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    The Gotta Go app allows you to program excuses in advance. With the press of a button, you can active time-delayed texts and/or phone calls that will interrupt your uncomfortable...

    Who should be our Torah role models from history? Put differently, what characteristics of the great Torah leaders of the past should serve as our guides? Every individual teaches many...

    I was asked about shoveling snow on Shabbos. This is a question that you need to ask your rabbi, but I′ll discuss the issues without drawing a conclusion.   I. Muktzah One issue is...

    Contrary to common opinion, the traditional Jewish greeting of “Shalom aleichem” is not a wish for peace. It is a fulfillment of the ancient enactment to greet others with God’s...

    A perennial challenge to communal unity has been the question of whether Jewish Community Centers should be open on Shabbos. This raises a number of interesting historical and halakhic issues. For...

    As a thought experiment, I was wondering what Jewish law would say about Jedi powers. Of course, this is all fiction but theoretical exercises can also serve as Torah study....