20 Dec The Shape of the Menorah
I. Maimonides and the Menorah The exact shape of the menorah that was used in the Temple is, to a degree, a matter of debate. In particular, the shape of the branches...
I. Maimonides and the Menorah The exact shape of the menorah that was used in the Temple is, to a degree, a matter of debate. In particular, the shape of the branches...
I. Whose Oil? Around 150 years ago, a Warsaw rabbi attempted to introduce a new chumra, a stringency regarding Chanukah lights. The reason for rejecting his proposal offers insight into the nature...
I. Changing Times We publicize the miracle of Chanukah each night of the holiday by lighting oil or candles at the beginning of the night. For how long must those lights...
Before leading bentching, the grace after meals, the leader typically requests permission from others more worthy to lead. The standard formula is: “With permission of our masters, our teachers and my teachers.“...
I. Teaching Torah Grandparents fulfill a unique mitzvah by teaching their descendants Torah. The Gemara (Kiddushin 30a) offers someone named Zevulun ben Dan as an example of the highest level of parental Torah...
I. Celebrity Selfies This past Motza’ei Shabbos, Jewish social media was buzzing because a famous non-Jewish comedian posted a selfie with Jewish students walking in Manhattan, with a note that they could...
I. To Respond or Not To Respond? The Bible expresses two competing concerns about religious debates in successive verses. On the one hand, “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest...
I. Preaching and Change Rabbis speaking in the local language, e.g. German or English, was once denounced as forbidden but now is commonplace. Some people mistakenly conclude that if rabbis forbid...
God is just, merciful and fair. Why, then, are we told that saying something bad–opening our mouths to Satan–can cause bad things to happen? Why should a just God punish...
Does the prohibition against washing dirty clothes on Chol Ha-Mo’ed, the intermediate days of the holiday, still apply today when doing laundry is relatively quick and easy?1 In theory, washing laundry...