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    Dear Vues Master
    If my shul on Shabbos morning ends at 11am & we
    invite company over for lunch, is it wrong to tell
    the company that we are starting lunch at noon?
    This past Shabbos we had to wait for our company
    to arrive until 1pm. I really wanted to take a shlof
    & by the time the meal was over it was already
    after 4pm. I promised my son I would learn with
    him on Shabbos afternoon so I got no shlof. When
    I get no sleep Shabbos afternoon I’m wiped the
    entire week. I told my wife I don’t want to invite
    anyone for lunch anymore & she’s not happy with
    me. What should I do?
    Vues Master’s Note: There has to be some sort of
    compromise. There are therapists out there that
    deal with this!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a
    delicious dinner.His father is quite old and therefore,
    a little weak too. While eating, food occasionally
    fell on his shirt and pants. The other guests watched
    the old man with their faces contorted in disgust,
    but his son remained calm. After they both finished
    eating,the son quietly helped his father and took
    him to the bathroom. Cleaned food scraps from his
    crampled face and attempted to wash food stains
    on his clothes, graciously combed his gray hair and
    finally put on his glasses. As they left the restroom,
    a deep silence reigned in the restaurant. The son
    paid their bill but just before they left, a man, also
    old, got up and asked the old man’s son , “Don’t
    you think you left something here?” The young
    man replied “I did not leave anything.” Then the
    stranger said to him,”You left a lesson here for
    every son and a hope for every father.” The whole
    restaurant was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop!
    One of the greatest honours that exist, is being able
    to take care of those who have taken care of us too.

    Our parents and all those elders who sacrificed
    their lives with all their time, money and effort for
    us, deserve our utmost respect. Kibbud Av Vaem.
    A big mitzvah!
    Vues Master’s Note: Wow! A powerful story worth

    Dear Vues Master
    Last week panic spread within the frum community
    claiming that illegal migrants had been squatting
    in bungalow colonies and summer camps in the
    Catskills. Local Askanim that reside year-round
    upstate said that to the best of their knowledge, no
    illegal migrants have been found squatting in the
    Catskills mountains and that those social media
    messages are misinformation that people should
    not be sharing or forwarding on WhatsApp. Rabbi
    Abe Rosenberg from the Sullivan County JCC
    said that he is in direct contact with the Sullivan
    County Undersheriff and that the Sheriff’s office
    is unaware of any migrants squatting in the entire
    Sullivan County.
    Vues Master’s Note: We can all thank President
    Biden for this. It’s just a matter of time until it’s

    Dear Vues Master
    Last week on your fun question page Ari Hirsch
    asked the question “What is your favorite game to
    play with your family on Shabbos?” I want you to
    know that I was very surprised about some of the
    answers. Some of the answers mentioned are not
    allowed to be played on Shabbos. I’m actually very
    surprised that certain people gave those answers.
    Vues Master’s Note: To each, his own. Speak to
    your Rabbi.

    Dear Vues Master:
    Purim is once a year you try to enjoy
    every minute of it and not think
    anything disturbing and annoying
    is spoiling your day but it did mine.
    My sister and I were going to listen
    to the megillah at one of the shuls in
    Flatbush, the minute we got there we
    got attacked by a bunch of tzedaka
    collectors ladies, girls, men, and
    kids. We know that Purim is about
    a lot of mitzvot including donating
    tzedaka but the way that these
    tzedaka collectors were acting not
    only was not proper it was annoying
    and ugly. When some-one asks for
    tzedaka you give what you think you
    want to give and these people were
    asking us to give what they wanted
    and they were holding our bags and
    hanging on us the way it is not even
    easy to explain. I really do not know
    if they were real Jewish people
    who know how to ask for tzedaka
    and thank them after collecting it.
    If they were Jewish needy people
    then their behav-ior was really
    disappointing and if they were not
    from the Jewish community, then
    what were they doing there next to
    the shul on Purim? I do not know
    how oth-er megillah listeners who
    came there could dill with this but
    the picture bothered us the whole
    day. Hope we could find another
    way to help needy people with-out
    being annoyed and not mak-ing
    them feel left alone.
    Vues Master’s Note: I feel you! But be
    happy that you can give and not be on
    the take!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Rabbi Taragin wrote a moving tribute
    to the IDF in last week’s paper. I have
    one question-does not G-d fit into the
    equation at all? Why was His name not
    even mentioned?
    Vues Master’s Note: Why is Hashem
    only acknowledged when things go

    Dear Vues Master:

    There was a beloved doctor whom the
    townspeople honored by calling him
    rebbi. One angry patient, upset that
    the doctor could not find him a cure,
    screamed: “You know why they call
    you rebbi? It’s not because of your
    wisdom or knowledge of torah. It’s
    because Chazal say אביו אבידת
    because ואבידת רבו, אבידת רבו קודמת
    his father brings him הזה העולם לחיי
    but his rebbi brings him הבא העולם
    לחיי. And doctor, you too, bring people
    to הבא העולם. That’s why they call you
    Vues Master’s Note: No wonder the
    Gemara says the best of Doctors will
    go to Gehinnom!

    Dear Vues Master
    Did you see what happened in
    Teaneck, NJ this past Monday night?
    There was a Pro Hamas, anti Israel
    protest in front of a shul & it wasn’t
    canceled. The Rabbanim/Askanim
    from NJ told people to rally for
    Israel & more pro Israel people
    showed up than Pro Hamas people.
    I’m glad they weren’t scared off like
    people in Brooklyn were a couple of
    weeks ago by the Israel real estate
    Vues Masters Note: If we only had
    “Askanim” in Brooklyn as strong as
    the people in Teaneck! Am Yisrael Chai.
    Kahane Tzadak.

    Dear Vues Master:
    I have noticed that there is a major
    knowledge gap in the laws of Shabbos.
    There are some people that just haven’t
    reviewed the halachos in many years
    as well as their wives since seminary.
    What we do each week incorrectly
    could follow us many years if we
    do not pick up on the mistakes. The
    simplest things like dividing up and
    putting back assortments such as
    candy/books into their respective
    places already compromises Shabbos.
    Many summer activities such as ball
    playing on grass, opening a mosquito
    net, making any sort of tent structure,
    and using a tree is assur. We have to
    remember that the laws follow you

    throughout ANY and EVERY shabbos
    activity that comes up. Shabbos is the
    covenant between us and hashem and
    it cannot be treated lightly. Therefore
    I urge people to order their free books
    on Www.shabbosdaily.org and start
    the easy reading that is necessary for
    you to be certain that your Shabbosim
    are being held correctly. You don’t
    want to find out when it’s too late
    that reattaching the toilet chain to the
    flusher counts as building. And that
    even closing your bird cage counts
    as trapping. In addition, without a
    proper eruv there are many things
    that you would not even be able to
    wear outside if you don’t know what
    counts as clothing or an extension of
    it. Someone asked me once how is it
    not overwhelming to find out so many
    things that can’t be done, and doesn’t
    it make me nervous? I thought about
    it for a few minutes and answered
    that if you look at it from the lense
    of so many restrictions, then it will
    definitely get overwhelming. But if
    you remember what the purpose of
    the day is and how in reality almost
    nothing is allowed, first accept that.
    Then it is easier to go learn what is
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the
    weekly reminder!

    Dear Vues Master:
    Just wanted to share that I loved the
    article by R’ Aryeh Fingerer last week.
    I can relate to the fact that the high priest
    removed the ashes and the modern day
    story where Rabbi Gifter came to the
    couple’s house to take out the garbage.
    It’s a big problem nowadays where
    different people think they are too
    important to do certain things. Thank
    you for that message.
    Vues Master’s Note: Great story!

    Dear Vues Master:
    A man’s father died and he made sure
    to say Kaddish every day for eleven
    months. Shortly thereafter, his mother
    died. However, he didn’t say Kaddish
    for her even once. He was told: Just as
    you are required to honor the memory

    of your father, so are you required to
    honor the memory of your mother. “I
    don’t want to ruin the effort I put in
    over eleven months on behalf of my
    father to get him into Gan Eden,” the
    man explained. “Now, if my Kaddish
    helps to get my mother there as well, it
    will become גהינום for my father.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Ha! Funny but not

    Dear Vues Master:
    The Netziv was once asked why the
    salary of Rabbanim was so little in the
    past and their salary is so much greater
    in our own day. He answered: “As you
    know, הדין לפי its אסור for a Rav to
    receive שכר and, accordingly, Chazaal
    enacted that he receive בטלה שכר.
    Thus, in the past, when רבנים would be
    learning ולילה יום and hardly being מבטל
    even an hour from תורה, their בטלה שכר
    was very little. But now that they are
    בטלה their ,מבטלים הרבה מן התורה
    שכר is that much greater.”
    Vues Master’s Note: No way a Rabbi
    Batels. It’s his congregants who don’t
    let him be!

    Dear Vues Master:
    David Alter grew up in poverty during
    the Great Depression. His family
    couldn’t afford to keep him in school
    and so at a very early age he went to
    work to help put food on the table.
    But David was a very personable and
    hardworking fellow and at 21, he found
    a good wife who helped him to prosper
    and succeed in business. But he never
    learned to read and write. He signed
    his checks XX. One day, he received a
    call from his bank seeking to confirm
    his signature on a check. “Mr. Alter,”
    the banker said, “I’m calling because
    for years you signed your checks XX.
    This one has three Xs and I want to
    make sure its your signature.” “Yes, it
    is,” David replied. “Since I’ve become
    wealthy, my wife thought I should have
    a middle name.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Is NY in Sodom
    and Amorah?

    Dear Vues Master
    Years ago, when Rav Mordechai
    Friedman, the Rosh Kollel of the
    Tehilim Kollel, was just a young boy,
    he was learning the Sefer of the Sh”lah
    Ha’kadosh, and he saw a story that
    changed his life. The Sh”lah tells of a
    town where a very simple man recited
    Tehillim every day. The people didn’t
    recognize this as greatness, and they
    didn’t think that saying Tehillim was
    any type of remarkable endeavor.
    When this simple man passed away, he
    came to the Rav of the town in a dream,
    and he had a very urgent warning. He
    said, “Rebbi, you must evacuate the
    town! Tomorrow night, there will be
    a massacre here. Robbers will come
    and burglarize all the homes and kill
    everyone they find. Since I have been
    saying Tehillim every day, I have
    provided the town with protection, but
    now that I am gone, the townspeople
    are in great danger!” The Rav took
    this dream very seriously. He gathered
    his community the next morning, and
    told them to pack up their belongings
    and run to a safe place. Many people
    listened, but there were some who
    didn’t, and they thought that such a
    simple man couldn’t have possibly
    protected their town like that, and
    that the message couldn’t be true.
    Sadly, those who stayed behind were
    killed that night. Rav Mordechai was
    astounded by this story and the clear
    power of Tehillim that it represented.
    He immediately took it upon himself
    to say Tehillim every single day, and
    he continued for over 25 years without

    Dear Vues Master
    Rav Shraga Freedman relates a story
    that was told to him by the Rav of a
    Shul. “One of my Mispalelim once
    found a purse in the street. It contained
    $5,000 in cash, along with some
    documents indicating that it belonged
    to a non-Jewish woman who lived
    nearby. The man called a Rav to ask
    what to do, and the Rav told him that
    it would be a tremendous Kiddush
    Hashem if he returned it to the woman.

    The Rav reminded him, ‘Keep in
    mind that your Parnasah is decreed on
    Rosh Hashanah, and no matter what
    you do, your bank account balance
    will be the same.’ After a difficult
    internal struggle, the man decided to
    return the money, and he contacted
    the stranger. The woman was moved
    when she heard that she would be
    getting her purse back, and soon after,
    she was even more impressed when
    she saw there wasn’t even a single
    dollar missing from her purse. She
    told this man that her father had just
    passed away, and the cash was for his
    burial expenses. She offered the finder
    $1,000 as a reward, and she showered
    him with blessings. The next week,
    the man received a phone call from
    his health insurance company, and
    they informed him that the company
    had decided to pay a $4,000 bill that
    they had previously been refusing
    to cover! The man recognized that
    the Hashgacha Pratis, the Divine
    Providence, was unmistakable. He
    had received exactly the amount of
    money that he had chosen to return,
    and he had gained the merit of a great
    Kiddush Hashem as well.” The Rav
    said, “I shared this story with my Shul,
    and I made it clear that this Kiddush
    Hashem was a reason for celebration,
    and it was an example that everyone
    can emulate!”

    Dear Vues Master:
    An extremist distributes a flier about
    “Zionists infiltrating the media.” A
    political activist tweets, “Nothing
    is creepier than Zionism.” A pundit
    writes about “the dirty tactics of
    Zionist censorship.” Can you
    tell which of these haters is coming
    from the political right, and which
    from the political left? The world of
    antisemitism has become so muddled
    that it’s almost impossible to tell
    one from the other. Consider: One
    of these three haters was recently
    arrested for painting the slogan
    “White Power” on synagogues. One
    co-chaired the Women’s March on
    Washington. One is a former New
    York Times correspondent and
    speechwriter for Ralph Nader. Can

    you tell which one is which? One
    of the three is a Presbyterian minister.
    One is a devout Muslim. One owns
    a Ku Klux Klan robe. Still can’t tell
    who’s who? Although these three
    bigots come from very different
    places on the political and religious
    spectrums, they have managed to
    find something in common: hatred
    of Jews, thinly disguised as hatred
    of “Zionists.” Among the most
    troubling phenomena of our time
    is the extent to which antisemitism
    has become interchangeable among
    individuals who hold starkly differing
    views on other issues, from abortion
    to immigration to civil rights. Yet
    they all hate Jews. There is no
    simple explanation for this because
    there is no simple explanation for
    antisemitism. Some bigots hate
    Jews for religious reasons, some for
    political reasons. Some focus their ire
    on Jewish philanthropists, some focus
    on Jews in the media, some focus on
    the Jewish state. And sometimes they
    focus their hate on each other. In the
    1930s, Nazi Germany and the Soviet
    Union both violently persecuted
    their Jewish citizens, even as the two
    regimes went back and forth between
    being enemies and being allies.
    The Germans oppressed Jews and
    Judaism in the name of Aryan racial
    purity, the Soviets oppressed them in
    the name of working-class solidarity.
    Even when Hitler and Stalin hated
    each other, they never stopped hating
    Jews. Leafing through the American
    Communist press in the 1930s is

    a ride on an intellectual roller-
    coaster. U.S. Communists dutifully

    followed the Soviet line, regularly
    and passionately denouncing Nazi
    Germany—until the Soviets signed
    a nonaggression pact with the Nazis
    in August 1939, at which point the
    American far left suddenly declared
    that the British, the French, and “the
    capitalist press” were the real enemy,
    to cite an editorial which appeared
    in that month’s issue of Young
    Communist Review. Two years later,
    Hitler tore up the pact and America’s

    Communists returned to being anti-
    Nazi. All the while, Jews and Judaism

    remained in the crosshairs of both
    Marxism and Nazism. Adam Braun

    is the name of the aforementioned
    extremist who was so worried about
    “Zionist infiltration” of the media and
    other institutions. He was recently
    arrested in Oregon for painting
    the slogan “White Power” on a
    synagogue. Searching his belongings,
    the police found the antisemitic flier
    as well as a Ku Klux Klan robe.
    Linda Sarsour, whose tweet fretted
    about the “creepiness of Zionism,”

    is a Muslim rights advocate and self-
    identified feminist leader. Despite

    her extremism, she remains in good
    standing in the feminist movement.
    Chris Hedges is the former Middle
    East bureau chief for the New York
    Times who rails about the “dirty
    tactics” of “Zionist censors.” He
    is also an ordained Presbyterian
    minister, and he is no outlier in the
    church when it comes to Israel. The
    Presbyterian Church USA opposes
    American aid to Israel and responded
    to October 7 by blaming both sides.
    Braun, Sarsour and Hedges are as
    different from one another as night
    from day, but they have one important
    thing in common: Hatred of Jews has
    created a bond between them that
    their disparate religious and political
    affiliations apparently cannot tear
    Rafael Medoff
    Vues Master’s Note: We all know the
    only halacha brought down by Rashi
    al HaTorah is that a Goy hates a Jew!
    End of story!

    Dear Vues Master:
    It’s not true that married men live
    longer than those who are single. It
    only seems that way.
    Vues Master’s Note: Marriage is bliss!