of “dispossession
of Palestinians.” Founded in 1865, The Nation
is America’s longest continuously-published
political affairs weekly. During the Holocaust
years, it was respected and influential, and it used
its prominence to speak out, early and vigorously,
for U.S. action to rescue Europe’s Jews. After
the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom in Germany, the
journal called for admission to the U.S. of at least
15,000 German Jewish refugee children. The
Roosevelt administration’s refugee policy “is
one which must sicken any person of ordinarily
humane instinct,” editor-in-chief Freda Kirchwey
wrote in 1940. “It is as if we were to examine
laboriously the curriculum vitae of flood victims
clinging to a piece of floating wreckage and
finally to decide that no matter what their virtues,
all but a few had better be allowed to drown.” In
1941, the Roosevelt administration devised a new
immigration regulation that barred the admission
of anyone with close relatives in Europe, on
the grounds that the Nazis might compel them
to spy for Hitler by threatening their relatives.
The Nation’s editors denounced that theory as
“reckless and ridiculous.” Kirchwey blasted the
espionage claim as “an excuse concocted by the
[State Department]” to keep refugees out and “a
good story with which to win popular support for
a brutal and unjust restriction.” In early 1943, at
the height of the Holocaust, a Kirchwey editorial
denounced President Franklin Roosevelt’s
response to the mass murder in particularly
strong terms. “You and I and the President
and the Congress and the State Department are
accessories to the crime and share Hitler’s guilt,”
she wrote. “If we had behaved like humane and
generous people instead of complacent, cowardly
ones, the two million Jews lying today in the earth
of Poland and Hitler’s other crowded graveyards
would be alive and safe. And other millions yet to
die would have found sanctuary. We had it in our
power to rescue this doomed people and we did
not lift a hand to do it—or perhaps it would be
fairer to say that we lifted just one cautious hand,
encased in a tight-fitting glove of quotas and visas
and affidavits, and a thick layer of prejudice.” In
1944, Kirchwey authored a moving appeal for
U.S. action against the deportation of Hungary’s
Jews to Auschwitz. The millions of European
Jews already killed were victims of both “Nazi
ferocity and Allied indifference,” she wrote. “It
is untrue to say that little could have been done,
once the war was started, to save the Jews of
Europe. Much could have been done. At most
stages Hitler was willing to permit his Jewish
victims to substitute migration for deportation
and death. But the other countries refused to take
in refugees in sufficient numbers to reduce by
more than a fraction the roll of those destined to
die.” The Roosevelt administration’s claims that
it was impossible to rescue the Jews was just a
flimsy excuse, Kirchwey emphasized. “[U.S.]
troopships which have delivered their loads at
Mediterranean ports could be diverted for a single
errand of mercy. Transport planes returning from
India or the Eastern Mediterranean could carry
out of Hungary the 10,000 children to whom
Sweden has offered shelter….The last opportunity
to save half a million more lives cannot be treated
as a matter of minor concern…[W]e must hurry,
hurry!” The Nation has fallen from those days,
not only in circulation (today it’s under 100,000
and dropping) but, especially, in moral stature.
For a magazine that once forthrightly spoke
out against actual genocide to feature an article
falsely accusing the Jews of genocide represents
a new low.
Rafael Madoff
Vues Master’s Note: As usual your letters are
right on target! As much as we are supposed to
learn from History we find one thing consistent
that we don’t learn from History and it repeats
itself time and time again!
Dear Vues Master:
Make for your sake (licha) an ark of gofer
wood. Make the ark into compartments and
caulk the inside and outside with tar. – Berashis
6:14 Did Noach’s three children help him make
the ark; even though they were born after he
was commanded? I say they helped because
it would be a chillul Hashem (desecration of
G-d’s name) not to. Imagine the righteous
Noach working on the ark, to inspire people
to repent, and his children aren’t helping!
What would people think? Also, there is the
obligation of chinuch (training your children) so
it is understood he would guide them and keep
them out of trouble. For those who argue that he
was commanded, to the exclusion of everyone
else, I would bring an argument from Adam and
Chava. Just as Adam was commanded not to
eat from the tree of knowledge yet we see she
was likewise not supposed to eat from it as well;
therefore, anything that is self understood G-d
doesn’t have to be didactic about it. Another
proof can be taken from Rashi’s comments on
lech licha. He says the extraneous word licha
(for your sake) means for your own benefit,
for your own good: there I will make you a
great nation whilst here you will not merit the
privilege of having children. Just like licha
means for your benefit so licha by Noach means
for his benefit, it is a benefit for him that they
help out and be negated.
Vues Master’s Note: Oh my gosh! You still don’t
give up!
Dear Vues Master:
Hamas has built “a labyrinth of tunnels under
Gaza, as wide as a
city,” CNN reported on October 14. The tunnels
were used to facilitate the Hamas pogrom,
and the 150 Israelis whom Hamas kidnapped
probably are being held there. So how did
Hamas acquire the cement, despite Israel’s
blockade of such materials? Apparently
Hamas had some help from former U.S.
Mideast envoy Dennis Ross—according to
Ross himself. Ross has been appearing as
an expert commentator on major media outlets
in recent days, including on NBC-TV’s “Meet
the Press” on October 8, CNN’s “Amanpour
and Company” on October 13, and Fox News
on October 14, among others. Yet Ross did
not think it was relevant to mention in any of
those interviews that he himself pressured
Israel to let Hamas obtain the cement—a role
he admitted in a Washington Post op-ed on
August 8, 2014. In the op-ed, Ross described
how, as a U.S. envoy, he urged Israel to allow
Hamas to import cement even though he knew,
at the time, that Hamas had been using cement
for military purposes. “At times,” he wrote
in the Post, “I argued with Israeli leaders and
security officials, telling them they needed to
allow more construction materials, including
cement, into Gaza so that housing, schools
and basic infrastructure could be built. They
countered that Hamas would misuse it, and
they were right.” In the 1930s, Americans
were divided about permitting U.S. exports to
another terrorist regime, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi
Germany. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
maintained trade with the Nazis, arguing that the
persecution of the Jews in Germany was none of
America’s business. But Jewish organizations,
and many other Americans, participated in a
boycott of German goods. One noted supporter
of the boycott was the mayor of New York City,
Fiorello La Guardia. In 1935, the city’s Bridge
Authority purchased five hundreds tons of sheet
steel from Nazi Germany, in order to build the
Triborough Bridge. La Guardia learned of the
deal while bedridden at Mount Sinai Hospital
after a painful attack of sciatica. But he did not
let his illness deter from him intervening. In a
telegram to Bridge Authority chairman Nathan
Burkan, the mayor announced that he did not
want that “damned steel” in his city. “The only
commodity we can import from Hitlerland now
is hatred,” La Guardia declared, “and we don’t
want any in our country.” Technically, the
Bridge Authority was an independent agency
that did not require the mayor’s approval for
its construction purchases, but the mayor found
grounds to block the deal: he bore responsibility
for New Yorkers’ safety, and he could not vouch
for the reliability of Hitler’s steel. He wrote to
Burkan: “I cannot be certain of its safety unless
I first have every bit and piece of German made
material tested before used.” He added, in
German: “Verstehen Sie [Do you understand]
?” La Guardia took his share of heat for his
one-man campaign against Hitler Germany.
Six thousand German-Americans held a rally
in New York City and pledged to vote him
out of office. Nazi propaganda chief Joseph
Goebbels threatened to bomb New York City.
Secretary of State Cordell Hull complained that
La Guardia’s actions were harming German-
American relations. The mayor was not fazed.
“I run the subways and [Hull] runs the State
Department–except when I abrogate a treaty or
something,” he declared in classic La Guardia
style. One dissenter within the Roosevelt
administration regarding Nazi Germany was the
secretary of the interior, Harold Ickes. In late
1937, President Roosevelt approved the sale of
helium to power Germany’s Zeppelin airships,
telling Congress it was “sound national policy”
for the United States to be “a good neighbor” to
Germany. After initially supporting the sale,
Secretary Ickes reversed himself in the wake of
Hitler’s annexation of Austria in March 1938.
That aggression proved it would be dangerous
to provide the Nazis with a gas that was “of
military importance,” Ickes declared. News of
the dispute leaked to the press. A number of
members of Congress then publicly opposed
the sale, and mail to the White House ran
heavily against it as well. At a White House
conference between Roosevelt, Ickes, and
the administration’s legal experts in May, the
solicitor general informed the president that the
sale could not go forward without the interior
secretary’s approval. But FDR refused to
give up. At a cabinet session two days later,
the president again pressed Ickes to support
the sale; Roosevelt was backed by all but two
of the cabinet members. (Labor Secretary
Frances Perkins and Treasury Secretary Henry
Morgenthau, Jr. said nothing). FDR suggested
he could relieve Ickes of responsibility by
giving him a letter stating it was Roosevelt’s
“judgment, as Commander in Chief of the
Army and Navy, that this helium was not of
military importance.” Ickes still refused to
budge. It’s a pity that statesmen of the caliber
of La Guardia or Ickes weren’t around when
Dennis Ross was urging Israel to let Hamas
import cement. One suspects they would have
offered very different counsel.
Vues Master’s Note: Hamas needs to be put into
wet cement and left to be buried in their tunnels!
Dear Vues Master:
A shadchan was friendly with a Rosh Yeshiva,
who told him about a brilliant boy who would
make a great catch but was having difficulty
finding a שידוך because he came from a poor
family. The shadchan contacted the boy’s
mother and said that he has the perfect shidduch
for her son: a wonderful girl from London. The
mother said that she and her husband wanted
someone local. “But, the girl is the daughter
of the frum Rothschild heir,” he said. “Well
in that case, of course we would consider it,”
she responded. He then contacted Rothschild,
who said his daughter wasn’t looking for a
בחור ישיבה, no matter how brilliant he may
be. “But,” the shadchan said, “he’s already a
vice-president of the World Bank.” “Well in
that case, you should arrange the shidduch,”
Rothschild answered. Having persuaded the
parents, the shadchan used his connections to
arrange a meeting with the head of the World
Bank. “I have a brilliant young man who would
make a great vice-president at the bank,” he
said. “Thanks, but we already have all the vice-
presidents we need,” responded the banker.
“But the young man is Rothschild’s future son-
in-law,” said the shadchan. To which the banker
replied: “Well, of course, we always have room
for one more vice-president.”
Vues Master’s Note: Fairy tales can come true,
it could happen to you!
Dear Vues Master:
A thought that I had on last week’s parsha,
Parshas Noach that I wanted to share. The Ohr
Hachaim writes on pasuk (Bereishis 6:11):
*חמס*: פירוש חמס הוא כללות הרשע בו גזל
בו גילוי עריות בו שפיכות
the :*Hamas *דמים בו עבודה זרה
interpretation of Hamas is the totality of evil
with stealing with immorality with murder
with idolatry It was true then, and it is true now.
Hamas is pure evil. Later in the Parsha (9:6) the
שפך דם האדם- באדם דמו :says pasuk
Whoever ישפך -כי בצלם ה‘- עשה את האדם
sheds blood of man, by man shall that one’s
blood be shed; For in the image of G-d was
humankind made. Rashi writes ישפך דמו
באדם: If there are witnesses, you kill him.
Why? Because he has destroyed the image of
G-d. Hamas broadcasted their despicable acts
worldwide, and they made sure there were
witnesses to the desecrating and destruction of
the image of Hashem. The Torah says exactly
what happens to them. Klal Yisroel should
continue to daven, learn, do Chessed, and be
united. IyH in that zchus, Hashem will wipe out
Hamas from the world as He did before. Bring
back those that are captured (Hashem is the
אסורים מתיר (and we all will see the coming of
Moshiach very soon.
גוט שבת בשורות טובות
Vues Master’s Note: Beautiful Shtikel Torah!:
Dear Vues Master:
There is a fairly new trend that stores, offices
and even dental and doctor offices, have a
scent dispersed in the air. These are harmful
toxic substances that many people are allergic
to and most people, even if they don’t realize
it, are not tolerating it too well. We think it
is normal to have headaches, strep, nausea,
fatigue, asthma etc. on a regular basis but it
is not. Even if it were healthy, the strength of
these scents are very often overwhelming. It is
unprofessional and very unpleasant. It should
be in the background, like background music
in a restaurant. Very often it can be smelled a
block away and hits you in the face when you
enter the establishment. When buying garments
from such stores they continue smelling even
through multiple washes. It is becoming
increasingly difficult and impossible for many
people to shop in our favorite local stores. We
want to support you… please at least LOWER
the setting! I understand that this is someone’s
business… there are non toxic options out there.
It would be great if he can take his business
to the next level and upgrade to natural scents
using essential oils. Not only are these safe,
but they are actually beneficial. Doctors offices
can use oils that promote relaxation. Stores oils
that improve mood and schools and offices can
use oils that help with energy and a clear mind.
Thank you for everyone’s consideration. Let’s
keep the business booming in our amazing
Vues Master’s Note: Some of the perfumes
people wear to shul make me cough!