I. ACCESS TO ERUV MATZAH Many people have their own private eruvin, structures that allow them to carry on Shabbos. They do this with one or more neighbors by ensuring the...
I. ACCESS TO ERUV MATZAH Many people have their own private eruvin, structures that allow them to carry on Shabbos. They do this with one or more neighbors by ensuring the...
Our thirst for Torah has limits. We treat learning as a sanctified activity and therefore restrain our activities to ensure we use appropriate sources and texts. Are there some Torah...
I. Special Power of Learning Torah We have not offered the Temple sacrifices in nearly 2,000 years but we continue fulfilling those mitzvos through our ongoing study of their laws. Does...
I. Identifying People We use many faculties to observe the goings on about us. When one sense is unavailable, we often use others to compensate. Even if we cannot see someone,...
I. What’s In a Surname? Last names serve to identify an individual with greater specificity. There may be many men named Yosef ben Ya’akov in the marketplace but Yosef ben Ya’akov...
I. Reasons to Deviate Rav Yosef Karo (16th cen., Israel; Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 676:1) says that the first bracha on Chanukah lights is: “le-hadlik ner Chanukah, to kindle Chanukah light.”...
We recently discussed the custom in some place to respectfully burn sacred books (sheimos) that become worn out or otherwise unneeded. This practice was forbidden by most authorities, with one...
Jonathan Pollard is now a completely free man, having finished last Friday his five years of parole following 30 years in jail after pleading guilty to spying on the United...
What do you do with sacred books (sheimos) that become worn out or otherwise unneeded? Technology has given the question more weight. With so many newspapers, handouts and printouts, the...
The passing of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l leaves thousands if not millions of people of faith — Orthodox and non-Orthodox, Jewish and gentile — mourning their teacher and source...