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    I. ALL THE KING’S HORSES When you give someone food, it shouldn’t be broken. Sometimes a slice or section of food is considered prepared but generally speaking, in halachah, a piece...

    What if someone renders your food non-kosher? You are cooking a meat meal and someone pours milk into it, rendering it completely forbidden. You must throw the food out and...

    I. DESECRATION Over the past few decades, the Jewish people has experienced an extraordinary number of terrorist attacks. While all evoke great pain over the loss, two stand out as carrying...

    I. ACCESS TO ERUV MATZAH Many people have their own private eruvin, structures that allow them to carry on Shabbos. They do this with one or more neighbors by ensuring the...

    Should we be careful to wear tzitzis when praying the evening ma’ariv service? Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Responsa Ma’amar Mordechai, vol. 2 no. 3) explores this question. I. TZITZIS WHILE DAVENING The argument...

    I. CREATING HOLINESS Every week, we utilize one of the greatest human powers even though it has no tangible effect. God created the world for six days and then rested on...

    Death rites are widely observed in any religion, as people look to tradition for guidance in that confusing time following a loss. Judaism demands a simple burial in the ground....

    I. Whose Revenge? Throughout the ages, many gentiles have hated Jews. We were expelled from many countries, including those which claim to be bastions of refined civilization. What can we do...

    I. Sources For A Siyum Is it a mitzvah to attend a Siyum HaShas, a celebration of completing the study of the entire Babylonian Talmud, if you have not done the...

    I. Ashkenazim and Birkas Kohanim Every day, kohanim, men of the priestly families, bless the congregation with the biblical blessings (Num. 6:24-26). At least in theory. In practice, Ashkenazic communities only...