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    The posuk in Parshas Noach, Perek Vov, posuk chof alef says that Hashem commanded Noach to take all kinds of food into the ark for “you and the animals to eat.” It would seem from this posuk that man should...

    Adam responds to Hashem in Parshas Bereishis, Perek Gimmel, posuk yud bais that his wife was the one who gave him from the forbidden fruit and, “I will eat some...

    The Gemara in Kiddushin, daf lamed gimmel, amud bais says that women are exempt regarding the mitzvah of tekiyas shofar since the mitzvah is a time bound mitzvah. The Shulchan...

    The posuk in Devorim, Perek Tes Zayin, Posuk Chof Alef says that one should not plant an “asheira tree” next to the mizbayach of Hashem. Rashi says that we learn from...

    Yehudah put on his tefillin one morning as he always did and upon finishing davening he noticed that he had accidentally put on his Rabbeinu Tam tefillin instead of his Rashi tefillin. Yehudah quickly took off the Rabbeinu Tam tefillin and as he was...

    Reuven was doing construction on his house. The city required him to build a temporary wall around the site. Along the wall was a door. There is no Torah obligation...

    Rashi explains the posuk that says that the clothing of Klal Yisroel did not rot for the forty years that they were in the midbar. He tells us that the...