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    We bentch Gomel (recite the “Gomel” blessing) on being saved from a dangerous situation. How does that apply to Coronavirus? Arguably, everyone in the world is in a potentially life...

    Most of us have missed the weekly Torah readings since March 21 (Vayakhel-Pekudei), some even from March 7 (Tetzaveh). When the time comes to return safely to shul, do we...

    I. PESACH, DAVEN AND BENTCHING  In the current phase of the C oro n av i r u s pandemic, all shuls around the world are closed and nearly every Jew...

    As we contend with the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, we pray, we learn and we grow as Jews. In the past, people saw epidemics as divine punishment. However,...

    While we have lived through multiple pandemics (SARS, Ebola, AIDS to name a few), most of us have not experienced it as personally and directly as we are with Coronavirus....

    Throughout history, epidemics have caused death and disruption in varying scales, some massive but most local. Why do they happen and how should we respond? As would be expected of...

    I. SHOULD YOU FLEE? While the currently growing epidemic of Coronavirus is not dangerous for most people who are not in high risk categories, we can still ask whether any epidemic...

    I. GIVING ON PURIM The observance of Purim includes, among its commandments, Mishlo’ach Manos — sending at least two different items of food to a friend. You only need to give...

    I. HOLY PROFITS People are motivated to do good for many reasons, among them — but hopefully not primary — is the promise of divine reward. Can that reward be sold...

    I. ALL THE KING’S HORSES When you give someone food, it shouldn’t be broken. Sometimes a slice or section of food is considered prepared but generally speaking, in halachah, a piece...