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    Last week we began discussing R. Meir Kahane’s approach to revenge in his Or Ha-Ra’ayon. I. GODLY REVENGE The Rambam (Moreh Nevukhim 1:54) writes that biblical descriptions of God›s anger and vengeance...

    Over the past few weeks, we have discussed R. Meir Kahane’s approach to democracy in his Or Ha-Ra’ayon, in comparison with Rishonim, Acharonim and contemporaries. Continuing this study of his...

    I. DEMOCRACY IN JEWISH HISTORY For the past two weeks, we have discussed R. Meir Kahane’s view of democracy, as presented in his book, Or Ha-Ra’ayon. R. Kahane suggests of appointing...

    I. COMMENTING ON THE BIBLE Last week, we began discussing R. Meir Kahane’s view of democracy, as presented in his book, Or Ha-Ra’ayon. As we noted, R. Kahane failed to discuss Shmuel’s...

    A number of years ago, a follower of Rav Meir Kahane HY”D sent me the rabbi’s posthumously published magnum opus, Or Ha-Ra’ayon, with a request that I review it publicly...

    Generally speaking, does a man or a woman want to get married more? While every person is an individual, they often follow similar attitudes that allow for generalizations. Conventional wisdom,...

    I. NON-LINEAL AMALEK Why is Haman considered an Amalekite? A Brisker explanation can provide a different understanding to this question. In Mishneh Torah (Hilchos Melachim 5:4), the Rambam writes that we...

    Since we recently experienced a significant snowfall, it is worthwhile to review some of the ideas of snow removal on Shabbos. First and foremost, people need to be careful. If...

    I. ACCEPTING DANGER Are you permitted or forbidden to enter a dangerous situation? The Gemara (Shabbos 32a) states that you are forbidden to enter a dangerous situation and rely on a...

    How much should Judaism change to accommodate those who cannot abide its rules? When someone claims that the Torah’s laws may drive them to suicide, does this threat to life...