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    Dear Vues Master
    I just want you to know how much I enjoyed the article
    Ari Hirsch did on HaRav Moishe Tuvia Lieff shlita. We are
    very lucky to have the Rav in Flatbush.
    Vues Master’s Note: Thanks for the feedback. It was our

    Dear Vues Master
    1.. Open a new file in your PC.
    2.. Name it “Chometz.”
    3.. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN.
    4.. Empty the RECYCLE BIN.
    5.. Your PC will ask you, “Are you sure you want to delete
    Chometz permanently?”
    6.. Calmly answer, “Yes,” and press the mouse button
    7.. Feel better?
    Works every time!
    Vues Master’s Note: If it was only that easy!

    Dear Vues Master
    I often hear, if only Hashem did miracles today, I would
    believe in Him and have a relationship with Him. The
    answer is, He DOES miracles today! When you see the
    headline: “99% of 300-plus projectiles fired by Iran at Israel
    were intercepted” and you read the history of the Iron Dome
    and Israel’s missile defense program, how much scientists
    thought it was impossible to invent something that could
    respond to the trajectory and velocity of missiles and blow
    them up in the air, when you see 99% effectiveness, know,
    it is nothing short of miraculous. Yes, it was invented by
    human ingenuity and resourcefulness, but that is because
    Hashem always invites us to be His partner in making
    miracles. When you sit down for the Seder in a few days
    and talk about miracles of Hashem, don’t only refer
    to thousands of years ago, talk about the miracles that
    happened this week. Thank you Hashem! Thank you to the
    brilliant scientists and engineers in Israel! Thank you to the
    Israeli people for perseverance, tenacity and faith!
    Vues Master’s Note: There are miracles everywhere! Just
    open your eyes.

    Dear Vues Master
    We thank the Almighty, working through the IDF, for
    protecting the Jewish people from the massive attack from
    Iran. Israel is the land where the eyes of God and the world
    continue to look throughout the year (Devarim 11:12). For
    more than half a year Israel has been at war. Saturday night
    something unprecedented took place. Iran, for the first time
    in history, directly attacked Israel. The Talmud teaches us
    that a person is measured by the actions they take when they
    are in a state of anger. Make no mistake, Israel and its people
    are angry. This is the second time in six months that Israel
    has faced a large-scale attack. It is the second time in six
    months that its people have had to take shelter in their safe
    rooms and bomb shelters, this time in the middle of the night.
    The people of Israel are angry. But how do we respond? It is
    well known that Israel has the most moral army in the world
    that takes great care to avoid civilian casualties as much as
    possible. Israel is not at war with the people of Iran but with
    its tyrannical government. In this week’s Haftorah, we read
    how Israel treated one of its enemies, a military general
    named Na’aman, who even though he was attacking Israel
    came to receive medical treatment from the prophet Elisha.
    After Elisha gave him instructions on how to heal himself
    in a simplistic manner, Na’aman didn’t believe it. He didn’t
    believe that the instruction given by the Jewish leader at
    the time would heal him, especially after the leprosy that
    plagued him baffled his own healers who were powerless to
    help. After he was convinced by one of his own advisers to
    listen to Elisha, he begrudgingly carried out the instructions
    and saw that he indeed was healed. He came back to Elisha
    and offered the prophet gifts. Elisha refused the gifts not
    wanting to take any credit for the miraculous recovery,
    but reserved it only for the hand of God for it was God’s
    work and God’s actions that really healed Na’aman. So too
    today. The Almighty, working through the IDF, protected
    the Jewish people from the massive attack from Iran, as
    He made sure 99% of the drones and missiles were shot
    down. We are thankful for his intervention in guiding the
    hands of the IDF and our allies who worked together to
    stop the rockets. Our greatest hope is that the Iranian people
    will overthrow this tyrannical regime and grow to live in
    peace with Israel. Peace is what every Jewish heart desires.
    During this period of redemption when we celebrate
    Pesach we beseech the Almighty to grant us a modern-day
    redemption. Am Yisrael Chai.
    Vues Master’s Note: We have to thank HKBH for all the
    miracles we see on a daily basis.

    Dear Vues Master
    There is a great story that Rav Chayim
    Tzvi Blau wrote about Baron Rothchild.
    Baron Rothchild once made an offer to
    a few Shadchanim, and he said that the
    one that finds a good Shidduch for his
    daughter would receive great reward. All
    the Shadchanim got to work, and finally a
    possible match was found. Rothchild met
    with the father of the boy and told him, “I
    am offering to buy a nice sized apartment
    for the couple, plus an additional
    apartment so that they can rent it out for
    income, plus a monthly stipend of two
    thousand dollars which I will directly
    deposit into their account each month.”
    He kept adding more and more things that
    he would be giving the couple, and just
    as he finished, he asked the boy’s father,
    “And what will you offer?” The fellow
    responded, “I can offer you my son!”
    Rothchild replied, “No, you must offer at
    least ten thousand dollars.” The father was
    frightened by this request and exclaimed,
    “Ten thousand dollars?! I have never seen
    such money in my life!” Baron Rothchild
    said, “This is all I am asking of you. I will
    give you a few days to work it out.” The
    next day, Baron Rothchild got a knock
    on his door, and he was surprised to see
    that it was this boy’s father standing there.
    Rothchild welcomed him in and asked how
    everything was going. The man said that
    he wanted to request something of him.
    He explained, “I have a son who is a very
    fine boy, and I need ten thousand dollars
    so that I could marry him off. Would you
    be able to please help me with that?” One
    would think that this was tremendous
    Chutzpah! But Baron Rothchild loved
    the sincerity of this man, and he happily
    gave him the money with a complete
    heart! Rav Blau teaches that this story
    can be a Mashal to one’s Bitachon, trust
    in Hashem. Hashem gives us everything!
    A place to live, money to buy things, and
    life itself! Hashem gives much more than
    Rothchild was offering, and more than he
    could ever possibly offer! Hashem asks,
    “Just put your trust in Me. Have Bitachon,
    and I will shower you with Brachah,”
    as the Pasuk in Tehillim says (32:10),
    HaBo’tei’ach BaHashem, the one who
    trusts in Hashem, Chesed Yisovivenu, will
    be surrounded with Chesed. However, it’s
    really much more than that. We can even
    turn to Hashem and ask Him to help us
    that we should be strong in our Bitachon,
    and Hashem, Who gives us everything,
    will help us have Bitachon in Him as well!

    Vues Master’s Note: Make sure you say
    Ani Maamin every day.

    Dear Vues Master
    I have a problem. My father in law keeps
    on calling me a goy because I wear tefillin
    on Chol Hamoed. I saw in an article that
    the mesorah is not to wear tefillin on Chol
    Hamoed. I looked at Rashi in Mesechta
    Sukkah. It seems that he wore tefillin on
    Chol Hamoed. The Rema wore tefillin on
    Chol Hamed. I am not sure if they had
    a mesorah? Or are they doing a goyishe
    Perplexed in Flatbush
    Vues Master’s Note: I would like to know
    which Goy puts on tefillin period?

    Dear Vues Master
    I just heard a great story for Erev Pesach
    from Rabbi Elimelech Biderman Shlit”a.
    He said that Reb Ber’tze was a very
    special chassid of Reb Asher of Karlin
    zy”a. Before Pesach, he would bake his
    own matzos, and he would make his own
    wine. Everything was made with many
    chumros and great caution. One year, he
    set the table with wine and matzos etc., and
    then left for beis medrash to daven. When
    his wife passed the table, her apron caught
    on the tablecloth, and everything on the
    table – including the matzos and the wine
    – toppled over. When Reb Ber’tze came
    home, he found his wife in bed, moping
    and angry. She said, “Why weren’t you
    more careful with the matzos and with the
    wine? Why did you put them in a place
    where they can topple over so easily? It is
    your fault.” Reb Ber’tze calmly answered,
    “It wasn’t my fault, and it wasn’t yours.
    Everything is from Hashem,” and he
    picked up the matzos from the ground to
    make the seder. (Generally, his custom was
    not to eat matzos that fell on the ground,
    but he made an exception this time,
    because he realized that this was the only
    way he could restore peace in his home.)
    The next morning, Rebbe Asher of Karlin
    was repeating what happened in heaven,
    because of the sedarim of tzaddikim.
    “This tzaddik’s seder shined in the upper
    worlds… and this tzaddik’s seder was
    extremely special… But the seder of Reb
    Ber’tze was greater than all of them. No
    one reached the heights that he attained.”
    Vues Master’s Note: Controlling one’s
    temper is always one of the hardest things
    to do.

    Dear Vues Master
    There’s a well-known Pesach joke about a
    man who calls his son that I want to share
    with your readers. It’s an oldie that most
    people know, but I love it. “Son, I’m sorry
    to ruin your day but your mom and I are
    getting divorced.” “Divorced? You’ve
    been married for 45 years?! What are you
    talking about?” “Well son, we just can’t
    stand each other anymore. I need to go.
    Tell you sister. Bye” And hangs up the
    phone. The son calls his sister, tells her
    what’s going on, and they immediately
    hatch a plan. They call their father back.
    “Dad, do not do anything! We are booking
    flights and we’ll be over tomorrow to
    discuss things. In the meantime, just hang
    tight.” The father hangs up the phone,
    turns to his wife, and says, “Honey, the
    kids are coming for Pesach!”
    Vues Master’s Note: A classic. Never gets

    Dear Vues Master
    The Bad News
    This past weekend we were reminded
    that Hamas and the Palestinians are not
    the only ones who hate us and are bent
    on our destruction- Lo Echad Bilvad…
    The Good News Though our enemies
    sometimes succeed at hurting us, they
    will never be victorious- V’hi she’amda
    la’avoteinu velanu… The Mission In
    addition to fighting our enemies, let’s
    make sure to address the true core issue.
    Let’s improve ourselves in ways that merit
    the completion of our redemption. We
    won’t be able to live in true peace with
    those in this world until we make peace
    with the one above.
    Vues Master’s Note: We must constantly
    work on our emunah & bitachon.

    Dear Vues Master
    One of the most popular Google
    searches this past weekend in Israel
    was “Tehillim”. We might have
    disagreements at times. Those
    disagreements might even get heated.
    But when we know what we need to
    do, we do it. When we need to unify,
    we unify. When we need to pray, we
    pray. Last night was an unprecedented
    historic event. The world’s most
    genocidal regime took off its gloves

    and attacked. Anyone who was in Israel
    this past Shabbat knows how tense it
    was. With someone as unpredictable
    as Khamenei, we didn’t know what to
    expect. Everyone was nervous. I had a
    conversation with some friends over the
    weekend and I told them that while I
    understand their anxiety, let’s not forget
    that we have Hashem in our corner. I
    told them we know the ending and it’s
    a happy one. (For us. Not so much for
    our enemies.) I told them that the IDF is
    stronger than it’s ever been. I don’t want
    to sound too cocky here because I don’t
    think Iran is done but I will tell you one
    thing with 100% certainty. Iran did not
    expect to lose so badly. They knew we
    had the iron dome and surely they didn’t
    expect all their drones and missiles to
    hit but they absolutely did not expect a
    0% success rate. What Israel does now
    is irrelevant. We have already won.
    The man is probably lying in the fetal
    position crying that he talked such a big
    game and was shut down completely. I
    hope Israel will do what it needs to do.
    I’m sure we will. But we’ve already
    won. Nothing angers radical islamists
    more than the zionists putting them to
    shame and that’s what we did tonight. So
    let’s keep praying to Hashem. Let’s keep
    thanking the IDF. Let’s keep unifying.
    Last night, as far as I’m concerned, was
    a miracle the likes of which we haven’t
    seen since biblical times. The splitting
    of the sea, the ten plagues, and the Iran
    attacks of 2024. Miracles! Thank you,
    Vues Master’s Note: Living in America,
    the best thing we can do for our brothers
    & sisters in Israel is to daven & say
    Tehillim. Acheinu
    Kol Bais Yisrael.

    Dear Vues Master
    Most important thing right now is to do
    teshuva. Commit to being a better person.
    Commit to being on “Hashem’s team.”
    Commit to searching for the Divine
    spark within you and fanning those
    flames. Commit to taking 1 step forward.
    Hashem took us out of Egypt, He’ll get us
    out of this as well. And to all the people
    standing guard, may Hashem bless you,
    with security and the ability to fulfill your
    mission perfectly.
    בְּיָד חֲזָקָה וּבִזְרוֹעַ נְטוּיָה
    Vues Master’s Note: U’Teshuva U’Teffilah
    U’Tzedakah Maverim es Roah Hagezarah.

    Dear Vues Master
    It seems like New York has a war against working
    people since they have to bear the brunt of extremely
    high taxes and fines, as well as no qualification for
    any health insurance or other types of benefits because
    obviously they’re working right? But with the insanely
    high cost of living here and $65 on your windshield
    for sleeping in an extra 5 minutes one day, it looks
    like the middle class went the way of the dinosaur.
    Besides that they have to also pay school and camp
    tuition, is it any wonder why so many families need
    these Passover drives? Just a 2 lb box of matzah could
    already run $70. But as always it’s not the migrants
    that all these speed cameras are for since they ride all
    sorts of unmarked electric vehicles. The speed cameras
    are literally robbing people that tried so hard to make
    a living, qualify for nothing, have no spare time or
    luxury, and live to support the entire freeloading class
    invited by hochul and adams, and still struggle just as
    much as any poor person. I would actually add that
    they struggle more than the poor people because the
    poor people get just about everything here. So just
    a heads up that now that we’re done with Avenues,
    the speed cameras are making their way towards the
    residential blocks. Now we have one gracing E.16
    between n and o, east 17 between Avenues O & P,
    East 19th between K and L, East 5th between M and
    N, E.16 between King Highway and Avenue R. Why
    they even bother with all these cameras when I can
    barely seem to drive a block these days even at 5 mph
    is a good question. But hey you only have to put it up
    once and it pays for itself within a few weeks. Enjoy
    the robbery everyone.
    Vues Master’s Note: What about safety?

    Dear Vues Master
    My ten year old daughter really wants me to buy her a
    cell phone for her afikomen present. I don’t think she’s
    ready for one but everyone in her class already has.
    What should I do?
    Vues Master’s Note: Don’t spoil her. Do what you feel
    is right. You have more experience than her.

    After high school I came to Israel to study Torah in

    Yeshiva for a gap year. I was 18, American, and didn’t
    know much about the world. I had lived in a Modern
    Orthodox bubble my entire life and everyone in that
    bubble went on essentially the same path. You studied
    in high school, learned Torah for a year or two in Israel,
    you went to Yeshiva University in New York and you
    got married, started a career, had kids and repeated the
    process with your own children. I veered slightly off
    the path by staying in Israel and not going to YU after
    my two years of study. I got married quickly, started
    a family quickly, and continued my Torah studies in
    a kollel that provided the opportunity to teach. It was
    during these years that a Palestinian blew himself
    up at a Pesach Seder in a hotel in Netanya and Israel
    launched a massive operation in Jenin. Most of my
    colleagues in my Kollel were officers in the IDF (it
    was a Zionist Kollel) and they were all called up to
    serve. I was the one of the only people not serving
    that Pesach. I experienced a sort of wake up call that
    Pesach and couldn’t find a reason why I shouldn’t be
    serving. I transferred my status from “foriegn student”
    to “Israeli immigrant” and waited to be drafted. A few
    months later I received my notice and went to take
    my tests. I never heard from the IDF again. (Stop
    laughing). I wasn’t rejected or accepted. I’ve had
    different people look into my status and they’ve come
    up with blanks. I tried two more times throughout my
    life to join the IDF and neither attempt was successful.
    To my great regret, and somewhat embarrassment,
    I’ve never served a day as a soldier. I look back at
    those years and wonder why I didn’t recognize my
    responsibility to serve in the army. Was I selfish? Did I
    think because I was born in America I didn’t share the
    same responsibility as Israelis my age? I can’t answer
    these questions. I have concluded that I was wrong for
    not serving. As a Jew I had a responsibility to serve
    in the Jewish army and protect the Jewish people. My
    birth country, my citizenship, my life plans did not
    exempt me from serving my people. I try to repent for
    what I consider nothing less than a sin. I have many
    opinions on a great deal of topics, but on almost all of
    them I keep my opinion to myself. I feel if I haven’t
    expertise on the topic I shouldn’t comment. There
    are certain topics I limit my comments because I feel
    personally deficient in the area. I won’t criticize others
    for actions I myself didn’t or wouldn’t take. This is
    how I feel about the topic of serving in the army. As a
    Rabbi, an Israeli, and a Jew, I have strong opinions on
    the topic, but I didn’t serve and therefore I don’t have
    the right to comment on other people’s responsibilities
    or exemptions from serving. One could argue that
    since I’m a Rabbi, an educator, since it wasn’t my
    choice not to serve, since I live in Israel, and since my
    children serve the country, I have earned the right to
    comment. I disagree and maintain that I don’t have the
    right to express my opinion out loud.
    Vues Master’s Note: Should someone in America
    have the right to disagree with something going on in
    Israel? Same question.