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    The Gemara in Pesachim, daf tazddik gimmel, amud bais discusses what is considered a “derech rechoka,”(far away path) regarding a person being exempt from bringing a korban Pesach due to...

    The mishna in Avos, Perek Gimmel, mishna ches says that if one forgets his learning it is as if he is chayev misa (capital punishment.) The gemara in Menachos says...

    In the Haggada we say, “Had Hashem brought us before Har Sinai and not given us the Torah that would have been enough.” What exactly would we have gained by...

    Tosfos in Meseches Bava Metziya, daf kuf yud daled refers to the story of how Eliyahu Hanavi went and was mechaye meisim to the son of Tzarfis. Tosfos asks the following question. How was Eliyahu Hanavi able to be metamei to do techiyas hameisim if he...

    Rav Tanchuma says in the name of Reish Lakis Yerushalmi, Shavuos, Perek Alef, halacha heh that when Hashem told Moshe to be “misvadeh” his sins, Moshe began to say the...

    The Passuk in Vayikra perek yud alef passuk mem bais says that anything that slithers like a snake “Lo sachileim” (do not feed them) as they are disgusting. The Gemara in...

    Bnei Yisroel were redeemed from Mitzrayim on Pesach. The Ramban, in his psicha for Chumash Shemos, says that galus will not end until Bnei Yisroel return to their place and...

    Pesach, matza, and marror are the three main focuses of the Haggada. The Emek Bracha brings down from the Griz that when Reb Chaim Brisker would say these three things...

    The Shulchan Aruch in siman taf peh zayin, seif daled writes that we recite the complete Hallel with a bracha at the beginning and end of the first night of...