I. Extent of the Prohibition The Gemara (Gittin 7a) asks from where we learn that music is forbidden. The Gemara answers with a few possible verses, including “Do not rejoice, Israel,...
I. Extent of the Prohibition The Gemara (Gittin 7a) asks from where we learn that music is forbidden. The Gemara answers with a few possible verses, including “Do not rejoice, Israel,...
I. Who is Driving? Driving a car is operating a dangerous weapon. An accident can cause significant financial damage and physical harm, even death. But who is responsible for the damage?...
I. Singling Out a Teaching When you say something, sometimes the loudest part is what you leave unsaid. The Gemara (Bava Basra 164b) warns against praising someone because that can lead...
Is a community or even an individual allowed to sound a siren alerting people that it is almost Shabbos? On the one hand, the noise certainly will bother someone who...
I. Identifying People We use many faculties to observe the goings on about us. When one sense is unavailable, we often use others to compensate. Even if we cannot see someone,...
A child‘s obligation to honor his parents necessarily infringes on that child’s freedom. Choosing a spouse is one of the most important decisions of a person’s life. On the one...
The Sages use different titles to refer to different levels of scholars because not all rabbis have equal authority. In order of increasing importance: Rav, Rabbi, Rabban, the scholar’s name...
It is both a privilege and an obligation to attend shul. However, sometimes a community finds it necessary to expel a member. Under what conditions is it permissible to tell...
I. Reasons for Mitzvos Everyone fulfills commandments at some point, even if only incidentally. But can the actions of an atheist or other non-believer count as mitzvos, as fulfillments of the...
I. Who May Duchen? The Torah commands kohanim, male descendants of the priestly families, to bless other Jews while raising their hands and reciting a specific formula, i.e. to duchen, to...