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    I. Dueling Mountains and Dueling Rabbis As we approach Shavuos, we can consider how technology has changed our perception of Torah expertise. Midrashic tradition teaches that when God was choosing on...

    The Neki’ei Ha-Da’as of Jerusalem appear a few places in rabbinic literature, always with strict practices that seem to have become normative over time. Who were they and how binding...

    Over the past few years, non-religious Jews have been rediscovering Shabbos. The intrusion of mobile technology into our lives creates a constant state of being busy. Many are realizing that...

    The blessing of a righteous person has a place of pride in Jewish tradition, even if it is currently taken to extremes in certain circles. Shimon Peres has famously credited...

    An interesting article raised the question of whether you may schedule e-mails or social media updates to occur on Shabbos. For example, I can post to my website and schedule the essay...

    I. Washing for Bread The Sages decreed that we must wash our hands ritually before eating a meal, as defined by including bread. This washing is done by pouring water from...

    I. Candy Wrappers Parents of small children face a dilemma every Shabbos. Writing and erasing are separate Shabbos prohibitions on a biblical level, consisting of the opposite of each other. What...

    The Gotta Go app allows you to program excuses in advance. With the press of a button, you can active time-delayed texts and/or phone calls that will interrupt your uncomfortable...

    Who should be our Torah role models from history? Put differently, what characteristics of the great Torah leaders of the past should serve as our guides? Every individual teaches many...

    I was asked about shoveling snow on Shabbos. This is a question that you need to ask your rabbi, but I′ll discuss the issues without drawing a conclusion.   I. Muktzah One issue is...