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    The July 21, 1969, landing on the moon was a monumental achievement for mankind, and the leading Torah scholars of the time were as impressed as everyone else in the world. They responded in a variety of ways. I....

    Teshuvah, repentance, is about returning to G-d after sin. However, it is not enough to change yourself. You also have to attempt to undo your sin, to fix what you broke. “And he shall return what he stole”...

    I. Which Charity? Many people in the Jewish community have achieved varieties of financial success, allowing them the privilege of supporting many charities. This raises questions of communal and philanthropic priorities. Others have limited charity funds but still want to allocate...

    I. Employment and Slavery The issue of drafting Israeli yeshiva students into the IDF is a perennial political topic. I would like to discuss a related topic but without any political connection. In order to survive, a country has...

    I. A Hard Day’s Night The Wall Street Journal recently published an expose on Bank of America for overworking employees. One investment banker recently died from a blood clot after working three all-nighters in a row. In response to...

    War is full of tragedy. Soldiers, civilians, society — nothing remains the same. People suffer injury, loss, death and displacement. Israelis today are experiencing not just war but trauma from the horrifically brutal October 7th attacks and the ongoing mobilization,...

    I. Four Exemptions Soldiers in the field are often pressed for time and lack access to basic necessities like water. Of course, they have to eat to sustain their strength. Must a soldier wash his hands ritually before...

    I. Prohibited Fear Fear is a normal reaction that often serves a helpful purpose of avoiding danger. However, during war, fear can endanger lives by delaying response time and impeding important actions. The Torah seems to forbid fear during wartime....

    After the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7, there was a sudden burst of interest in tzitzis. So many people, particularly soldiers, wanted to start wearing tzitzis that there was a severe shortage. Based on the sudden demand, the...

    I. Allowing a Sin Most religious Jews are raised and educated in a like- minded environment with schoolmates and friends from a similar background. Depending on the family and community, religious Jews have some exposure to non-religious Jews. Often, the...