07 Aug The Long and Short of Mincha
I was approached by someone who asked me to write an article about the short mincha that is davened in Yeshivos. I want to start with the proper disclaimer that no one should pasken based on this...
I was approached by someone who asked me to write an article about the short mincha that is davened in Yeshivos. I want to start with the proper disclaimer that no one should pasken based on this...
Praise of Eretz Yisroel’s greatness is seen many times in the Torah. We will discuss how this greatness impacts halacha. Chazal tell us that Eretz Yisroel is in the middle of the world. We know that the world...
The Minchas Chinuch, in mitzvah shin tzaddik bais, ois vov discusses whether one may give the value of five sla’im (coins) when it comes to redeeming a first born or...
REDEMPTION VIA PROXY In the beginning of Sefer Bamidbar, Perek Gimmel, posuk mem tes, the Torah tells us that Moshe took the redemption monies of the bechorim who were higher...
The Gemara in Eiruvin, daf mem gimmel, amud bais says that Eliyahu Hanavi will come before Mashiach to let us know that the geulah is really close. The following question is...
In Mishlei, Perek bais, posuk daled it says that if you will search for Torah like silver and jewelry you will find it; then you will understand fear of Hashem...
The mishna in Brachos, daf chof vov, amud alef says that the zman for mincha is until the evening and according to Reb Yehuda until plag hamincha. Rabbeinu Yona says...
How we treat the Torah impacts what we learn from it. The Torah in its broadest sense is a source of knowledge, a combination of divine revelation and human interpretation....
Chazal in Menachos, daf mem gimmel, amud bais says that a person must make one hundred brachos a day. This is based on the posuk “Ve’ata ...