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    In Vayikra 12:3 the posuk tells us that on the 8th day one should have a Bris. Would a Mohel be allowed to walk out of the tchum in order...

    In Vayikra 9:22 the posuk tells us that Aharon lifted his hands and bentched Klal Yisroel. The Gemara in Sotah 38a says that we learn from the word “Ko“ that...

    The Shulchan Aruch in siman taf peh zayin, seif daled writes that we recite the complete Hallel with a bracha at the beginning and end of the first night of...

    In Vayikra 5:23 the posuk teaches us that one should return an item that he or she stole. What happens if a person stole and then paid the money back,...

    In Shmos 38:8 the posuk teaches us that the Kiyor was made out of copper that was originally used by the women as mirrors in Mitzrayim. The Rambam in Hilchos...

    In Shmos 30:12 the posuk teaches us that when counting the Jewish people, one must count them by collecting a coin from each person and the coins are then counted....

    The Pri Megadim 695 says that one has to educate his son in the mitzvah of mishloach manos. It stands to reason that the same obligation would apply to matanos...

    The Rema 695 says there is a mitzvah to be marbeh in seudas Purim. Any meal a person eats on Purim that is lichvod Purim is included in the above...

    In Shmos 22:24 the posuk discusses the concept of lending money. The Mechilta writes that whenever the Torah uses the word “im” it is optional, except in this posuk about...

    In Parshas Yisro we see the topic of respecting your father and mother so that you merit to live a long life. The Chinuch in Mitzvah 33 says that the...