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    The Medrash Tanchuma in Toldos 8 says that when Eisav came home from the fields he would ask questions of his father to make him seem steeped in learning. An...

    The posuk in Bereishis 23:2 says that Avraham came to be maspid Sarah and cry over her death. Reb Reuven Feinstein, at the hesped of his brother Reb Dovid Feinstein,...

    The malochim told Sarah in Bereishis 18:10 we will return in a year and she will have a child. Sarah heard the besurah from behind the door. Why did the...

    Bereishis 12:7 says that Avraham built a mizbeach to Hashem. Rashi explains that he was saying thanks for the fact that he was told that he will have children and...

    Hashem commanded Noach in Bereishis 6:22 to bring all types of food into the Teiva for you (Noach and family) and them (all animals) to eat. The Gemara in Berachos...

    The Torah in Bereishis 1:31 says that it was evening and then it was morning, the sixth day. This is the only day where the Torah adds the prefix heh to the number of the day.  The Medrash Rabba 9 quotes Rav...

    The Torah in Devarim 14:2 teaches us that a person must give one tenth of his crops for tzedaka. Chazal learn from the additional word of “kol” that a person...

    In Devarim 32:48 the posuk says that Hashem spoke to Moshe in the middle of the day. Rashi quotes the Sifri that discusses that the Torah mentions that it was...

    In Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 583 we learn that one should eat various simanim on the night of Rosh Hashana. Upon eating black-eyed peas we say, “Yehi ratzon sheyirbu zechuyoseinu.”...

    The Torah tells us in Devarim 29:9 “All Yidden are standing here before Hashem…” The Medrash says the reason why Parshas Nitzavim was placed right next to the klalos is...