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    Dear Vues Master:
    Rabbi Abraham Lunger, an Orthodox Jew from New
    York, is suing JetBlue in a controversial incident that has
    sparked allegations of antisemitism. The lawsuit stemmed
    from an event where Lunger was removed from a flight
    from Palm Springs to New York after he requested a
    seat change to avoid sitting next to a woman, citing his
    religious beliefs. The confrontation began when a flight
    attendant, followed by the pilot, demanded he return to his
    original seat, eventually removing him from the aircraft.
    JetBlue, the American airline at the center of this dispute,
    found itself accused of religious discrimination. Lunger’s
    ordeal took place on Erev Rosh Hashana. Lunger asserted
    that he did not expect JetBlue to compel anyone to switch
    seats. Instead, when he realized a woman would be seated
    beside him, he politely inquired with fellow passengers
    if someone would be willing to exchange seats. A male
    passenger agreed to the swap, yet a flight attendant
    intervened, loudly instructing Lunger to revert to his
    assigned seat. Following the altercation with the flight
    attendant, the pilot intervened, citing potential weight
    and balance issues as a reason why seat swapping was not
    permissible. Lunger’s refusal led to the pilot’s decision
    to eject him from the flight. Subsequently, JetBlue left
    Lunger and his daughters stranded in Palm Springs
    without assistance, even going so far as to withhold their

    luggage to prevent flight delays. I hear both sides to this
    lawsuit. On the one hand Rabbi Lunger had someone
    interested in swapping seats with him and on the other
    hand how accommodating should all airlines be to every
    customer? Unfortunately antisemitism is everywhere &
    Jet Blue has a history of being anti semitic.
    Vues Master’s Note: Anything to make a buck!

    Dear Vues Master:
    As we get closer to Purim, the parshiois have random
    remuzim to the Yom Tov. Last week’s Parsha, Parshas
    Va’yakheil starts off with the Yidden gathering to hear
    the hichois Shabbos. In Megillas Esther, it also talks
    about “nikhalu ha’yehudim be’ureiham…l’shloiach yad
    b’vakshi reusom”. A gathering to honor the Shabbos
    down the line led to a gathering to save klal Yisroel.
    Targum Onkelos in the section on creating the Menorah
    mentions Shushan. But times change. In fact, we just
    changed the clock. Things have changed over the years.
    Someone told me about the time he went to visit his friend
    in prison. It was a minimum security facility where there
    were unfortunately too many Jewish inmates. His friend
    was incarcerated for crimes involving arson for insurance
    gain. He asked the inmate how he could do such a thing.
    The inmate responded that it says in parshas Va’yakhel
    “Loi Se’vaaru Aish be’chol Moishvoiseichem be’yom
    Hashabbos”. One is not allowed to light houses on fire on
    Shabbos. The rest of the week it’s OK. The inmate told
    him about the time there was a riot at the prison. Extra
    police were called in to quell the riot. We’re accustomed
    to hearing about riots at other prisons where there are hard
    core prisoners. This was the only time there was a riot
    at this facility. He asked him, “what was the reason for
    it?” The inmate answered, “There was a fight over which
    of two choshava people would get Shishi on Shabbos”.
    However, not all is bad. In contrast, nowadays it would
    be highly unlikely there would be a problem with Yidden
    chv”s creating an Eigel. There are three reasons. One is
    that the Rebbe almost always comes down late. In fact,
    if he would come on time, the chassidim would think
    there is a problem. Second, if something would chav”sh
    be wrong with the Rebbe, his son would right away
    take over. Third, they wouldn’t have any gold. They

    would have given it away to the Rebbe as
    pidyonim. There is still a problem with
    Eirov Rav although now they are called
    illegals or migrants. There is another
    current event that we could learn from the
    parsha. The Chochumin came to Moshe
    and told him that the Yiden were bringing
    more material than was necessary for the
    Mishkan. So he blew the Trumpet to tell
    the people to stop bringing material. Then
    the posuk says that there was just enough
    material for all the work. Then it adds
    “and extra” seemingly contradicting itself.
    There are different teruzim that answer this
    question. But perhaps we can answer it with
    one of the punitive cases brought against
    President Trump. His documents showed a
    certain value to his assets but the Democratic
    prosecutor said that it was “va’hoiser”. It
    was extra. So we see it depends who looks at
    the value of the materials involved. Value is
    in the eye of the beholder. The penalty was
    definitely va’hoiser. Hopefully, Trump will
    iy’h have “va’hoiser” when they count the
    votes in November.
    Vues Master’s Note: Age is just a number!
    And prison is just a room!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Israel’s Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav
    Yitzchak Yosef delivered a sharp message
    to Israel’s political leadership on Motzei
    Shabbos regarding the public debate on
    drafting yeshiva bochurim. The Rav’s
    statements were made on the background
    of the Supreme Court’s decision to force
    the government to explain why Chareidim
    shouldn’t be drafted to the IDF and the
    resulting political debate on the matter.
    Speaking at his weekly shiur, the Rav
    said: “Shevet Levi is exempt from the
    army – they won’t take them no matter
    what happens. If they force us to enlist –
    we’ll buy tickets and all travel abroad.”
    “They need to understand this – the
    secular people who don’t understand.
    They need to understand that without
    Torah, without kollelim, without yeshivos
    – the army wouldn’t be successful. The
    army is only successful in the zechus of
    Bnei Torah, the soldiers are successful
    in the zechus of Bnei Torah.” “Rabbosai,
    everyone needs to say this with pride –
    oisek re’we ,yes’ – ויגבה לבו בדרכי ה’
    b’Torah, the Torah is what protects us.”
    I’m having a hard time understanding what
    the Rav said “If they force us to enlist –
    we’ll buy tickets and all travel abroad.”. I
    understand why he is opposed to bochrim
    serving in the army, but to say that we are

    willing to leave Eretz Yisrael instead?
    Vues Master’s Note: Yes, the land of Eretz
    Yisroel will not tolerate a bunch of sinners!

    Dear Vues Master:
    The Talmud of course was written, organized,
    and compiled in a different era, but many of
    its lessons are timeless. Many of its examples
    may seem inapplicable to most of us, but so
    many of the concepts hit home to most of us
    despite these differences in time and milieu.
    An example is a discussion in the Talmud
    about a stolen field full of produce. Most of
    the readers of this paper almost never get to
    see a field, with or without produce, but the
    two wars that are raging as this article goes
    to print are certainly impacting people in
    cities as well as farms. The Talmud (at page
    14 of Baba Metzia) discusses a field full of
    produce that was stolen — not ravaged by
    war — but the effect is the same. Not only
    was the produce consumed, in the Talmud’s
    scenario, but the property was also rendered
    unfit for its purposes, much as Ukraine will
    not be the same after the War will end. The
    Ukrainians are fighting for their homeland,
    but their homes and their land will not
    be recognizable, if livable, for many of
    the soldiers and refugees (many of whom
    are Jewish) upon their return, if ever. In
    Gaza, the picture is just as poignant, if not
    more so. When the Jews disengaged from
    Gaza almost 20 years ago, they left behind
    magnificent produce-producing greenhouses
    that weren’t consumed for the benefit of
    the new inhabitants, but were intentionally
    torched to the ground by the Gazans, so
    the greenhouses could never be used by the
    people who took over the property or retaken
    and put to use as before. Then, in October
    of this year, not only were buildings burned
    in Israel by Hamas invaders from Gaza, but
    with people inside of them (in addition to
    the other atrocities committed). And because
    Hamas operated in and launched weapons
    from civilian houses and hospitals, the
    devastation was not as limited as it would
    be when fighting is confined to purely
    military targets, so that the devastation was
    far greater than it had to be. But returning to
    the section of the Talmud excerpted above,
    there is more to the quotation. The actual
    language indicates that the produce was not
    only consumed, but the robber “dug pits,
    ditches, and caves in the field” rendering it
    unfit for its previous agricultural use. But the
    language is haunting, “dug pits, ditches, and
    caves.” Sound familiar? It sounds awfully
    close to tunnels. The inhabitants of the fields
    in the days of the Talmud couldn’t have

    imagined the sophisticated tunnels built in
    the course of the past few years in Gaza,
    but pits, ditches, and especially caves sure
    sounds eerily close, with basically the same
    result – causing the area to no longer be fit
    for its previous use, though in the case of the
    Gaza war, the tunnels didn’t directly lead
    to devastation, but their existence caused
    the devastation to be far greater than it
    would have been in the absence of tunnels.
    In the Talmud, the discussion that follows
    focuses on how the victims could be made
    whole, whether from the return of the value
    of the property before the robbery from the
    robber’s liened property or from unsold
    property. We are far from at the point where
    the Ukrainians (including many Jews), the
    Gazans, or the displaced and injured Israelis
    and their families will be made whole, if ever,
    but everyone should learn a lesson from the
    Israelis’ attempts to pinpoint military targets
    and to avoid needless loss of property,
    which has always been the modus operandi
    until the current war, where their hands and
    weapons were forced to wreak more havoc,
    though only for the reason articulated above.
    Israelis have traditionally been the victims of
    genocide, not G-d forbid the perpetuators of
    genocide. One of the tragedies of the current
    war in Gaza – as if there aren’t enough
    tragedies – is the false accusation that the
    Israelis are causing genocide. May tragic
    losses stop, and especially unnecessary
    purposeful aggravation and distortions of the
    tragedies, bimhayrah beyamaynu, speedily
    and in our times.
    Aaron Reichel
    Vues Master’s Note: We had the question in
    Bava Kama about David saving himself with
    the Plishtim fields!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Want to do something that will help the
    soldiers and the people of Israel? How about
    something that will help them as well as
    your own family for the rest of their days?
    Strengthen your Shabbos and familiarize
    yourself with all its laws. It’s not just a
    suggestion but also an obligation on every
    man and woman. The blessing that will come
    out of that learning will be noticed after just
    one week in your life. Baruch Hashem there
    is a special group of like-minded individuals
    that have made the process super easy for
    you to fulfill and will only take 2 minutes
    of your time to have your first book shipped
    free to your home. Visit www.shabbosdaily.
    org and simply choose the book and put in
    your shipping info and it will be on its way. I
    suggest getting the Shabbos kitchen one first
    because the most rules and melacha involve

    food prep and serving. After that you can get
    The Shabbos Home when you are finished
    as well as some other titles. The book is free
    on condition that you make a pledge that
    you are going to make effort and complete
    it. They are very clear English halachic
    guidebooks that are approved by the leading
    gedolim of our time. There are many that
    might think they already know all there is to
    know but the truth is that is usually not the
    case, and a time gap in study can easily lead
    to something being forgotten. The simplest
    thing like putting away a pile of mixed
    books or putting a broken toilet seat back
    on can easily jeopardize your Shabbos if
    you are not equipped to handle what comes
    your way . Join the revolution as many of my
    friends have. Ignore the depressing news and
    let shmiras shabbos light up your life.
    Vues Master’s Note: Or read the Vues fun

    Dear Vues Master:
    There is a fascinating story with Reb
    Yonason Eibshitz. When he was a young
    boy in yeshiva he made a lot of noise in
    class during the month of Adar. His rebbi
    couldn’t stop him so he had no choice but
    to go to Reb Yonason’s father who was the
    Rav of the town. His father came to Cheder
    and Reb Yonason was quiet. He asked his
    son why he was all jumpy and loud. Reb
    Yonason responded. Mishanichas Adar
    Marbim B’simcha. I have a chiyuv of simcha
    . Divrei HaRav veDivrei HaTalmid my
    mitzvah comes before the rebbe. The father
    asked why are you quiet now. Reb Yonason
    . משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה answered
    Vues Master’s Note: You think his father
    laughed or he gave him a smack?

    Dear Vues Master:
    The March 6-12, 2024 Kashruth Questions
    column (p. 79) has the following regarding
    liver, “salting is inadequate and the liver
    needs boiling.” Instead of “boiling” should
    it not read “broiling”? (And if anyone still
    wants to Kasher liver at home, instructions
    of how to do it might be in order.) Thank
    Vues Master’s Note: Please see the first
    editor’s note!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Boarding a flight to Florida, Saul saw
    his wealthy friend sitting in coach. “I’m

    surprised to see you sitting here,” Saul said.
    “I’ve met your son on a number of flights
    and he always travels business.” “Sure,”
    the friend responded, “He has a wealthy
    Vues Master’s Note: I guess the son would
    not fly in the back!

    Dear Vues Master:
    There’s a beautiful brand new sefer on the
    parsha called Vayilaket Yosef. It’s a short
    Divrei Torah on the parsha from the words
    of Chazal. He brings a very fascinating
    idea. In last week’s parsha we read,
    Vayikolei Haam Me’havi, but the nation
    stopped giving. They stopped bringing
    for the Mishkan. There is one other time
    that the term Vayikolei appears in the
    Torah. That is when the rain stopped by
    the Mabul, Vayikolei hageshem. He says
    the following. People make the mistake,
    and they think that since Vayikolei
    hageshem, since the rain stops, so then
    Vayikolei haam mehovi, then people stop
    giving. Because the money’s not coming
    in, so therefore they’re not going to give
    the tzedaka. If only we’d realize that
    it’s just the opposite. It’s the giving of
    tzedaka got you to the point where you
    had money in the first place, so therefore,
    as difficult as it seems, and now we have
    tough times, many people have come face
    to face with very, very difficult financial
    circumstances. And because of that,
    they’re not able to give so much tzedaka.
    You have to try to push yourself to give as
    much as possible, because when you give
    more, you get more. It’s not that when
    you get more, you give more. It’s just
    the opposite. So then, by Vayikolei haam
    me’havi, when the people stop giving, it’s
    the wrong idea. They first have to give,
    and then they’ll be able to get more, and
    more Gashmiyus. May everybody be
    zoche iy”H that they should have a shefa
    of gashmi, and their Parnassa should
    explode iy”H, and they should be able
    to realize that the only reason why that
    happened is because they gave more and
    more Tzedaka.
    Vues Master’s Note: That was the first
    and last charity campaign that was so
    successful that we had to stop the donations
    from coming in!

    Dear Vues Master:
    An error in last week’s Kashrus Questions
    and Answers reminds us of the importance

    of a single letter. A “boiled” liver isn’t
    kosher; they must be “broiled”.
    Vues Master’s Note: Please see the first
    editor’s note!

    Dear Vues Master:
    I recently saw that a local house caught
    on fire a few weeks ago due to fireworks
    thrown in an alley next to it. B”H the
    whole house wasn’t burned down, but a
    very dangerous situation was created. The
    building was damaged, the fire department
    responded, etc. That is only one potential
    danger from fireworks. Other hazards are
    children that have been seriously injured,
    such as losing fingers, getting serious
    burns, loss of hearing, and worse, as well
    as people, esp. vulnerable senior citizens
    and youngsters, who have been scared by
    them, which can have serious consequences
    for their health and safety, may Hashem
    help us. Rabbis in Eretz Yisrael have come
    out strongly against firecracker use, as
    multiple violations of Torah and halacha
    are involved. Therefore, no one should use
    such things or give them to children. Let us
    act Jewish and stay away from such foreign,
    dangerous pastimes. Purim especially is a
    time when we need to act in a holy, Jewish
    manner, not otherwise.
    A concerned reader
    Vues Master’s Note: Very good point.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Palestinian Arab leaders can’t seem to
    make up their minds about the Holocaust.
    Sometimes they say it never happened.
    Sometimes they say it did happen, but
    Israel’s behavior is even worse. And
    sometimes—such as last week—they say the
    Jews themselves provoked the Holocaust.
    Yasser Abu Sido, a senior official of the
    Palestinian Authority’s ruling party, Fatah,
    said on an Egyptian television program
    on February 23 that “Hitler had obvious
    reasons” for perpetrating the Holocaust.
    The Jews’ own provocative behavior was
    the reason, according to Abu Sido. “They
    planned to take control of Germany. They
    started to bring down Germany in terms of
    the economy and moral values.” That was
    why “Hitler reacted by making the Jews go
    on the streets and lick the sidewalks. They

    know this very well.” Abu Sido’s blame-
    the-Jews approach to the Holocaust echoes

    words spoken repeatedly by PA chairman
    Mahmoud Abbas. In an April 30, 2018
    speech to the Palestinian National Council,

    Abbas explained the “reasons” why Jews
    were massacred throughout history, from
    the pogroms of the Middle Ages to the
    Holocaust. He began by dismissing the
    idea that antisemitism had anything to
    do with it. “Why did this happen? They
    say ‘it is because we are Jews’,” but that
    must be false, Abbas said, because “there
    were Jews in Arab countries. Why wasn’t
    there ever one incident against Jews [there]
    because they’re Jews? Not even once.” (An
    obvious falsehood.) The real reason for
    the Holocaust, Abbas said, was the Jews’
    own “social behavior, [charging] interest,
    and financial matters.” Those Jewish
    actions are what provoked the Nazis, he
    claimed. Just last year, the PA chairman
    repeated that perspective in a speech to
    Fatah’s Revolutionary Council (on August
    24, 2023). “They say that Hitler killed
    the Jews because they were Jews and that
    Europe hated the Jews because they were
    Jews. Not true,” Abbas asserted. “[The
    Nazis] fought [the Jews] because of their
    social role, and not their religion….The
    [Nazis] fought against these people because
    of their role in society, which had to do
    with usury, money and so on and so forth.”
    Somehow, that train of thought coexists
    peacefully in Abbas’s mind alongside the
    view he articulated in his infamous Ph.D
    dissertation-turned-book, The Other Side:
    The Secret Relationship Between Nazism
    and Zionism, published in 1984. There he
    argued that fewer than one million Jews
    were killed by the Nazis, and they were
    the victims of a secret partnership between
    David Ben-Gurion and Adolf Hitler. Asked
    about the book by a Lebanese television
    interviewer in 2013, Abbas insisted that
    he stands by what he wrote, and even has
    written “seventy more books that I still
    haven’t published” on the topic. It’s
    bad enough that mainstream Palestinian
    Authority leaders such as Abbas and Abu
    Sido believe such crazy things. But what
    is at stake is more than just a grotesque
    distortion of history; their rhetoric can help
    set the stage for further atrocities—because
    the logic behind the Holocaust comments
    by Abbas and Abu Sido is remarkably
    similar to the position that they and their PA
    colleagues have taken regarding the October
    7 pogrom. Abbas and other PA leaders have
    characterized October 7 as a “response to
    the occupation.” They have said the attack
    “did not happen in a vacuum.” They have
    portrayed Gaza as a “prison” from which
    Hamas was trying to “break free.” Every
    such justification is another way of saying
    that Israel’s own behavior was to blame
    for provoking the attack. In a sense, Abbas

    is being consistent: The Jews provoked
    the pogroms of the Middle Ages. The
    Jews provoked the Holocaust. And the
    Jews provoked the murders, gang-rapes
    and beheadings of October 7. That’s the
    common thread in all of his thinking on
    these subjects. Blaming the Jews for their
    persecutors’ actions is not just adding insult
    to the injuries that the pogromists inflicted.
    It incites further violence by justifying
    whatever Arab terrorists will do to Jews in
    the future. Such an extreme and irrational
    perspective—which is promulgated by PA
    leaders, disseminated by the PA-controlled
    media, and taught in the PA’s schools—may
    be the single greatest threat to hopes for
    Arab-Israeli peace.
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: Anti Semitism!
    Dear Vues Master:
    A Yerushalmi called the radio station and
    said to the disc jockey: “I found a wallet on
    the street today and it had 100,000 shekel.
    I went through the wallet and saw that it
    belongs to Yakov Gross.” The DJ said:
    “That’s some find! What do you want me to
    do?” The Yerushalmi responded: “Play him
    a sad song.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Sounds like a losing

    Dear Vues Master
    I just want to give Ari Hirsch & the Jewish
    Vues staff a big yasher koach on the Rav
    Schachter article last week. As a talmud of
    Rav Shachter, I very much enjoyed all the
    different parts of the interview. The article
    was very informative & enjoyable. My
    family especially enjoyed the minhagim
    pages. We went out this past weekend and
    purchased all 3 of the books you mentioned
    in the article. Keep up the good work!
    Vues Masters Note: We always appreciate
    compliments. Thank you. I know that Ari
    Hirsch worked very hard on it & it was
    definitely a tremendous zechus.