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    Dear Editor:

    Obama’s facade is deliberately abating now that a new inauguration is imminent. He is gradually inching towards his genuine beliefs and it’s certainly showing. Obama is cognizant of the fact that terrorism is presiding throughout the world and in the past he has spoken about it. He has spoken against terrorism (at least in the open) because those were the U.S citizens’ expectations. But he is clearly contradicting his own words by visiting a Mosque that supports terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, Hamas etc. When I first heard about the visit, it struck me as peculiar. The prime question that haunts me prior to his leaving the White House is “is or isn’t Obama secretly a supporter of terrorist organizations”? Y.O.

    Editor’s Note: The facts speak for themselves and your point is well taken.


    Dear Editor:

    I was appalled by Obama’s nonchalant attitude toward the terrorism in Brussels. He is a self-centered terrorist with misguided views. I can’t believe that AIPAC apologized to Obama. AIPAC has strengthened the belief that if Moshe Rabbeinu would run in the Republican party and Hitler in the Democratic party, there would be some liberal Jews who would vote Democratic anyway.

    Yankel Schumacher

    Editor’s Note: Sometimes Jews are their own worst enemies.


    Dear Editor:

    None of the candidates are good for Israel. All the candidates and past presidents want is to convince Israel to agree to a bad deal with the Arabs and live in danger. Let us choose a candidate who will help the economic situation and let Israel solve its problems the best way it can and not care what America or anyone else thinks. The world will never side with Israel or Yiddin anyway.

    Phil B.

    Editor’s Note: Sometimes you have to pick the best of the worst as we need to do our hishtadlus.


    Dear Editor:

    I saw that you had some people still discussing whether you should include the TV listings or not. I have to tell you that I love your paper and because you have the listings I was able to watch a show that was just fantastic. I would not have known that it was on except for the fact that I saw it in your paper. So thank you so much for including them and do not stop doing so!


    Editor’s Note: May you have much happiness in your life!


    Dear Editor:

    I was pleased to see that this year Purim the streets were a little safer. It is nice to celebrate Purim and not have to hear about some tragedy that happened. Keep the Simcha going.

    Esther Lumnitz

    Editor’s Note: Let’s hope that Pesach brings our geulah.


    Dear Editor:

    Would you please put in an article about the laws of Pesach in The Vues? Also, are there places where I can drop off Shaimos? How about Kashering places? These are the type of listings we looking for. How about minyanim in Flatbush?

    A Yeshiva Bochur in Flatbush

    Editor’s Note: I love that idea! If anyone sends the information in to The Vues it will be posted!